. sixteen

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thursday and friday went by super fast, and before the teenagers knew it, saturday came.

"i can't believe you're leaving." daniel pouted.

"i'll see you when you get to charlotte." talia replied.

"i know, but that's way too far away!" he whined, grabbing my shoulders with remorse.

"just wait, it'll be here before you know it." talia smiled, and kissed daniel before pulling away and talking again.

"and plus, you're leaving for tour the same day i leave, so it'll go by even faster since you're on the road." the girl nodded her head. "and, if you think about it, you will eventually end up in charlotte. so you're basically just driving towards me, very slowly." talia and daniel laughed.

"wow, that did actually make me feel kinda better."

talia, ariana, and the guys arrived at the airport, all getting out of the uber, to say their goodbyes.

"these 2 weeks went by way to fast!" jack hugged talia, swaying back and forth.

"i know jack, i'll see you soon." talia pulled away from the hug beaming.

"call me if you ever need someone to talk to," the boy furrowed his eyebrows. "you know you can trust me."

"i know jack. love you." the teenagers hugged once more, and talia moved on to zach.

"i'll miss you lia." zach pulled her into a hug. "i probably confused you a lot—im sorry.." the boy pulled out of the hug, looking down.

"hey, don't say that zach." talia cupped his cheeks. "you know i love you, unconditionally."

"i know, i love you talia." zach mumbled hugging the girl again.

"hey jo.." talia walked over to jonah.

"i'm already counting down the days.." he wrapped his arms around her.

"okay corbyn, come'r.." talia laughed, as corbyn hugged her tight.

"i'll miss your jokes corbs," talia sighed, swaying back in forth.

"i'll miss you dude.." corbyn laughed. "now go say bye to that boyfriend of yours!" he rose his eyebrows and pushed me over to daniel.

daniel looked very sad. "hey," talia lifted up his chin with her finger, making daniel smile. "don't be sad that it's over, be happy that you had these two weeks with me."

daniel hugged her the tightest, making talia giggle. "these two weeks have been the best two weeks of my life.. i swear." daniel looked talia straight in the eyes and kissed her forehead.

"you read my mind—" talia got cut off my her best friend.

"lia!! we got to go!" ariana yelled getting the couples attention.

"okay, we have to go babe.." she pulled out of the hug and kissed his lips for the thousandth time that day. "i love all of you so much!! i'll see you guys in a month!!" talia grabbed her suitcase and followed after ariana, as she blew kisses to the boys.

the two teens eventually boarded their plane, and once they got settled in their seats, it finally struck them that they were leaving.

"i still cant believe we are actually leaving.." talia's broken voice tried to hold back tears.

"hey.. don't cry.." ariana said comforting her best friend. "april 4th will be here before you know it." ariana smiled as she buckled her seatbelt.

once they landed in virginia, ariana and talia got of the plane and immediately head to get their luggage.

but on the way, the two teenagers ran into somebody, that talia did not want to see."

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