Chapter Nine

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I woke up at poked my head over the warm yellow covers of the bed. I saw Danny sitting on his bed with his headphones in, his head was bopping along to the music and he wasn't wearing a shirt. The sight of his tanned bare chest sent jolts through my body but I ignored it and half closed my eyes as he lept off the bed in search of something. He reached into his Fred Perry bag hanging on the door and pulled out a mobile phone. I listened to him as he dialed a number and put the phone to his ear.

"Hey Max" he said, a smug smile on her face, "Yeah, she's here, she's hot too!" I smiled, "Yeah, I reckon I've charmed her, I mean she's fragile right, wasn't exactly that hard!?" My mouth dropped open and tears sprung to my eyes. How could he!? Ugh what a jerk! I wanted to jump up and scream at him but i stayed put, "SO the bet's still on? You really think you've got a chance!? Oh please! I'm the son of Zeus, you're only a Hermes boy, keep dreaming! That 20 dollars will be mine!"  A tear rolled down my face as the plan formed in my head. 

It was the time for the final drill, I was dressed in my armour from last night. I had my sword and bow and arrows at hand and I could feel myself itching to use them, mostly on Danny but that would come later. We were sorted into two teams (red and blue) and I was put with Danny and -as fate would have it- Max. My plan was setting up better than I'd hoped. Callum was put on the blue team along with his new friend from the Hephaestus cabin. He looked happy on the outside but i could tell he was suspicious why we were just staying here and not progressing to find Ryan. I was glad he'd made a friend, it would keep him out of the way, out of the way of what I was gong to do. I didn't want to but I had to show Danny up, make him pay for what he did to me. The horn sounded and our captain (a boy from the Ares cabin) led us into the woods. I took Danny and Max with me and separated from the team as the captain had told me to. We weaved our way through the trees and allowed the others to follow us like bait away from the collecting team. We had to capture the enemies flag and get it across the boundary of the river to our own base. We stood watch by our flag and waited for the collectors. I took the opportunity to talk to Max: it was the first part of my plan. 

"So Max" I said flicking my hair out my face and leaning back slightly on my arms, "What god are you from?" 

"Max lent on his elbow, "The Hermes cabin, we're very...clever with our words, and our bodies"  I laughed at him and sat up. 

"Oh dear, it seems both have deserted you, but I like your confidence" I lent in to kiss him and he smashed his lips to mine. There was no feeling there and his lips were big and sloppy, I shuddered under his touch but when I pulled back and looked at Danny it seemed the effect was worse for him. He was bright red and angry, his eyes flashing a dangerous green but what really shocked me  was Callum who was standing in the trees behind him. He was obviously part of the collecting team, but what he'd seen must have looked so terrible. He clenched his jaw and shook his head in shame at me. I went to cry out for him but I noticed a girl go running for our flag out the corner of my eye. I jumped up and kicked her straight in the chest. She flew backwards and hit a tree, knocked out. I smiled to myself and circled the flag looking for anymore people feeling brave. Then all of a sudden a massive wave of people came for me and the flag. There were swords everywhere at first but  then I took a breath and remembered the tips my mother had given me. 

"Become one with the sword, it is just another limb you can control as easily as your own arm"  I relaxed and let myself get a feel of the sword then the rest was easy. The more they came the better I got. I was slashing here and there knocking people down as the came, I saw that people were starting to get the idea and they were backing off a little, more and more at a time. Till there were all at the edge of our base. Suddenly the horn sounded again and cheers ran out from the red team as they stormed through the blue team into our clearing. Everyone was cheering but me and Danny. People feel silent as they saw me moving slowly towards Danny. 

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