Chapter 15: Signal Fire!

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3rd Person P.O.V


"Your just in time...Y/N." Dabi said smirking as she walked up to him. "I no longer go by that name...please address me as Akuno from now on." She said a bored tone laced in her voice as she stood next to him. "What? Isn't she that girl from U.A? I saw her on the list! And you were also part of the team that brought Stain down!" Iguchi yelled in anger hands about to grab his sword when Dabi stopped him. "Shigaraki and I spoke a while back. He didn't want me on the team at first but then I spoke to All for One and made a deal to show them that Im on their side. There are 3 things I have to do and you guys know one of them which is to capture Bakugou. The other one is to get rid of Midoriya and the other is unknown to me until I complete the first two task." Akuno said glaring at an empty space.

"Shigaraki is trusting us to help her succeed in this so we don't have a choice but to trust her. She's the main key point in completing this task. But, if she does something to sabotage our plan, Boss gave me the order to take action to which I can't say in front of you. Sorry." Dabi said looking at Akuno who nodded in understanding. "I understand that I don't have your full trust so it's fine. Now what's the plan?"

Flashback Over

Izuku P.O.V

It was silent as we walked, aside from the screaming here and there of people getting frightened, but the screams were faint. Y/n walked a little ahead of me, her hair covering the side of her face as it was down. Frowning I began to think about what she told me earlier. I'm having a really hard time believing those words were hers but I wasn't gonna let her go so easily. I knew she was lying to me about the working crap, there was something else that she isnt telling me.

Taking this opportunity I was about to ask her something when the smell of burning wood and leaves infiltrated my nose. I figured it would have been because of Todoroki or Bakugou but then the color blue flashed in my eyes and I looked up in shock as I looked ahead. Parts of the forest were burning in Blue flames. No one in our class has that kind of quirk besides Y/n maybe but it wasn't her...which means...

"How did they find us here?" I whispered in shock not realising that Y/n wasn't with me anymore. Figuring that she probably ran off to see what was happening and to help I ran back to base to inform the WWPC (Wild Wild Pussycats). Not being far I made it right a way. "Pixie Bob!" I yelled out as I saw her bleeding on the floor, a villain standing above her with a club to her head and another villain standing next to him. "Stay Back!" Tiger yelled out with Mandalay standing next to him. Iida, Mineta, Koda and Ojiro stood behind me.

"Greeting U.A! We are the League Of Villains First Strike Team!" One of the villains said smirking. This is bad.

Aizawa P.O.V

"Everyone! We are being attacked by two villains! There's a possibility that there are more! Those that can move head back to camp immediately! Even if you come across an enemy find a way to retreat! Do not engage!" Mandalay said through her telepathy making all of us in the room tense up. "Vlad, i'm leaving this place to you!" I quickly said running out of the room not waiting for his reply.

Making it outside I stop in shock as I watched the forest in front of me burn in blue fire. "Your worry got the best of you. That was a sloppy move Aizawa!" I heard someone familiar say from behind me before I was suddenly engulfed in blue flames.

Izuku's P.O.V

"Crushing this girls head would be cool right? Should I do it?" Said the villain with the club as he put a little more force onto it. "LIKE I'D LET YOU-" Tiger was about to say but got cut off by the the second villain. "Hold up Mag, let's not get hasty here. You too Tiger calm down." He said holding his hands up getting in between the villain, now known as Mag, and us.

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