Turning point..... gradually..😏😏🙌🙌

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" Stay safe okay ?! ,goodbye 😘" my mum bid me goodbye and the car sped off ,seriously speaking I was nervous ,my heart was skipping little beats any time McKay came to mind 😩♥. The uber driver had started to flirt with me looking at me from his mirror "hi pretty, where are you heading to ? hey ,princess where are you heading to ? .... hoh why didn't my mum tell you ?? 🙄so you don't know where you taking me and you driving ?? Please I'm thinking straight don't disturb me ...oh sorry oo " such annoyance 😒 , some drivers were annoying papa . My phone was in my palm just hoping that I would get a call from McKay to even ask whether I will turn up or not but nothing 💔💔( if Mohammed won't go to the mountain , the mountain will come to Mohammed 🙂) Accra was really a beauty at night though, the lights and everything gave it a radiant look , so beautiful 🌃we drove past the Accra mall and hit the spintex road , my nervousness had grown higher 😩😩💔💔 my palms were wet ( I heard that anytime your heart skip a beat due to nervousness it means you have lost a bottle of blood , but the way things were going , I had lost a whole gallon of blood ,no exaggeration 😩) . Finally,our car pulled at the parking lot of the hotel ,ei there were lots of who were had also arrived at the Oak Plaza Hotel, those coming for prom and the rest ,people were looking fabulous.

I carefully got down from the car and walked gracefully towards the entrance, suddenly someone tapped me  " errm ,Miss please your dropped your hanky " I turned to say thank you and guess who I saw ! " McKay !! 😧no no no please don't do this , please don't walk out on me , we need to talk , I know you don't want to see me but please hear me out , I beg you 🙁" he looked away as I held his hand and talking to him , he was so angry that he couldn't even utter a word , I followed him quickly as we headed towards the entrance and McKay always being the gentleman I know, gave the guy at the entrance tickets for two ( wait a minute , did he know I will show up ? He had wanted to see me too eventhough he was mad at me 😩♥) . The place was looking beautiful with the lights and decorations there was loud music too  , and everyone was looking splendid but that was not my concern at the moment , McKay was walking fast and I followed his every step and took every turn he took as we entered , a guy grabbed my arm and pulled me back , I screamed at McKay's name ,he turned and had even gotten more furious at what he saw ,he quickly approached the guy " let my girl go 😒" he pulled my arm and the guy let go of me immediately ( lol after seeing that angry look on Kay's face who would not comply ) . He dragged me onto one of the balconies in the hotel a little away from the loud music so we could talk. It was silent , i was nervous but I had no time to waste , I sat down on one of the chairs and heaved a huge sigh " Kay won't you even sit ? ... Phoebe just talk okay ? ... Umm , first of all I'm sorry for everything ... hm! You are sorry for everything indeed ! Sorry for everything indeed ! Is that how you are ?!! After you done doing your dirty sh*t, you go round and fabricate a lie to save your face !! And now you coming to tell me you are sorry ?!! Will sorry clear everything ??! Huh ?!! ... Why won't you even hear me out ?!! ... mm ! Lie to me 😏.... do you have any idea of what I 've gone through ?! I never said that about you to my mum or anyone ! You know what ?! after telling you everything , you can choose to believe me or not ! I was raped okay ?! By my own father ,he is not even my father , I was broken 😥😭, that is why I had refused to see you the day you came to visit , it happened the day before 😞. It was my stepdad who fabricated that lie about you to my mum to save his face after hearing me talking to you on phone 😭! Why would I do that to you ?! ....wh-what did you say ?? .... I was raped 😪...wh-why ?! I mean how could your father do that ?!!  " McKay was shocked after I told him everything, he couldn't even find the right words to speak " so so what have you done about it ?? Have you told your mum ? The police ? Dela ? ... yes my mum and Dela knows about it but she doesn't believe me McKay 😭Dela and I too have no proof whatsoever to show to her not to even talk of the police,he has been arrested too 😩...who?...Dela 😩...ah why ?!...he had a hot fight with our stepdad and he reported him to the police 😢...such wickedness !! 😧.... I don't even know what to do anymore 😭😭 and the hurting part too is that , anytime we are alone , he pricks my wounds and tells me how stupid and childish I was to tell my mum about everything 😥💔.... ah!! 😧he has no shame too !! 😤" McKay was so angry and hurt , he kept on saying how he would have beaten the wickedness out of my stepdad if he had the chance to " you said he keeps mocking you after everything ?? ... yh ... especially when no one is around ??...yes ... have you tried recording his voice ?? I mean using your phone to record everything he says without his notice , then you play it to your mum and the police ,haven't you thought about that ??" Oh my God ! How could I have not thought about that all this while ! 😲 McKay was an angel sent from heaven , I swear 😩😩♥♥♥, I got up quickly and gave him a tight ,warm hug " McKay thank you ...hey I'm here for you yh " I couldn't let go of him 😩♥♥ he had hugged me so tight ,his body on mine and mine on his ♥♥♥,he finally let go of me ,smiled and held my waist ,he was starring at me with those charming eyes , I could feel the butterflies in my stomach doing their things 💞, my heart was beating faaaast 💓. He slowly bent his head to mine , I could feel his warm breath, I closed my eyes slowly ( this was one of the moments I was waiting for ) his upper lip touched mine slowly " Yo McKay ! Owh sorry! 😬" just then one of his friends barged in 💔💔

*To be continued*

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