Chef Peepee x Mothery! Maid! Reader PT. 1

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The day Bowser hired you to work with his chef, Chef Peepee, was the worst and best day of your life....and here is why..


   You knocked on the door happily to your new work. Well, it was really the home of two different families, and the reason you even got this job is because you were desperate. Your boss, Bowser, met you at a restaurant one day with his son, and asked about a job after hearing you complain to a friend about being fired.
   He said his Chef was doing poorly and will need your help. But, you were a maid, not a cleaner! So why did you get the job? You were desperate, as said.
   The door suddenly opened, and a little boy, the son of Bowser, appeared. "Hey, guys! Are ya'll-! Hey! Your not my friends!" He complained. You smiled sweetly at him, already winning his heart.
   It was easy for you, since you were... attractive. It's true. You were able to win every heart just by smiling!
   'This was going to be easy' You thought as he let you in. He ruffled his hair, that was in a ponytail, for a few seconds as if you were saying 'Thank you.' His face tented red as you did this, and he seemed disappointed when you stopped.
   He walked away, half up the stairs. Then, I asked, "Excuse me, what is your name?" I asked politely. He turned to me, taking a step down the stairs. "Uhh....J-Jr." You thought his stuttering was kinda cute, especially coming from a child.
   "Why, hello there, Jr. I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N. Do you mind giving me a tour of this home?" I ask sweetly and formally. He seemed confused, looking as if he didn't really want to.
   "A-Alright, just, uh, come here!" He said loudly. I chuckled at him as I walked over, still smiling sweetly. He looked at my face for a few seconds while his face grows red.
   "A-Anyway...." he said as he grabbed my hand, running up the steps.
   He showed me all the rooms, especially his toy room. He invited me to play with him and his friends later. Such a sweetheart~
   As I walked into the kitchen, a knock was heard. Jr came running down the steps, yelling, "That most be my friends!" He ran past me as he open the door, smiling at them. They came in; they looked the same age as Jr.
   A little boy with a blue hat and gown on, and glassed that hid is eyes walked in with a Ken doll. Another little boy that looked like a turtle came in as well. He had green shoes on, and that was it.
   "Y/N, I want you to meet my friends!" Jr yelled happily as he grabbed my sleeve, looking at his friends. The turtle's face turned slightly pink as he waved.
   "The turtle-looking guy is Joseph, and the gay one is Cody!" Jr said as he pointed at them. I was shocked when he called the little boy holding Ken gay...
   "Jr, don't you find it a little rude to call your friend, Cody, that?" I asked as I knelt down to him. He looked confused. Cosy spoke up. "Well...I really am gay, so..."
   I nodded in understandment as I stood back you straight. "Hello, Ms, uh... what's your name?" Joseph asked. "My name is Y/N! It's nice to meet you boys!" I said happily as I held out my arms, asking for a welcoming hug.
   Cody seemed to like hugs, seeing as he run up to me, hugging me. I closed my eyes and hugged back. Jr crossed his arms and Joseph seemed upset.
   "What about us!?" Jr yelled. "Yeah!?" Joseph agreed.
   "Well, come in!" I said happily as I held out an arm for them. They slowly hugged me, blushing.
   After a few seconds, I let go and stood back up. "Don't worry, Jr. I'll play with all soon." I said calmly as I smiled with my eyes closed at them. Jr nodded, running away with Cody and Joseph.
   'Such sweet kids...' I thought as I walked over to the sink, observing the dirty dishes inside. Suddenly, a sinister laugh was heard. I knew it was Bowser, so I turned to face him with a kind smile.
   "So, your first day on the job, huh? Did you meet my son yet!?" He suddenly yelled. I nodded, "Yeah, and what a sweet boy he is!"
   Bowser smirked a little. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now, my chef will be back from the store soon, so, ah, just get a few things done for him until he comes back. And if you finish early, meet me in my room!" He yelled as he stormed away. Funny, I swore I saw blush on his face as he left.
   'Tsundere...' I thought as I turned in the sink, starting to clean.

About 20 minutes later, I cleaned the entire kitchen! I smiled proudly at myself as I took a look around, checking to make sure all was clean. I heard crying come from upstairs, and my motherly side kicked in. As fast as Sonic, I ran into Jr's play room, seeing what happened.
   The window was broken... I stared blankly at the smashed window, then stared at the kids. Joseph and Cosy pointed at Jr, and Jr pointed at Joseph.
   As Jr looked around, knowing he would get blamed, he started crying again. "Please don't tell my Dad! He'll best me!" He begged. I giggled softly, walking over to the crying boy. I sat down next to him, putting him in my lap, and wrapping my arms around him.
   "Don't worry...I won't tell...infact, I'll blame myself." They looked at me with wide eyed. Jr started to get freaked out.
   "What!? But he'll fire you and you're the closest thing to a Mom I've ever had! I can't have you disappear!" He cried. I giggled again.
   "I'm new, and usually people forgive the newbies," I said softly to him. Joseph sat besides me, leaning on me. Cody did the same. I started humming "My only sunshine" as I closed my eyes, rocking back and forth slightly.
   A fee minutes pasted and I was about to fall asleep myself. I opened my eyes to find them all asleep! I blushed at how cute they looked as I smiled brightly.
   I lifted Jr off my lap, setting him down in front of me. I slowly moved Cody and Joseph off of me as I carefully stood up.
    I picked up Jr and carried him to his room, setting him on his bed. I did the same with Joseph and Cody, but putting Joseph on the end of the bed and Cody on a little bed I made for him next to Jr's bed.
   I turned off the lights and left the door while closing the door behind you. I started downstairs, hearing yelling.

   "Chef PeePee, you are going to let her cook this time!" | "But I'm the chef Bowser, and she's just a maid! Maids clean, bot cook!" | "Not this time!" I sighed at the yelling, entering the kitchen. Bowser and...
   I blushed as you looked at him. You guessed this was the chef they were talking about... Bowser waved at me, telling me to come over. Chef PeePee turned to face me, and his face turned a tended red.
   You walked over to Bowser, smiling at Chef PeePee as you blushed. He waved.
   "Now, Chef PeePee, you are going to let Y/N cook tonight, alright!? And that's an order!" He yelled as he stormed off again.
   Chef PeePee sighed as he looked down.
   "Hello, I-I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N," I stuttered. He nodded, soaking my name into his memory. "I'm Chef PeePee..." He replied awkwardly. We just stood there for a few seconds.
   I walked over to the fridge, looking through the items inside.
   "Did Bowser say what he wanted?" I asked. "Yeah, but...he usually asks for a lot, so I could help. He said he wanted chicken, meatloaf, spaghetti, toast, and a milkshake..." He answered.
   I thought that was outrageous, but nodded. I pulled out items nessissary and started cooking.

   An hour later of cooking, Chef PeePee unable to help because Bowser caught him, came by. I finally finished as Browser walked in. He walked over to the food, licking his lips.
   "Good job, Y/N! It actually smells and looks decent!" He complimented.
   "Aww, thank you, Bowser!" I replied happily. I grabbed Bowser's hand and sat him down random. He looked like he was going to yell at me for moving him, but he didn't.
   I walked over to the food, putting some on the plate and giving it to Bowser.
   "Thank you for wanting to try my cooking! Anyway, I should inform you that earlier, I...was playing with your son and... Well,  I tripped on a ball and..."
   He took a bite out his food. A smile crept onto his lips as he turned to face me, cutting me off.
  "Y/N, this is the best food I've ever tasted!" He complimented. You smiled at him again.
   "Why, thank you sir, but, I really should tell you thay-" I was cut off by a scream. A few seconds later, I heard Chef PeePee yelling. I ran upstairs, Bowser behind me. I saw Chef PeePee yelling at Jr for breaking the window, Jr crying. It hurt me to see him like this, so I stepped in.
   I grabbed Jr, hugging him. Chef PeePee was taken aback, but I didn't mind.
   "There is no need to yell at this child for doing something he did not!" I yelled. Bowser gasped loudly at the sight of the window. "Then who did it!?" He screamed.
   "I did! I tripped on a ball, launching it at the window, breaking it!" I yelled, lying. Jr cried more.
   "Dad, please don't fire her! She's like a mother to me!" Jr cried. Bowser's face turned red, and Chef PeePee glared at me.


To be continued....

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