Chapter 12: Training Camp D-2: We Are One!

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Your P.O.V

"You need to focus Y/n." Aizawa sais as I grunted and opened my eyes glaring at him. We were in a open field not far from where the rest are training. Aizawa was with me while the rest where training with the Wild Pussycats and class 1-B and their teacher. I was currently trying to channel back all the quirks I used to know but I was finding doing that very difficult.

So far the only quirks I know how to use are water manipulation, Clone, teleportation, and my wings which are quirks I managed to re-learn thankfully.

The only problem with one of those quirks, it being cloning myself, is that I can only make up to 50 clones of myself as to the 100+ ones that I used to be able to make. "Try again." Aizawa said walking away from me and I rolled my eyes letting out a sigh as I closed my eyes and relaxed.

I started by making clones. 50 around me. Not so bad. Censing water around me I brought it towards us making a ring of water around all of the clones making sure to leave Aizawa out of the ring. I tried to focus remembering all of the quirks I used to know before It got taken away. I felt the wind pick up around me as I tried to make the 50 clones use a different quirk.

I smiled as I felt one of clones manipulate lightning. Got that one back. More wind began to build up. 10 of my other clones managed to use 10 more of the quirks I used to know making me excited and happy that I was finally learning how to use them again. "Good! Keep focusing!" I heard Aizawa say loudly trying to speak over the wind as I felt my wings unfold but not all the way.

Calming down again I tensed up as I felt something wrong. I opened my eyes and noticed I was in the eye of a tornado. I guess I got my wind quirk back too.

Hearing something beep loudly I looked down to see the bracelet that my dad gave me to keep my evil quirks deactivated. The light was no longer green but red. Panicking I tried to cancel all of my quirks out when suddenly I felt the bracelet burn my wrist causing me to scream in pain and causing me to take it off.

I looked down at it to see that I broke it with the force of me throwing it to the ground and then I looked at where the bracelet was on my wrist. There was a ugly burn mark making me wince in pain.

"So nice of you to finally let me free~" I heard someone hum from behind me making me quickly turn. I looked at the figure in front of me in shock when suddenly strong pain began to fill my head making me scream and fall on my knees with my hands on my head.

"Our father is such a fool. Did he think a weak bracelet like that was gonna stop me? Did he not think that as soon as you learned your quirks again that your evil side would come out even with a evil quirk deactivating bracelet? How pathetically stupid he is. There's no way to get rid of me. I'll always be a part of you no matter what our dear daddy gives you to keep me away. The stronger you get, the stronger I get! That's how this works!" The figure said with a sickly sweet tone and giggled. I remember now. I remember what she did during the practical.

"M-MAKE IT STOP!" I yelled out as the pain got worse hoping that Aizawa hears me and erases my quirk so all of this and her can disappear. So this pain can disappear. "I put up a barrier. He can't hear you or do anything." She said as she walked up to me and held my face with her cold hands and stared straight into my teary (E/C) eyes with her blood red eyes.

Suddenly the pain stops just as I let go of a sob. "I can make the pain stop permanently if you do me just one favor." She whispered as she wiped away the tears that fell. "W-What If I don't do it?"

"I want you to accept me Y/n. Both of us together, we can be stronger than everyone. Stronger than All Might if you just...let me help you. You won't even have to go through all of this bullshit training. If you accept me all of our quirks will be fully unlocked. Isn't that what you want? To be stronger? The greatest hero to ever live and the youngest one?" She said smiling her eyes warm. "Really?" I mumbled in a daze.

This isn't right. I can't think clearly. I shouldn't accept her favor but for some reason something is pulling me to accept. Something is telling me to let her take over. "Yes. Now what do you say? Do you accept?" She said softly her hot breath fanning my lips as she got closer. "I...

I accept" And with that her lips were on mine and the world turned pitch black.



I do want to say tho please no hate or disrespectful comments on what just happened. Thanks. You just kissed yourself suck it up LMFAO

Anyways, your evil side is back and yall are gonna get mad at me for what's gonna happen next but, it has to happen.

So I apologise in advance *prepares to hide herself*

Also sorry that this chapter was short. Still working on my whole comeback thing but I wanted to give you guys something since its been awhile.

Hope you guys liked this chapter! I hope you all have a nice day/night!

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