Chapter 14: Im Sorry!

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Izuku P.O.V

"Okay everyone! Class B will be the first to be Scarers in this courage course! Once Class B is ready, Class A will leave in pairs every three minutes! There are tags with your names written on them in the middle of the route, so bring those back with you!" Pixie Bob said, excitement shown in her eyes. As she kept giving instructions my eyes where on Y/n the whole time.

At the moment she looked completely normal as she had her focused face on as she usually would. Maybe we were wrong on her acting off and it's just our exhaustion making us see things? Maybe Y/n just turned a bit more serious with all of this after getting her quirks back because she wants to actually improve and return back home stronger and make All Might proud like we promised. Yeah. Just maybe.

Sighing I looked back at Pixie Bob rethinking this whole plan all over. Is it even worth going thru with it? She's my girlfriend and my childhood best friend for goodness sake how could I possibly suspect of her doing something wrong? Especially to us?

"Now! I will be determining your partners just to make it all fair!" Pixie Bob yelled as she pointed at us.


Midoriya and Y/N

Uraraka and Tsuyu

Tokoyami and Shoji

Bakugou and Todoroki

Jiro and Hagakure

Yaoyorozu and Aoyama

Minta and Ojiro

Iida and Koda

Of course Y/n and I are partners. I guess the wild wild pussy cats are all in on the plan as well. I sighed as I felt a tap on my shoulder making me tense up and turn to see it was Y/n. She was giving me that fake cold tight smile. Again.

"Guess we're partners huh? It's been awhile since we both worked together." She said laughing a bit which sounded forced. "So you noticed?" I quietly asked facing away from her as her tight smile turned into a frown. How can I look at her eyes when they don't hold that sparkle and warmth like before? They look so dull, lifeless and cold. Maybe there is something wrong with her that she's not telling us.

"*Sigh* Look, I know I have been a bit distant-" "A bit?" I cut her off looking back at her to see her not even surprised that I cut her off. She doesn't even look or sound like she cares making me frown even more than I already am. "Ok, so I have been very distant with everyone. But after I got my quirks back i've just been focusing and taking this camp seriously unlike you guys. So i'm sorry if you guys are a little upset with me for not fooling around a little with you all but I do intend on becoming the greatest hero, and in order for me to do that I can't play with you guys like I used too. I can't be lovey dovey with you and kissing your ass 24/7 anymore Midoriya. It's either we break it and part our ways or work together to get through all of this without distractions until we get a legit break and go on the many dates you want to take me." She sighed rolling her eyes as mine widdend my heart beating quickly yet slowly breaking due to her words. She can't be serious...right?

"W-What's gotten into you? This isn't the Y/n I know..." I said my voice coming out weak. "What's gotten into me is that I realized what was holding me back." She said glaring at me and before I could say anything she walked off towards the starting line where everyone else stood. Some looked back towards me in worry as they heard our conversation while the rest looked ahead glaring at nothing in anger because of Y/n's words.

Slowly walking up to her I gulped as I felt cold standing next to her. This wasn't her and i'm gonna do everything I can to figure out what's going on with her and bring her back to the way she was.


Everything was dark. It was cold. My hair was down and a white short dress covered me and my feet were bare. I couldn't see nor move but I could hear and speak. I was chained to a wall that wasn't there. An invisible wall. "This isn't what I agreed on Akuno..." I whimpered in pain as tears spilled from my eyes as my evil half appeared in front of me her back in view. She has her hair down as well and instead of a white dress it was red.

I heard the conversation between Izuku and her. I tried to stop it, tried to yell at her to let me go as i yanked the chains trying to break them, tried to yell at him that it wasn't me. But I was ignored by her and not heard by him making my heart shatter to pieces.

"Its for the best Y/n...remember that i'm doing this for us..." She said looking at me not a drop of emotion in her eyes. "Please...please don't hurt him..." I said my voice weak from crying to much as I closed my eyes and looked down.

"That's why we're letting him go...for now anyway..." My head quickly snapped up just as those last few words came out of her mouth but by the time I looked up...she was gone again.

"What have I done..." I whispered as fresh tears began to fall once again. "Im sorry...



If yall didnt notice I named your evil half Akuno which is Japanese for Evil. I really wanted to give her a name since its really difficult to keep calling her "Your evil side". I tried to come up with a name that I hope none of you guys would be using in this fanfic so I got the sudden idea of translating the word Evil to Japanese to see how it would come out and I really liked it.

On another note, next chapter is gonna be wild and yall are gonna really hate me (If yall already do then yall are gonna hate me even more 😂)

I hope you guys have a great day/night! See ya on the next update!

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