Black Yoshi x Child! Reader

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*As you probably know, this includes death, blood, language, and more*

Would you guys be interested in my OC x Reader? It's a possibility.  .  .
This didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, so I may rewrite this in the future.

Word Count: 1059
Length: Short
Time Taken: One Day
Rating: 3/5


Reader POV

     I hugged my teddy bear to my chest as I roamed the ghetto streets. Someone had shot my only living parent, killing him instantly. Although I feared for my life, I couldn't help but be... interested. Taking another's life was something I had never considered, even if I was an open-eyed 7 year old.

     The person who killed my father somehow didn't notice me, so I escaped the area. I don't know where my home is, so I didn't have a choice but to walk. I was afraid, but not afraid at the same time. It was like I was completely unable to control my emotions, making it impossible to emote.

     I huffed once I heard yelling from around the corner. Though, a mischievous smile somehow appeared on my face. I stopped and listened to what was going on, growing curious.

     The next thing I know, I poked my head from around the corner, seeing the full view. I see a dolphin and a yoshi talk about selling something, but I didn't understand all they were saying. Possibly, I can pay some kind of dept for a place to stay, right? That's what my Mom did. So maybe it will work for me!

     I giggled and held my bear closer to my chest as I appeared around the corner. I started walking silently towards the two. They were facing away from me, so getting unnoticed would be easy.

     I looked at the yoshi. He seemed fimiliar. . . . Possibly a friend of my Dad. He had black skin and a red shell, along with red shoes and a noticably large, gold chain. The dolphin somehow stood on land, confusing me. It had large black coat on, and nothing else.

     I giggled silently, before reaching out to the yoshi. I touched it's shell slightly, making him suddenly scream. His scream sounded like a girl, making me laugh hard. The yoshi turned around to face me, looking like he was going to have a heart attack. The dolphin started laughing, too, somewhat.

     The yoshi grew mad, as he yelled, "Yo, folk, why'ds you be sneak'esist up's on's me'esis?!"

     I giggled again, showing him my teddy bear.

     "TB/N told me it would be funny! So I did it!" I giggled. He growled and crossed his arms, and the dolphin then grew serious.

     "Alright, kid. Now, who the hell are you and why are you hear?" The dolphin asked. I cocked my head to the side, not knowing how to answer.

     "Well, I'm Y/N L/N, and I'm here because-!" As I was trying to answer, the Yoshi suddenly spoke up.

     "Oh, I's know you'd, Y/N! You's D/N's kid'esis!" He said, nodding for some reason. I nodded, then frowned. I looked down.

     "Yeah. Unfortunately, my dad is...shot. He died... And now, I don't have a place to stay, which is why I came here. When my Dad would hurt my Mom, she would pay people so she can stay the night and do things. And...I wanted to see if I can do whatever she did so I have somewhere to stay," I sighed.

     The dolphin seemed like he was about to laugh. Confused, I looked up to him. I opened my mouth to say something, but the Yoshi interrupted.

     "You's gon' be a prostitute?" He asked, cocking his head. I was confused, not knowing what that word was. I sighed.

     "I never caught your name, yoshi," I changed the subject.

     "Oh's, It be Black Yoshi's is," he informed. I nodded.

     "Ohz, and, ah, dolphin-on's-land's-whatja-McDonald-crack-call-it, Y/N'esis be with me. She good," Black Yoshi said. I looked up at the yoshi as he grabbed my shoulder protectively.

     I then looked up at the dolphin, jumping when I suddenly saw him put a hand gun away. Was he going to shoot me before Black Yoshi said anything? I shrugged it off, minding my teddy bear.

     I heard him whisper, making me giggle. Black Yoshi let go of me, and glanced at me while I was giggling between speaking with the loan dolphin. Actually, I'm just gonna call him Dolphin.

     As TB/N talked to me, I kept on giggling. Dolphin then growled, turning to me with an odd expression. It scared me, but it was also hilarious. It was like having your hand inside a puppet, and where it's mouth is, then suddenly having your fist clinched.

     "Why do you keep-!" Though, Dolphin was cut off by Black Yoshi.

     "Ai, ai, settle's down's now. Goo' busyness with's chu, and we'll be on's our way'esis now's," Black Yoshi said as he started walking off, with me.

     Later, he showed me his home, which he lived with many people. As soon as I walked in, a came face to face with a turtle.

     "Um. . .hello?" I said to the turtle as he played with his friends. He looked at me, smiling and waved before heading off with his friends. I hope I can join their group one day. . .

     Black Yoshi walked into the Living Room, so I trailed behind him. He showed me how to play Call Of Duty, as it was VERY NESSISSARY if I was going to stay with him.

     I didn't know why he saved me. He acted like I knew why, so I just shrugged it off. I came to reliese that even if Black Yoshi was stealthy and a master at shooting, I was smarter than him. I would tease him about that, but he threatened to unadopt me if I continued.

     Eh, it could be worse. Mario takes me to school, and Jr and Jeffy are like brothers to me. They actually let me talk to them, and they talk to me as if I was their therapist. It was cute in a way.

     I found out that my father was killed because he had a love relationship with the girlfriend of the shooter. I hate to admit it, but my Dad deserves it.

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