. three

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why don't we make a group chat

*unknown added you into the chat*

unknown: um i don't think that's dani

unknown: woah

5039512306: who is this?


unknown: what? who are you lol
unknown: zach who did u add?

unknown: well i fucked up idk

5039512306: obviously


*unknown added unknown into the chat*

5039512306: ok wtf is happening someone explain

unknown: well ya see.. our friend got butthurt and left our group chat.

unknown: sooo then, our other friend, tried to add him back.. and i guess he accidentally added you.

5039512306: well he's a dumbass


unknown: rude

5039512306: okay well my nights going pretty boring, so who are y'all?

unknown: that's private information

unknown: welp i don't really care. i'm jack

unknown: oh okay we are just gonna tell the stranger our names. i'm daniel

unknown: im zachary dean herron

5039512306: wow we love a specific sister

unknown: that's zach don't mind him lol he's a 5 year old trapped in a 18 year olds body. i'm jonah btw ;)

5039612306: 18? oh wow you're my age  5039512306: im getting good vibes from y'all, but any nicknames? i'm not really the serious type lol

unknown: hey wait up. we don't even know your name?!

5039512306: hey, you never said your name either sooo lol

unknown: oh whoops i'm corbyn

5039612306: talia

daniel: prettyyy
daniel: well i've has a tooth gap since i can remember, so people call me tooth gap ;(

talia: cute

jack: well a lot and i mean A LOT of people call me noodles

talia: awhh thats cute tho
talia: but why?

jonah: bahaha he has noodle hair

corbyn: yuh yuh yuh

talia: you guys seem fun lol

zachary dean: oh i am ;)


jonah: ouch

talia: you don't even know what i look like zach
talia: i could be a 50 yr old man for all you know lol

jack: honestly zach wouldn't care

jonah: but you did say you're 18

corbyn: he's the type of guy to fall in love within 5 seconds

zachary: WELL

talia: oh god i need to go to bed it's 3 am

tooth gap boii: really it's only midnight in LA

talia: you live in LA daniel ?!

ramen boii: we all do

talia: are y'all brothers?

corbyn: no stupid. we're all best friends

tooth gap boii: hey be nice to talia!

talia: rude !! how would i know, i just met you guys 20 minutes ago lol

corbitch: okay sorry, but we all live in la, and are best friends.

zachary dean: didn't you say it was 3 am?

talia: thank you for reminding me zachary
talia: i'll talk to you guys in the morning <3
talia: im actually excited to get to know y'all

jonah: you seem chill, so me too.

noodle boii: ^

zachary dean: ^

tooth gap boii: ^

corbitch: ^

talia: oh wait, i still need a nickname for jonah

corbitch: wait what's mine?

taila: wellll...
talia: about that lol
talia: right now it's corbitch because you called me stupid, but if you have something else..?

corbitch: nahh i'll take that L

jonah: my homies call me hoenah

talia: ahaha okay. gn hoenah, corbitch, tooth gap boii, ramen boii, and zachary dean <3

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