Chapter 14

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This is crazy. Those girls are very strong willed, they haven't said anything about themselves or the Seventeen clan and they've been here for days.   

I walk towards my cabin briskly. I am holding a secret meeting with the council members, except for the elders. We need to figure out a way to help theses girls.

" Thank you all for coming." I say to everyone once I get inside.

" Let's do this quickly. If the elders find out we are meeting behind their backs there will be a more pressing issue at hand." Yoongi, one of the hunters, states. He's right.

"We need to figure out a way to make the girls life easier. Life will just become harder for them since they refuse to talk." I say.

"I can't stand having them here like this. They barely eat and they haven't been outside for days..." Jimin, another hunter, says, pain in his voice from the mistreatment of the person he imprinted on.

"Soon the elders will lose patience and resolve to t-torture." Taehyung, the camp trainer, struggles to say, worried since he also imprinted on one of them.

"This is a serious situation. Not only is it bad for the girls, but for the whole camp. This can start another war. I don't want the children or civilians of the camp to suffer because of the elders reckless behavior." I say.

"Why don't we let them go. We can sneak them out and bring them to the other side of the border." Jin, the camp chef, suggests.

"We can't let them go. The elders will know it was us since they are heavily guarded. They will all vote us off of the council. If that happens then there will be no one stopping them from completely going back to their traditional ways." Junkook, the healer, says.

"He's right. We will need to figure something else out." Hoseok, the child caretaker, states.

We all sit in silence, thinking over the possibilities.

"Why don't we take them out of the isolation room and bring them into camp." Jin starts

" If the elders have a problem with it we can stand up together against them. They won't be happy with it but they won't put up too much of a fight as long as there is always someone with them to make sure they don't run away." He finishes.

"That's a good idea. This is risky, the elders are reckless. We need to stick together and be strong if we will go through with this. If you don't want to be a part of this, leave now. We can't have anyone who isn't willing to take that risk. " I say to everyone. They all look at each other and no one gets up.

"I'm glad we are all on the same page. Let's get moving." I say and leave the cabin.

We walk through the camp all together. We go into the BTS camp hall and go down to the basement. There are two guards posted in front of the isolation room.

"Step aside." I say to the men. The look at each other.

"We have direct orders from Byungho to not let anyone inside." One of the guards says.

"Byungho is only a part of the council, I am the Alpha and pack leader. It will do you well to reconsider where your loyalty lies." I say getting close to his face.

Both men look at me in fear and step aside.



I'm exhausted. It's hard for me to sleep because of the handcuffs. They give me no room to move at all.

"My body hurts." I complain to Shmean.

"Same. I don't smell to great either." She replies.

We have been sitting here, in the dark, for such a long time. I can't tell if it's been days or weeks since I have no sense of time in here. It's always dark! I'm starving too. They feed us this terrible oatmeal/slop shit twice a day and we leave once to pee. We haven't showered either so it reeks in here.

It's not that bad. Back at home I would stay inside my house for a week straight, but I had my phone and laptop.

God I miss my phone.

We haven't given them any information on Seventeen or us. Sooner or later they will result to other tactics to get information if we don't cooperate. I am willing to go through that for them, though. They are my family.

The door opens and I am blinded by the lights that enter the room. My vision is blurry but I see a group of men enter. My heart speeds up, thinking that they will start to torture us somehow for info.

I regain my vision and see a bunch of young men come in. That's new, it's usually guys that look like they will turn to dust if the wind is too strong. I recognize two of them, the white and pink haired ones. Those were the guys that defended up when we first got here. The blonde one kneels in front of us.

"Are you okay?" He asks softly, as if he can break us if he speaks too loud. We stay silent like we usually do.

"I am Namjoon, the pack leader. We came to take you out of here." He says.

"We can leave?" Shmean asks, excitement in her voice. He shakes his head, sorrow written across his face.

"No, you can't. I am just going to bring you out of isolation so you can live with the pack in comfort. This is no way to live." He says as he points to our handcuffs.

"We will never 'live in comfort' here. We will only be comfortable if you let us go."  I say coldly.

I notice the white and pink haired boys  wince at my words.

"I know. I'm sorry but I can't help you there. Two of our men impri-" Shmean cuts him off.

"I don't care if you imprinted in us! We couldn't help that. There are ways to undo imrpintment without us here! There is a treatment you can take, just let us go!" Shmean snaps.

"But the elders-" He tries to speak again but I cut him off this time.

"Who cares about the elders!? I thought you were the pack leader!" I exclaim, fed up with all of the excuses.

He stays there in silence with his head hanging in shame.

"Listen, this whole situation is complicated. We are doing what we can, please let us help." Says a man with light brown hair as he walks up to us.

We look at them with distrust, but don't argue when they lean down to our handcuffs. They break them with their bare hands using their wolf strength.

We try to stand but our legs give out from sitting for so long. Namjoon and Junkook help us up.

We walk through the room and go down the hallway. We've been down here before but the other direction for the bathroom. We ascend up the stairs and the door is opened.

I see natural sunlight for the first time in days and hurry up the rest of the stairs. I go outside and rush to the open window. I take a deep inhale, feeling the fresh air flow through me for the first time in days.

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