Give him a piece of your mind

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Days had passed,weeks had passed and we had gotten into the new month , Ma was talking to us alright but she was always harsh and blunt when talking to us , I was beginning to loose hope in we providing enough evidence to Ma and to the police 👮 against my stepfather, yes he had been my stepfather all this while and the question was where is my biological father 😏? There were rumors on whatsapp that our results were out , i was nervous though ( I mean it was normal for one to have outcome of results jinx 😩) photos of other students' results were all over whatsapp , those who had A in chains and those we don't mention (lolx ) . Later in the afternoon, i had calls from a couple of my mates confirming how true those rumors were and even some of our mates had gone to check, I quickly went online and texted McKay to ask him whether he had gone to check his so we shared the good news ( I wasn't ready to check mine though 🙂) suprisingly he called me " baby 😌♥... ( ei what did he call me eiii 😂, i laughed in my head ) .... uhh yh Kay whats up ... nothing much dear , I miss you erhnn .... awwn I miss you too .." just then my mummy barged in and I quickly hid my phone under my pillow " herh ! Who do you miss?! It's him erhn ?! Give me the phone ! I said give me the phone or else I will slap you ern ! Stupid girl ! " she took my phone and stormed out angrily ( owh God , I'm dead ☹💔💔😩😫, what if she calls McKay and insults him 😫💔) i needed to tell Dela about this , i sneaked out of my room and tried opening Dela's door but it was locked 😩💔💔 .

Later in the evening, I was so hungry 💔 but I was scared to go down there and eat , my phone too had been seized , i would have called Dela to bring me food ☹💔, I could still hear my mum's voice down there ( eii I was just praying nothing will come up ) I later heard Dela speaking owh thank God 🙏,he came  straight to my room " ei Dela there is trouble oo 😿😭💔...why what is it ? Mummy overheard me talking to McKay oo Dela 😩... chaarrleey 😨why, didn't you lock the door ?? ... No 💔" . After eating the jollof rice Dela brought , Dela took leave of me , I reached for my laptop 💻 and watched a movie . It was already morning ( like now a days,we experience shorter nights and longer days 🤦‍♀, how I wished it was the other way round ) a loud knock came on my door , it was Dela, he came in worried " Dela what is it ?? ... Charley Phee McKay's brother called me on phone speaking angrily oo ... ah why did you guys fight ?? ... Did we fight ?? Ma went there this morning to insult them lah 😒,especially McKay... owh God 😱.... Selorm says she accused McKay for sleeping with you and it has put McKay in serious trouble at home... eii Ma ! 😰, I didn't know she will go this far oo 💔💔... tsw I'm even embarrassed to go to their house, I'm going down there to ask her why she did that ah 🙄! .... No , no Dela don't , that will be like pouring fuel into fire, please... oh why please?? Ma is overreacting too much and it's annoying hoh 😡why would you go to my friend's house and insult him and his parents just like that ah 😒.... Dela ,easy ,see you should know that this is all that man's fault , and not Ma's ...then it's time that man was put in his rightful place even if it requires beating the hell and stupidity out of him! 😡" Dela also had a very bad temper that was very serious and he was going to hurt that man if I didn't calm him down ." Dela see calm down .... no no no Phee this is bullsh*t ah ! Or is it because we have not been able to prove to Ma that , that man is a good for nothing so he thinks he can set confusion amongst us ??! I'm going down there to teach him a lesson you watch me ! " he stormed out of my room in anger topless ( this was going to turn bloody , because we all knew Dela when he was off ) " Dela ! Dela ! wait ! Dela see calm down , Dela ! Dela listen to me , Dela ! " I followed him to calm him down but it fell on deaf ears. Ma was in the kitchen and he was outside cleaning his car " oh Dela listen to me err ! "

" See Mr. McCarthy or whatever you call yourself! You think you can come into our life and cause confusion and destroy what we ve built ern ! 😡"

*To be continued*

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