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I lay in bed with a pounding headache. I couldn't sleep at all last night. My conversation with Liz ran through my head on a loop. The pain on her face made my heart ache. Then at dinner everyone was so happy. They really fit in here...

Regardless of how much we fit together, I am confident I did the right thing. This was the only way I can insure everyones safety. I hope the girls agreed to leave, even though a part of me wishes they rebelled. If they did agree to leave, did they leave last night?

I hear shouts come from outside. That answers my question. Chan barges into my cabin.

"Hyung, wake up! The girls are missing!" He yells, panic written all over his face. He leaves right after that.

I get up, dread running through me. I really don't want to see everyone right now, but it will be suspicious if I stay in bed. I leave my cabin, seeing all the council member rush into the girls cabin. I make my way to them.

"Did they leave on their own accord?"

"Were they unhappy with us?"

"Were they kidnapped?"

"It was probably there BTS clan..."

"We will kill them all for this!"

"It's too early for this"

Everyone speaks frantically, trying to figure out what happened. I stand there in silent guilt.

"Everybody, stop it! " Seungcheol orders.

Everyone goes silent and looks to him. I can tell he is in a worse panic then all of us from how well I know him, but as our leader he keeps his composure.

"They left a note." He says, lifting the piece of paper folded that was left on the bed.

We all gather around him and listen intently. He reads it out loud.

"To the Seventeen Clan,

If you are reading this we left the camp. We didn't leave because of you guys. We are forever grateful to you, you are like our second family. Regardless of this, we cannot forget about our true family. They raised us, we went through thick and thin together. We cannot leave them in the dark about our whereabouts any longer.

After dinner last night we had a deep conversation about our futures. We agreed to go back home. We left as soon as possible before we could change our minds. We snuck out after dark and made our way to the closest highway. We will truly miss you all. We hold a special place in our hearts for the Seventeen Clan.

Lots of Love,

Your Girls"

He finishes reading and everyone stands in silence. Soonyoung starts to cry, and Cham does as well.

"Why didn't they talk to us first?" Chan says brokenly. My heart wrenches.

The others comfort them, feeling their pain. I want to help, but that doesn't feel right. This is my fault after all.

Minghao stays in his spot. His face is blank but he is breathing is hard. His eyes are tearing up. Mingyu puts his hand on his shoulder to comfort him but he jumps back.

"Don't fucking touch me!" he snaps. Everyone stops and stares at him.

He switches to his wolf form and races through the door. Vernon is about to run after him when Jun stops him.

"Give him some space, this must be really hard on him..." Jun says.

Almost everyone looks devastated. By almost I mean everyone but Jihoon and Wonu. Wonu has a face of confusion and Jihoon looks deep in thought. He takes the letter from Seungcheol and reads it over to himself. That can't be good... He looks around, studying everyone and when his eyes land on me his face goes blank.

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