3rd Person P.O.V
"Why...Why did he come?...Your gonna die just like me if you stay so why?!" Those two questions ran thru Kota's head as he watched Izuku Midoriya stand in front of him protectively. Kota never understood him. He never liked him from the start for wanting to be a so called hero. But now he was confused as he watched Midoriya stand in front of him. "W-Why?..." Kota said again this time out loud his voice weak and raspy.
"Hm...you where on the list...your also the boy Akuno told me to get rid of..." Muscular said smirking at the thought of finishing not just one but two people off and perhaps maybe more if he's quick.
Izuku's P.O.V
I stood in front of Kota as I glared at the villain. I hoped I would get here in hopes of getting Kota back to camp without encountering any villains...but to think there was already one here...to make matters worse my cell phone broke when I grabbed Kota making me unable to contact anyone for help. Cursing at myself for being slow I got into a fighting position as it looked like it wouldn't be easy to get out of here with Kota without a fight. As the villain slowly walked up to us with a smirk displayed on his lips I nervously thought about how I would beat this guy on my own while protecting Kota. Looking back at the said boy, he sat behind me shaking as tears flowed out of his frightened eyes.
Clenching my fist I stopped all of the negative thoughts that ran through my head and focused on the villain who was getting closer. "Its...Its going to be ok, Kota." I growled as I activated my quirk and smirked. "I'll definitely save you!" I said confidently as the villain stopped walking and laughed. "Pft what did your little ex girlfriend say your name was again? Midoriya Izuku was it?" The villain said causing me to stop my quirk. "W-What? What are you talking about?" I said confused as I stared at him my eyes wide as a million thoughts ran through my head.
"She was right. You really do get weak and distracted at the mention of her!" He laughed as he looked up clearly pretending to think. "Let's see, what did she say her name used to be? Ah, Y/n!" He said and suddenly I became extremely dizzy as my ears began to hurt as I heard a really loud ringing noice.
Did I hear him correctly...
Y/n wouldn't do this to us would she?...
Closing my eyes I tried to focus as I heard Kota whimper behind me. Right. I'm fighting for him right now. I need to get him out of here and back to everyone else safely.
I can think of Y/n later.
Opening my eyes I re activated my quirk as I focused on the villain again this time not listening to anything he says.
"So what, your gonna ignore me!? FINE!" He yelled and attacked. Landing on the wall hard I glared as he trapped me. As muscular was about to attack again his eyes widened as of realising something. "Right, if you know tell me. Where's that Bakugou kid at huh? After all...I still have a mission to accomplish besides killing you!" Muscular smirked as my eyes widened.
Kacchan? Why do they need Kacchan? Wha-
Dodging as the villain attacked again, a lot went through my mind once more, and this time it was about Kacchan. Why are they targeting him? For what purpose?
"Guess you don't know then! NOW LETS PLAY A LITTLE SHALL WE!?" Muscular yelled as he attacked me again and again each time hitting me directly.
As I tried to get up he started laughing. Shit, I have to focus. I can't keep getting distracted like this!
Clenching my jaw I ran towards him and landed a strike on his arm which did absolutely nothing causing my eyes to widen and him to laugh again. "Whats that soppose to be? Your quirk?? How fucking pathetic kid!" He said laughing hysterically before punching me again making me harshly land on the rocky walls.

How You Became A Hero 3 ~ MHA (Midoriya Izuku X Reader)
FanfictionAfter All Might, Izuku and the gang plus your father who we just discovered rescued you, they deliver the horrible news of the loss of your quirks as soon as you awaken. What will happen to you now? Why did your father suddenly show up now? Will On...