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"That mangu was terrible, my moms is much better." I say to Liz. We see Shmean as are leaving the dining hall.

"it was my first time making it! Besides your moms cooking is better than anyones. That standard is too high for me." Liz responds.

"Yeah, she is better than my Grandma and she's pretty jung great." Shmean adds.

She is right, my mom is the star chef of the family. My heart drops at the thought of her. We were on our way home yesterday when we got into the accident. She must be worried sick.... I look over at Shmean and see her face drop as well.

"Hey... its okay" Liz says, noticing the shift in our mood.

I walk silently, wondering when i'll see my family again. What if I never see them again after this whole imprinting situation. My eyes start to well up from the thought of never seeing my family again. Liz moves closer to us.

"Come on, lets go back to our cabin." Liz says so we can get some privacy.

We pick up our pace to get back to our cabin so we don't draw to much attention to ourselves. When we get there I can't help but let go of the tears I was holding in. Liz hugs Shmean and I in an effort to comfort us.

"Talk to me, what are you thinking?" Liz ask.

"The last time I spoke to my mom I was fighting with her over airpods! I'm worried I will never see my family again, and I don't want our last memory together to be so negative." I finally respond when I regain some of my composure.

Lowkey, I still want those AirPods though.

"My relationship is so tense with my family. I don't want to leave things where they were." Shmean says quietly, as if she's afraid to say it out loud.

"You will, I promise you. If staying with one of these guys means you can never see your family again, then we will find a way out of here." Liz sincerely.

"How can you promise that? You don't know for sure if we will be able to find a way out if we need to." I say stubbornly.

"We are Placencia's, we always find a way. If there isn't a way to be found, we will make one. I will make sure that we will be okay. You, Leandra, and me will be okay no matter what. I cousin swear to both of you" Liz says as she stick both pinkies out.

A cousin swear, in our family, is like a pinky swear, but we can't break them. You can only cousin swear three times a year, so you have to be serious. We kiss our own thumbs then link our pinkies together. Then we press our thumbs together. I feel better knowing we have each others back no matter what.

There is a knock at the door. Liz goes to open it and Seungcheol is standing there.

"Hey... Do you think I can talk to Kayleen?" He asks with worry in his voice. Liz raises an eyebrow at him then nods. He is actually wearing clothes this time.

"You've been crying." Seungcheol states when I step outside.

"I saw you rush into your cabin earlier. I didn't want to barge in so I gave you some time to be alone. Will you walk with me?" he asks me hopefully.

I nod and we go to the edge of the woods. We walk down a path in silence. I look over at Seungcheol and see he's thinking hard. He notices me staring and blushes a bit.

"Are you okay?" He asks me.

"I'll be okay, I have my family by my side." Is all I say, not wanting to reveal too much. He visibly relaxed at that. I'm not sure if its from me having my cousins or if he thinks I'm referring to him. Whatever the reason is I will leave it at that. I do not want to see him so worried.

He slips his hand into mine. His hands are so big and firm. Regardless of the cold fall air around us, I feel myself heat up from the small contact.  His thumb runs circles into the back of my hand. We walk like this in silence for some time. He still seems to be deep in thought.

"Does it bother you that we are part wolf?" He asks suddenly.

"I haven't really given it much thought. This is definitely something I am not used to. Before today I never knew your kind existed." I respond honestly.

He nods slowly, understanding where I am coming from. I do not feel threatened by anyone I've met so far. Maybe the BTS clan is the same.

"I want you to know you are not at risk here. I will protect you with everything I've got." his hand tightens around mind, assuring what he is saying. I look into his eyes and blush. He looks back at me with emotions I have never seen before.

He leans in slowly. I can feel his warm breathe dust over my face. He seems to change his mind on what he is going to do and buries his face into my neck. Then he wraps his arms around my body to hug me close to him. I throw my arms around his neck and pull him closer. I feel his heart beat hammering on my chest. This imprint thing is serious.

We stand like this for a while before he pulls away.

"We should head back. I think Jihoon should change your bandages. " He says.

I nod in agreement and we walk back holding hands.


"We should go get those bandages changed, Shmean." I say to Leandra, making a face at her dirty bandages.

She agrees and we leave our cabin. We get to the healing quarters to see Jihoon treating a crying kid.

"Don't worry Chinsoon, we are almost done." Jihoon tries to soothe the girl while he cleans her wound. It seems that she cut her knee pretty badly.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" Jun asks Shmean.

"I feel better, I just want to change my bandages." She responds.

He nods and brings her to his station. The little girl is pouting while Jihoon wraps her knee.

"Hey don't make that face, princess." Jihoon says when he finishes and starts to tickle her.

The girl bursts into a laughing frenzy and Jihoon is smiling like wild. He stops and taps her nose.

"All done. Be more careful next time." He says while smiling sweetly at her. The girl gets up and hugs him then runs along.

I didn't notice the smile on my face until Jihoon is sending me a questioning look.

"That was really cute, you worked well with her." I say sincerely to him.

"You mean she's cute. I am not cute." he says plainly.

"Yeah sure you're not. If you are not cute what would you describe yourself as?" I ask him.

"I am ugly." he says.

"Oh come on. You seriously think you're ugly?" I ask in disbelief. He just shrugs.

"Well if you think you are ugly you need to get your eyes checked." Is all I say.

He smiles softly at me and shakes his head. Seungcheol and Kayshmeen enter the quarters when he was about to say something. The two men stand and bow. Then they get back to their work.

"You here to change your bandages, too?" Kayleen ask Shmean and she nods.

"After you are all done would you like to join us for dinner again tonight?" Seungcheol asks us.

"Sure that'd be great!" I respond for the girls. Jihoon smiles at that.

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