Jeffy x Shy! Reader

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Art by FunnyUniCat790 on SML Amino!


Requested by Xxcreek_fangirl34xX
Let my know if I put something you didn't like in the story, since I changed it a little!

Reader POV

       I couldn't help but stare at the odd boy near me, in the park. His father, Mario, watched him with a bored expression. What a bad father...He doesn't realize all the portential Jeffy had!
       I sighed as the boy known as Jeffy got off the swings. I blushed when Jeffy looked at me. I started shaking, unable to move anything else. Luckily, Jeffy just smiled at me and walked over to his Dad. I sighed in relief as he left. A small smile appeared on my face as I chuckled slightly, mentally scolding myself for being scared.
        I stuff my my hands into my [F/C] hoodie and sighed again. I walked away from where Jeffy was, thinking he went over to his Dad because he wanted to leave. Or because he saw me. How pathetic of me to believe he'd come over to talk, play, or anything. I giggled sadly as I closed my eyes, still walking.
        I hummed a song my Mom used to sing to me when I was younger as I walked. It was peaceful. Too peaceful. Surely something would go on....  But I decided not to think of it.
        I suddenly heard a familiar yell. I snapped my eyes open and turned towards the yell. I gasped when I saw Jr and Cody getting pushed around by the one person kids hate the most: Bully Bill. ((Bully Bill is human is this, but still keeps some characteristics.))
       I growled, revealing a small amount of anger. Part of me wanted to run away, while the other part told me to attack. Although I hated to say it, I didn't really want to attack for a small reason: I was dating Bully Bill. How did someone like me end up like this? Well. . .

        A little kindergartner, named Y/N, walked aimlessly around the school playground. She had no friends, almost no family. She felt. . .empty. Though, one day, a little boy walked over to her.
        He was two months older than Y/N. He played with her randomly, then became 'friends' with her. She started to crush on him, and one day confessed. He accepted. Months later, he revealed his true, dark side. He started to hurt her, abuse her. She'd cry, but he didn't care.

        A small of confidence appeared on my face as I charged at Bully Bill from behind. Cody gasped quietly as I impact onto to him. A look of pure anger appeared on Bill's face as he slowly turned to me. I punched him in the back once before standing up.
        I felt fear rise among me as I took steps back. Bill slowly but intimatingly walked over to me. I felt like my life was about to end once I hit a tree. I closed my eyes, tears threatening to fall, which they did, as he came closer. I felt something grabbed onto my throat before being slapped. 
          My face burned and I whined in pain, tears continuing to fall. "You fucking bitch! I will fucking kill you if you do shit again!" Bill threatened.Junior growled as he tried stepping stopping Bill, to which Bill acted negativity against. He turned to face Jr and Cody and raised he fist in the air, singling he was about to try to break Junior's nose.
         Suddenly, a yell was heard and came close quickly. It was Jeffy. Bill's eyes widened in fear as he released be was fucked at this point. Jeffy charged at Bill and tackled him. Bill grunted as he hit the ground, but he didn't have time to react as Jeffy started punching him in the face I've and over again.
         Bill screamed in pain and agony. It scared you when you started to see blood spots on Jeff's fist as he punched Bill more. Then, he started speaking in syllables.
         "THIS IS FOR JR!" Jeffy yelled as he punched Bill harder then all the others. Bill screamed in pain, unable to get up, as Jeffy had him pinned on the ground. Jeffy punched him again at the same strength as the last punch.
         "THIS IS FOR FRIEND AND CRUSH'S FRIEND!" Jeffy shouted. Bill screamed again; he had black eyes and his mouth and nose were bleeding.
          "AND THIS IS FOR MY CRUSH, AKA SOON-TO-BE-GIRLFRIEND!!" And with that, Jeffy punched Bill so hard that Bill passed out. Blood streamed through many part of Bill's face. Me, Jr, and Cosy watched in horror at all that was happening.
          Jeffy stood up and took breaths to calm him down. I hesitated to walk up to Jeffy, as did Jr and Cody. I still cried and stung, but I did my best to smile. I hugged Jeffy from behind, causing him to tense before calming down completely shortly after.

         After all this, I found out Jeffy had a crush on me. It took a long time, but I confessed to Jeffy that I felt the same way. We started dating, Bill whined about it constantly. Other than Jeff's anger issues, he was perfect.
       We ended up growing up together and had a family of our own. Due to Jeffy being the son of a famous painter, we were millionaires. Not to mention Jeffy becoming a famous painter himself. Me, I became a famous musician.
       Our beautiful daughter had a talent for art, as did her parents. Our son had a talent for music. If there was a word to describe my family, it would be perfect. Absolutely perfect.

       Oh! I forgot to mention my lovely niece, Bella! She's the daughter of Roselina and Mario, and became very close to me. Bella is a pretty gal with a talent in science. She's top of her school in science, and can beat anyone in astronomy.

       Oh, my gods. . .if only I could describe all that I loved with my life. . . Though, that would be too long of a story, wouldn't it? For now, I must say goodbye, and have fun reading the next one-shot! It's gonna be Black Yoshi X Mario's Sister! Reader!
After that, I might write a Cody x Reader. Do you have any suggestions/requests? Let me know in the comments!

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