Summary of what happened after last chapter because im trying to hurry things up without confusing anyone:
After Izuku ran away with Kota after defeating Muscular, Izuku later found Aizawa in the forest. Aizawa looked beaten up because of the battle he had with Dabi who was the cause of the blue flames earlier. The Dabi Aizawa fought turned out to be a clone and the real Dabi was somewhere in the forest with Twice. Back to Aizawa and Izuku, Izuku left Kota with Aizawa and Aizawa, although he was pissed again at him for going to far, let Izuku find Mandalay but with a message.
Once Izuku reached to where Mandalay, Tiger and the villains where, he saw one villain, the Iguana, about to attack Mandalay and quickly activated his quirk before the villain reached her and attack him which destroyed the villains weapon. Izuku quickly told Mandalay that Kota was safe and with Aizawa and that he had a message from him that Mandalay needed to tell everyone about. The message was for class A and B to fight back if they come in contact with a villain. Izuku also added to tell everyone that the villains target was Kacchan which left Mandalay confused on who Kacchan was but before she can ask Izuku was gone. After Izuku told the message he ran to go and try to find Bakugou to warn him.
Running he suddenly gets picked up by Shoji who then started running the opposite direction. Izuku confused looked up to see that Tokoyami lost control of Dark Shadow who is now rampaging. Having an Idea on how he can help Tokoyami and both save Bakugou he told Shoji his plan.
When Bakugou and Todoroki were found Izuku and Shoji quickly yelled at them to help. Looking behind Shoji and Izuku they quickly understood and knew what to do. Dark Shadow came closer to them crushing the villain that Bakugou and Todoroki were previously fighting.
Quickly getting into a fighting position they both ran passing Izuku and Shoji and jumping towards dark Shadow as they illumitaed their surroundings with the light of Todoroki's flames and Bakugou's explosions.
After Tokoyami went back to normal he apologized to everyone for losing control and putting everyone in more danger than they already were. After that moment they all formed a circle around Bakugou, which was Izuku's idea, and tried to get him safely back to camp. Bakugou wasn't to happy about the situation.
Seeing that everything was going downhill for the villains Akuno (Y/n) began to get pissed and decided it was time to go down there herself along with someone she knows will turn the tides around.
Heyy! So like I said at the top this was just a summery of everything that happened after the last chapter just so that I can hurry things along and catch up with everything before the new season.
If any of you were confused on all of this please don't be afraid to ask.
I hope you all have an amazing day/night and stay warm for those living in colder areas!
PS: Sorry if this wasn't the chapter you guys where hoping for 😣😫😫😫 I promise next chapter will be better!

How You Became A Hero 3 ~ MHA (Midoriya Izuku X Reader)
FanfictionAfter All Might, Izuku and the gang plus your father who we just discovered rescued you, they deliver the horrible news of the loss of your quirks as soon as you awaken. What will happen to you now? Why did your father suddenly show up now? Will On...