Chapter 11: Training Camp Day 1!

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*Important announcement at the end*

Your P.O.V

"Finally, summer camp day is finally here! I can't wait to get there this is so exciting!" I said smiling as Izuku chuckled next to me. "I still feel bumbed that I won't train with you guys." Ashido said with a sad smile same with the others who are taking extra classes instead of training. "Its ok guys. We'll still have fun together when we aren't training and taking the classes!" I said trying to cheer them up and they smiled and nodded. "This is our first stop. Everyone get out and stretch a little." Aizawa said as the bus stopped at a small Clift on the side of the road.

"Ugh I need to pee and there's no bathroom!" I heard Mineta whine as I stretched a little until I felt someone poke my sides making me giggle. Turning around I see it's Izuku who chuckled and hugged me making me blush. Ever since the pool training we've been more touchy and closer with each other after we...did some things. No, it's not what your thinking but we did go a little further than making out that day. He understands I'm not ready for that yet but one day hopefully I will be and show him how much I love him.

"This place doesn't look like a resting area. Something feels off." Todoroki said looking around with his hands in his pockets. "Your right. Speaking of, where's class B's bus?" I said noticing their bus not here. Did they get lost?

"Yo! Eraser!" I heard an unfamiliar feminine voice call out. It came from a black car that was parked near our bus. "Long time no see." Aizawa said bowing a little as 2 familiar hero's jumped out of the car. "No fucking way" I whispered looking at the two woman I have been a fan of since I was a kid. Pixie-Bob and Mandalay!

"Hi everybody! We are the wild wild pussycats!" They both said doing their signature intro and pose causing me to squeel. There were 2 members missing tho. One of which I loved so much and she wasn't present. I wonder why?

"They are the pro heros that will be working with you guys during camp." Aizawa said. "They specialize in mountain rescues! They where founded when we where kids! This is gonna be their twelfth year worki-" Izuku was about to finish saying but he got cut off by Pixie-Bob as she put her paws on his face her claws out. Ok that's where she lands on my hate list.

"Im pretty sure your math must be off! Im 18 at heart!" She yelled at him. "U-Understood..." He said weakly. "Alright that's it get your hands off him old hag!" I growled making her glare at me and let go of Izuku. "What did you call me?" She growled back walking towards me until Mandalay held her back and whispered something in her ear making her eyes widen and a weird smile sprout on her lips. "Ohhhh so your the little kitten I've heard so much about!" Pixie-Bob said pinching my checks with a weird sparkle in her eyes. "I have a little something for you since you have the same quirk's as us! I'm so excited your gonna love it!" She squeeld dragging me to the black car. "LET GO OF ME!" I yelled out as I tried pulling away but she had a really strong grip on me as she pulled me inside the black car which surprisingly had a lot of space inside BUT THATS NOT THE POINT!

Suddenly she pulled something out and my eyes widen in fear as she smirked evily at me. "No fucking way..." I grumbled making her giggle.

Izuku P.O.V

I watched as Y/n was shoved inside the black car and you can hear her cursing and screaming loudly but they where muffled so it didn't sound so loud. I would have helped her but...I'm scared of messing with Pixie-Bob now.

"Anyway, it's nice to meet you guys. I heard a lot about you all and we were really excited to meet you guys." Mandalay said smiling as she walked towards the fence which faced down towards the forest. Lots of trees for miles. "We own this whole stretch of land here. You all will be staying at the foot of that mountain over there." She explained. That's really far. I wonder how we will get...there...

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