Chapter Eleven

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"RUN!" I cried out to Callum and Danny. At first they didn't react but when the eyes jumped to life and became soldiers they scampered after me like frightened mice. I pulled frantically at the castle doors but it was to no avail, plus, the soldiers were getting closer, I could feel it. I stopped pulling and turned around to face them all. Callum and Danny kept pulling the doors but I took a step towards them, challenging them. At first they were confused but one soldier broke his rank and sprinted right at me, I raised my sword and sliced a gash into the side of the man's face. he fell to the floor clutching his cheek that was hanging off. The soldiers backed off a little but they still looked ready to pounce. "What can I do?" I thought to myself then I saw the rope and tar in the corner of my eye, it ran right around the group of soldiers. If I lit it, it would encase them in a fiery ball, but I needed a spark. I eyeballed each one of them then I swung round hard and fast and struck the wall with my sword. Sparks flew off the glinting gold blade and onto the tar. It burst into flames and quickly traveled along the row of soldiers engulfing them in harsh tongues of fire. I grimaced as they went up in flames, the smell of burning flesh filled the air and tickled my nose. Then I heard a bang, I spun around and a triumphant Callum and Danny were leaning against the walls next to a wide open door. I laughed and pulled them inside. It was weird, my mood changed as soon as my foot went over the threshold. My heart beat slower, I was more relaxed and I felt drawn to the center of the room. My legs took me away from the dark corridors we were skiving down and brought me into the wide open space of the council room. I shuddered, remembering the many councilors sitting in the large red chairs that lined the walls and my father sitting in the largest right at the top in the middle. I faced his chair and spat on the ground in front of it. It was not much but it was powerful gesture. This man did not own me no matter how hard he tried, no matter how hard he manipulated my brain, he was not my controller. I did not and never would respect him. 

"Ohhh, Ouch!" came a sarcastic voice from behind me. I spun round and saw my father. Surprisingly he looked regal, his long red cloak still billowing round his ankles and his edgy, scarred face shined with authority. " I knew you didn't like me but really? I'll have to have that cleaned up now!" I frowned at him as he clicked his fingers. From a pillar came my mother,, dressed in rags carrying a cloth. Her long, lustrous blonde hair as now greasy and limp, her frail body even thinner than before. I went to hug her but she showed no emotion when she looked at me, she simply walked over to where I had spat and started to clean. I shot a disgusted look at my father. 

"What did you do?" I hissed. 

"Isn't magic wonderful my dear!?" I shook my head in disbelief, 

"She was your wife" 

"NO!" my father cried, "She was a woman, I have no time for women, as you've found out daughter" he spat the last word with malice. Tears were springing to my eyes. 

"So you never loved me?" I asked, generally upset, the tears were flowing gently down my face now. "You never for one moment thought maybe you loved me? That I was your little girl and I needed you?" My father hesitated for a split second but it was enough. I raised my sword and thumped him across the head with it. It did not cut him, he simply fell to the ground unconscious. I breathed a sigh of relief and rushed to my mothers side. 

"Stop, stop" I soothed taking the rag away from her and taking her in my arms. "You're free now, let go" My other let out a gasp and spluttered as she hugged me tightly. "It's okay, I'm back, calm down" I rocked her from side to side, i felt just how painfully thin and small she was in my strong arms and it made me sick. It made me sick to the stomach to think that my father could do this to a woman he once loved. I stood up and pulled my mother with me. I ran, pulling my mother with me, down too many corridors to count. I knew they were all relying on me to guide them to George and then out of the castle, but I had no idea where I was going. Every corridor looked like the previous and every door was a copy of the next, we could have gone round in circles for all I knew. Then I felt this pulsating glow tingle in my fingertips I took a sharp intake of breath and closed my eyes, stopping in the middle of the hallway. I held my breath and let the tingling fill me up. I let the air out and opened my eyes, I knew where he was, I knew where George was! I ran round the corner and in front of me was a long dead-end corridor with a single door at the end. It was wide, tall and dark brown, almost black. Deep red curtains that would have originally covered the door were pulled back and hooked into the wall so you could enter and leave the room. There was a tray of un-eaten food outside of the door with flies buzzing round it; I don't think It'd been touched for hours. I pushed the door open, cautiously allowing the room inside to slowly unfold before my eyes. It was mostly empty apart from George sitting tied to a chair in the middle of the room. I let go of my mothers had and rushed to help him. I hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead. Then I went round to the back of the chair to untie his ropes, they were thick, and tied intricately, the more I tried to untie them the more they tangled together. 

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