Chapter 13: Changed!

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Izuku's P.O.V

Night has fallen and the whole class, except the few who have to take summer classes, are preparing for an obstacle course after we finished eating dinner. As excited as I should be i'm actually extremely worried. Y/n hasn't been acting the same since this morning.

Everytime we make eye contact she would just give me this tight cold smile. When I try to approach her she either pretends like she didn't see me walk up to her or tells me she has to do something real quick and runoff. Everyone in the class noticed her behavior and tried to speak with her but she has been brushing everyone off even Uraraka.

"What's wrong with Y/n? Did something happen to her this morning during training?" I asked Aizawa who was leaning against the cabin walls, eyes closed and arms crossed as usual. The whole class, minus Y/n, were standing in front of him. "*sigh* Im not sure but after she finally mastered all of her quirks again she asked me if she can train on her own. I was a bit shocked by that sudden request but I let her be as I believed it was ok to train by oneself once and a while. Altho, before I walked away I did feel something off. I'm guessing you all feel the same vibe and has been noticing her weird behavior so im gonna ask a favor from you all since your all here." Aizawa said as he narrowed his eyes looking at us one by one.

"I want you all to play close attention to everything she does. Do not let her out of any of your sights tonight and if any of you see anything off and suspicious you all report it to me through these earpieces. Understood?" He ordered as he handed us small black earpieces. We nodded in understanding before we all walked off to get ready. "Hold up Midoriya." Aizawa said holding me back while everyone else walked off.

"Since your the closest to Y/n i'm gonna need you to do something different. In order for this plan to work I need you to make sure your her partner. No matter how much she says no your her partner and that's it. Ask her questions after a while I don't care how you do it but if she doesn't answer try harder to get a response. Got It?" Aizawa said. "Got it!"

No One's P.O.V

"I don't like this. Its not cute." Toga whined as she moved around her mask. "It's not supposed to be to your liking. This is just for business. Appearance doesn't matter in jobs like this." Mustard sighed as he rolled his eyes. "Whatever~" Toga whined shrugging him off as she kept fidgeting with her mask. "Hi~ Sorry for the wait!" Hikiishi waved as Moonfish shuffled right behind him while mumbling the words 'work'. They all stood by the edge of a cliff that overlooked the campsite U.A were currently preparing for a night of training not expecting the horrors that awaits them. "This makes Seven." Dabi mumbled as he and two others, Muscular and Iguchi, stepped up next to the other 4.

"What are we waiting for? Just let me at em already." Muscular growled as he clenched his fist his sight red with the hunger for blood and the sweet smell of death. "Shut up you crazy bastard. We can't make a move yet..." Dabi said glaring at him and then looking back towards the camp with blood thirsty eyes. "We'll move when all 11 of us are here." Dabi said with a sinister smirk remembering their new addition to the team that will surely grant them a huge victory on their mission.

A grand plot twist for the rising heroes and their teachers.

"Am I to late?" He heard a feminine voice say from behind him a few minutes later. The voice he's been waiting to hear ever since she joined the group. "Your just in time...Y/n."


Short chapter I know but I really wanted to give you guys an update~

I've been going thru a lot lately with college and work that I couldn't find the time to give you guys a chapter 😥 I know I said I was going to give you all a big comeback but that plan went down the drain as I have decided to just update when I can. Some chapters might be long some chapters might be short but I hope you guys will support me nonetheless.

Now, some of you guys have been suggesting I put this series on a website called Inkit as I can earn money by doing so. You guys have been highly recommending me to do that but I'm not so sure about it. Some of you also recommended that I open a Patrion and that you guys would help me but Isn't that like a youtuber thing??? I'm not sure I will open one but, If I do will you guys support me? Just a question.

But anyway thank you all for these suggestions. I know you guys want to help me and thank you guys for that honestly. I will deeply think about it and update you guys on my decision in the future.

As always, Thank you for reading my books and supporting me. I hope you all have a good Night/Day! Love You guys!

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