Third POV
Night had fallen, the moon half lit and the starts shining bright, some being covered by dark clouds that moved with the cold breeze of the night.
Five students, Class 1-A students from U.A to be more specific, stood outside of the hospital where some of their fellow classmates still laid.
The conversation of earlier going through all 5 of their heads.
"So we get the tracking thing from Yaomomo...and then we follow it..." Ashido shortly summarized Eijiro's plan. "Do you mean to go and rescue Bakugou yourselves?" Iida said still against the whole idea as he clenched his fist.
"Even tho the villains marked us as murder targets, they snatched Bakugou away without killing him. They may let him live, but I honestly can't be sure that they won't kill him. Eijiro and I will go." Todoroki boldly said making Iida pulling his hair in frustration from his two fellow classmates not listening to him.
"STOP MESSING AROUND! You both are getting carried away!" Iida yelled out but was stopped by Shoji who tried to calm him down. "Alright look...Kirishima's frustration of not being able to do anything...Todoroki's frustration of Bakugou and YN getting snatched before his eyes...I know how it feels too." Shoji began to say pointing to himself. "But, this is not a decision one should make based on how they feel." Shoji finished closing his eyes as he wished and hoped they would listen to his words as well as everyone else's.
Everyone nodded and agreed as they added their own little advice to stay back from a fight they know they can't win. To leave it to the pros. But Eijiro and Todoroki where not having it and slowly our green haired hero was staring to think that he should tag along as well.
But then, Tsuyu spoke words that made them re-think the actions they where thinking of taking. "I know we're all still in shock from Bakugou and YN's kidnapping, however, let's be level-headed about this. No matter how your feelings may be, if you engage in this battle...if you break the rules like that...then your actions are no different from those of the villains." Once Tsuyu finishes speaking her words hung in the air as everyone stayed quiet. They all knew she was right. And it frustrates all of them to their very core.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door and everyone moved to the side to see it was a doctor. "I'm very sorry to interrupt your conversation,'s time for Midoriya's check up." He said making everyone say their goodbyes to Midoriya who was still in thought with what was just spoken about.
As Iida slowly walked out, he stopped half way as he heard Eijiro's last words to Midoriya. "I spoke to Yaoyorozu yesterday. If we are going, it's gotta be fast...tonight." Eijiro quickly said, Midoriya still looking down at his casted hands not sure on what to do. "With your injuries, I don't know if your gonna be able to move, but I'm inviting you because...I think out of all of us, your the most frustrated." Eijiro continued making Midoriya harshly swallow. Eijiro wasn't wrong. "Tonight...I'll be waiting in front of the hospital." Eijiro finished as he patted Midoriya's back lightly, walking out right after Iida who did the same seconds before Eijiro could realize he stopped and listened.
Flashback over~
Few hours earlier...
Izuku's POV
"While you where asleep, recovery girl gave you some pretty strong should be able to move again where seriously such a mess." The doctor said as I looked at my un casted arm. "In this short amount of time, you've suffered a number of serious injuries, be honest, this time was on a completely different level..." The doctor finished saying as I sighed and traced all of the scars on my arms.

How You Became A Hero 3 ~ MHA (Midoriya Izuku X Reader)
FanfictionAfter All Might, Izuku and the gang plus your father who we just discovered rescued you, they deliver the horrible news of the loss of your quirks as soon as you awaken. What will happen to you now? Why did your father suddenly show up now? Will On...