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The next few weeks are filled with cleaning up the camp and getting readjusted. Liz's spell caused a lot of damage, but it's nothing we can't fix.

Liz also turned Chan back into his regular 18 year old self. Jeonghan and I are having a disagreement over him, though.

"He was my son first! He will be my baby until he's 30." Jeonghan says stubbornly.

"Well he's MY baby for life. These adoption papers prove it." I retort, then proceed to shove the papers in his face.

"I'm a grown ma-" Chan starts.

"Shut up!" Jeonghao and I say in unison.

"Why are you so selfish? Why do you need two?" He asks.

"Beacause my baby needs a big brother!" I say back defensively while holding my stomach.

I'm not showing yet since I just found out last week after Minghao noticed my scent changed.


"Are you wearing perfume, babe?" Minghao asks me.

"No, why?" I ask, confused.

"You smell different.." He says and scents me. His eyes widden.

"We are going to the healing quarters, right now." He says and drags us out of our cabin.

"What's wrong?" I ask, getting concerned.

"Hey Leandra!" Liz greets us when we enter.

"Leandra's scent changed." Minghao says. Jun and Jihoon both sit up, concerned.

"Leandra, come sit at my station. I'll check you." Jun says with a soothing smile when he sees my worry. I go over to him and Jun checks my vitals.

"Open wide." Jun says and I open my mouth. He uses a cotton swab to collect some DNA samples and goes over to the medicine cabinet.

He mixed some liquids in a tube and drops the swab into it. After a few seconds the liquid goes from clear to purple. The boys all sigh in relief, and Minghao then gasps in surprise.

"Can someone tell me what's going on?" I ask.

"Well, a change in scent can mean a plethora of things. It could mean menopause, terminal illness, depression, ect..." Jihoon trails off. Liz's jaw drops.

"WHAT!?" I ask, more alarmed then when I walked in. Minghao walks up to my with a huge smile on his face and hugs me tightly.

"However, the color change we got doesn't mean any of those things." Jihoon finishes with a smirk.

"Then what does purple mean?" I ask, annoyed at them beating around the bush.

"It means pregnancy." Minghao says with a bright smile on his face.

"Really?" I ask, shocked.

"Yes, we are going to have a baby!" Minghao exclaims and puts a hand on my tummy. I put my hand over his and feel tears fill my eyes.

"Congratulations!" Jun says and Jihoon says the same.

"AWWWEEE your baby is going to be adorble!" Liz says happily and gives us a big hug.

"I'm so happy for you guys." She continues.

"Me too." Minghao says and kisses me sweetly.




"Why are we back here?" I ask. I am watching as Seungcheol opens the door of the big treehouse. He takes me by the hand and pulls me inside.

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