Chapter 4

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" Enyo ?! 😳 what are you doing with the knife??!!😲" my mum had entered the kitchen even before I knew it 😭" uhh... Ma I .. I needed it for ...for..😒" I stammered " for what ?!!! 😳... Ma?! Phee?! where are you?" It was Delali 😞, I heaved a sigh of relief because Dela had saved me at that moment, I rushed to my room quickly leaving my mum down there , I wasn't in my right mind, I needed to do something but what is it that I needed to do ? 😭😭(I had never cried like this in my entire life 😫💦fear and anger had all mounted up in my heart , fear to see the face of that bastard I call a father and the anger that I was in no time going to unleash my anger on him 💔💔💔I seriously wanted to inflict pain on him , suddenly the thought of Dela and mum ,how were they going to even believe me 😫😭💔, the stigmatization from family friends and neighbors . A knock came on my door " Phee ?! Are you still sleeping?? " it was Dela 😞😞, I couldn't face him, he called out to me many times and left when I didn't respond.

Later in the afternoon, my mum unlocked my door with the spare key 🔑 " Enyo??! 😦 why what is wrong??? Are you not well ?? Why have you locked yourself since morning?? Eh ?? 😟" she put her hand on my forehead and gave me a suprise look ,I was burning with fever , but that was not my problem , she rushed out and came in with hot water and some pain killers, she massaged me with the hot water, gave me the pain killers and made me lie down . " Ma ?! " I called out to her , something was pushing me to tell her what had happened, but the fear of my mum not believing me , getting disappointed 😔 in me and even straining our relationship made me hold back 😪😪 " why what is it ?.... I'm ...I'm hungry ? " I had to lie. She took leave of me to get me food ( I'm sure you will be asking where was that man all this while ? ) my mum told me he had left at dawn claiming he had some serious work duties to attend to ( I don't give a hoot about what happens to that snake 😣) my mum brought me my food , I had lost appetite ( i would never wish this for you but if you were in my shoes 😭, you would understand what I was going through 😞💔💔) I pleaded with my mum to leave me alone and she respected that . I needed someone to talk to but who? ( yes ! Selasi! ) I picked my phone and called Selasi. I didn't care what time it was in South Korea , but all my prayer was that Selasi answers this call " heeeeeyy !!!! Girlfrieeeeeend 😄 what's up !!!! I miss you rough !!!! The Korean girls here are not as crazy and fun to be with like you 😂😂😂 ! Hello ? Phee ? .... uh yhh I'm here " Selahsi knew me too much and had detected that something was bothering me and it was serious, I gathered up courage and told her everything and she became silent for about two minutes " So what are we going to do now Phee ? " I could hear from her voice that she was crying too 😭😭😫 and that even made me weep more , as I was on the phone with Selah , my mum came knocking on my door , I quickly hung up on Selahsi and asked my mum to enter only for her to tell me someone was outside looking for me " And who is it ?? ... Well he says his name is Makafui ... Tell him I can't see him ...but ..Ma just tell him I can't see him . "  I had suddenly developed resentment for guys,men . He called me on phone several times and I declined the call several times ( I mean, couldn't I have my peace of mind ! 😫😫😭💔💔) the call kept coming and for one reason , I answered it " Hey ? I came here but your mum told me .... yes ! I'm busy ." I was blunt and harsh and before he could say anything else , I hung up and laid down ( people say that sleep helps you forget your sorrows and pains for the time you spend sleeping) but in my predicament, sleep never came .

My door had been opened again and I knew it was my mum checking up on me 😒, I turned to sit up and what I saw left me shaking vigorously 💔💔

*To be continued*

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