chapter three

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When Jasper opened his front door he wasn't expecting to be greeted with a grin so large that it resembled the largest building in the world - if that so said building was horizontal, light olive with curly brown hair, and a blinding white. Ronan rocked on his heels as he gazed at Jasper, his almond eyes bright with excitement.

"Guess what day it is".

Jasper smirked. "Uh, hump day?"

"Yeah, but that's not what I mean". Ronan grabbed both of Jasper's shoulders and shook him back and forth. "It's swimming tryouts, man! Three weeks till the day we can actually do something we like for the rest of our high school lives!"

Ronan stopped shaking Jasper, but barely gave him time to recover from the rapid movement of his body, he wrapped his arm around Jasper's shoulders roughly and pulling him along his side. For a scrawny kid, Ronan was pretty strong.

"Can you see it, J?" Ronan held up his free hand waving it once across the morning sky. "Ronan Behl and Jasper Gardens are powerhouses of the Lakeview High School male swimming team; a duo of Olympic proportions!" Ronan's face reflected the rising sun, bright and too impatient for the day ahead.

"Your imagination runs wild too often".

Ronan stopped walking and shrugged. "Well, it's not a bad thing, Jasper, to have an imagination. Sometimes it helps to stay sane".

Jasper blinked at Ronan.

"I know it keeps me sane..." Ronan's voice trails off.

The silence soon became awkward, both boys standing there with wide eyes.

"Anyway", began Ronan, busting the bubble of embarrassment, "let's head to the bus stop quickly. I think starting off the day with a good seat will bring us luck".

Not daring to ask, or let alone wonder what a bus seat will do to bring luck, Jasper silently followed Ronan up the sidewalk. He listened as Ronan went on and on about getting discovered and asked to be part of the U.S Olympic swimming team, but at the same time didn't. He's heard it all before. When Jasper first met Ronan at summer camp two summers ago, the first thing he learned about him was his love of swimming. He'd boast a bit about how great he was, causing Jasper to test that theory by challenging Ronan. Agreeing hold-heartedly, both boys, in the midst of their mischievous plan, sneaked out of the cabin they shared and ran down the path to the lake nearby. The glowing moon reflected off the dense dark waters, slivers of its shine dancing with the waves.

"Good luck", Jasper whispered to Ronan.

Scoffing, Ronan replied with a cocky, "Like I'll need it", and began to strip off his clothes excluding his underwear. Once both were undressed, only in their underpants, they shook hands. They leaned forward, arms slightly loose at their sides and knees bent in a ready stance.

"See that tree back there?"

Jasper nodded.

"We'll swim there and back. Deal?"

"Deal". Jasper huffed. "On my mark, one..."


"Three!" Both boys dived into the water with grace, glazing against the soft currents with ease. Jasper couldn't tell who was in the lead, but in the midst of the challenge he found that he didn't care anymore. His love for swimming didn't narrow down to competing; he only did it for the love of it. By the time he came to the tree and back, Ronan still wasn't back but was taking slow glides. Jasper watched from the dock, slipping his shirt back on. It was five minutes later till Ronan finally made it back. Jasper could see the disappointment in Ronan's shadowed face and posture.

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