It's ended😢😢

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" Officer please come inside " Dela entered with the Inspector and this time there were three policemen with him " Good evening Mr. and Mrs . McCarthy " he greeted and my mum responded but I could see that my stepdad had started to feel uneasy " err Miss McCarthy your brother talked about an audio that you have to play to conclude this arrest can you play it for us please ... uhh s-s-ure " I had started feeling nervous already , I pressed play and closed my eyes tight 😑 again it was playing 😄😄😄 the Inspector took the phone from me and placed it to his ears in order to listen very well , " Ah Gloria what is going on here ... what is going on fiwww ! Shameless man like you !! ... Mrs. McCarthy! Mrs. McCarthy ! Please I'm trying to listen to the audio please ... please don't call me Mrs. McCarthy again,I'm Gloria Ayivie 😒...Gloria ?? ...Mr. McCarthy please keep quiet so we can all listen to the audio " it was so obvious that my stepdad's forehead had began to form beads of sweat , the place had become quiet all of a sudden and the audio had been loud enough to everyone's hearing , my stepdad's  voice was audible and clear , the Inspector's face expressed disgust as he listened to the everything ( I'm sure he couldn't believe his own ears on what he was hearing , I mean come on this was the least of the cases he had tackled , or perhaps with the respect he had given my stepdad he never thought he was capable of doing such? That's how life is ) " Victor now talk !! Say something !! Lie to us !! That was your voice played loud and clear !! Victor why ?!! Why ?! What have my children and I done to you ??!!" my mum walked to him and before we could say jack , she had pounced on him hitting and slapping him with all her might and it sent both of them to the floor , we all rushed and to pull my mum or else it would have turned bloody if we didn't do so , she kept on screaming that we left her alone so she dealt with him ( truth be told I wanted her to beat him very well , my mum could be very rough if she wanted to oo and everyone knew that ) the policemen got hold of my stepdad " Mr. McCarthy you are being arrested for sexually assaulting your daughter Phoebe McCarthy and you have every right to remain silent or anything you say will be used against you in the court of law " the Inspector took out a pair of handcuffs and locked my stepdad's wrists with them " take him away oo !! .... Gloria I'm sorry!!😭please don't let them take me away ... oh shut up you evil man !! My children and I will never bear your name useless being officer take him away !! .... don't hold me ! I will go on my own ! ... you Victor you will suffer ! You will never see happiness you ! I will make sure you suffer in jail !" my mum rained insults and curses on him as he was escorted outside, people had started to gather as they heard my mum shouting and they saw the police car , we quietly pulled her inside the house and locked the gate ( yes !!! That man was out of our lives for good !! The thought of that made me smile as Dela and I held our mum inside our house she still couldn't believe everything . It was already 7:00 in the evening , McKay called me as I was with my mum and Dela, he called to ask what happened in our house that evening , I told him everything and my mum on hearing us talk , took the phone and told him to expect her the following day to apologize for everything .

McKay and I whatsapped deep into the night 😊he even sent me a soft copy of his WASSCE results and he had excelled, and he had also bought University of Ghana forms and Ghana Telecom forms as well ,♥♥♥💫we talked and talked till it was time to sleep, after I said a word of prayer I smiled at the thought of how God had made things right for my family and I 🙏🙏,I had slept soundly like a baby 😵😴🛌. Morning had already come 🌝🌝 this time I woke up earlier than any other day , I brushed my teeth ,washed my face and headed downstairs and Dela was the one setting the table " Yo ! Good morning 😁....morning 😁slept well ? .... of course ! 😄where is Ma ? ....uhh she went to Kay's house to apologize to their family as she said ...oh okay 😊... she says we should eat when you wake up " we were halfway done eating our breakfast when Ma entered " you guys are almost done eh ? 😊..... yhyh so how did it go ? ...ohh hmm they were so nice to me oo both the parents and the boys were so nice to me ☺aharn Enyo the boy has checked his results oo he excelled so make up your mind to check it, I will let you check it today eh ? ... Yes Ma 🌚. She sent Dela to go to the Internet cafe to check it for me ( I couldn't go myself oo 🌚I was nervous 😬) . About 45 minutes later Dela called Ma , she was happy and after Dela mentioned my grades to her , I had an A, 3 Bs ,3Cs and a D that was in Emaths ( I hated maths 🤦‍♀) but my mum was happy after all because maths was not what I want to major in .  Our lives had gone back to normal 😊😊♥♥💫💫 Dela had worked out on his apartment and he was moving out of the house the following week , oh my bestie and everything was leaving me 😩♥♥, my mum told us my stepdad's case was going to be adjourned in two weeks time so I had to get ready . " Ehern Enyo come and sit here let me ask you something , 🌚uhh that boy McKay are you guys that close ? 🌚I mean close as in close ? ... ah Ma 😂... oh I'm just asking cho😁you know you can tell me anything you have been like my best friend since you became of age so feel free to tell me everything okay , because I'm not a kid 😁 and I have seen everything .... Ma you have seen what 😂? Okay okay I like him 🙈" after I told my mum that I like she gave me a whole lecture 🤦‍♀( you know mothers already 😂😂 you naaa you told me to tell you everything and now you are giving me a whole lecture ) but at the end ,she gave me the go ahead if he is a good guy to start something with 😊😊, my mum was simply the best ! 😩♥♥♥

A whole month had passed and the relationship between  Kay and I had grown strong , his parents and brother knew me too ,especially his mum was fond of me and she had started calling me my in law eventhough Kay and I hadn't started dating, my mum too was so fond of Kay 🌝♥. Our university placements were out and I gained admission at Ghana Insititute of Journalism ( GIJ ) 😁😁and Kay gained admission at Ghana Telecom ♥ we were so happy about it because University of Ghana wasn't really where we wanted to be . Ma had bought my university stuff , we had gone to book a room in one hostel around the Tema Station in Accra because it was close to my school 🏢, I was happy about this whole thing because Kay's to visit me at my hostel often 💃💃 was promised , my roommates were cool too , I related with them nicely ☺♥but I left for the house to prepare for matriculation the following day after three days in my hostel . Our matriculation day was due and as usual I was looking my very best 😌♥♥Kay pulled over in front of my gate in his corolla and came inside " Auntie Gloria good morning ☺...hey my boy ! Morning ! How are you ? ...I'm fine Ma ...The family ? ... everyone is fine 😊...ohh nice nice , you are here for your friend erhn? ... yes ma 😁" I laughed as I listened to how my mum was just talking with Kay and stressing on her last statement 😂 this woman err " Enyo ?! ... Ma I'm here baby you look good!! Wait wait let me take you pictures,or Kay can't see you see she is looking good ? " my mum could worry ei 🤦‍♀😂 we took leave of her after taking me the tonnes of photos , time was far spent , she bid us goodbye and told us to have lots of fun but we should stay safe . Kay and I hopped into the car " wow you look splendid ☺, I want to chew you right now 🤤... herh Kay ! 😂... I'm just pulling your legs 😉so , shall we ? ....yh sure .

The matriculation was a success, I took lots of pictures with my roommates Ama,Sharon and Maureen, Kay was not left out though 😁♥. He told me he wanted to take me somewhere when we finished with everything , after taking pictures and all that , we drove all the way to the Kokrobite beach that was not far from our neighborhood " hey ,why here of all places ? 😄.... I thought you said you love the beach .... owh owkaaay ,come on let's go and walk by the sea 😁, I can't wait to play in it 😂.... like seriously ? Are you a kid ? 😂😂" I pulled him and we ran towards the sea (mmm the breeze was so cool 😩💞💞) " uuh Phee ? ... yah ! 😉...uhhmm I - I - ... you what ?? 😄 come on speak ... you know we -we've come a long way annnnd I want us to take this , I mean us to a different level ... I don't get you 🌚... all I'm trying to say is that , Phee you are all I need , I'm not here to play with you okay , I know you see me as that guy who has messed up once with different girls yes you are right , but with you , I don't know but the feeling is so different , Phoebe I love you ♥ and I want you to be my girlfriend " this hit me hard 😊 and I was silent " uhh Kay you know I have gone through a lot and things have not been easy for me but ... yes ! Yes ! I will be your girlfriend ! 😄😄" he hugged me tight and said a countless " I love you " I know I had made him think I would turn him down when I started to talk , he told me he was going to make me happy and never will he hurt me . We put our foreheads together and smiled at each other , he reached for my lips slowly and there was burning sensation in me that made me so ready for this kiss ( there was no Jeff around to spoil the moment ) people were kinda around but they were also busily doing their own thing . Kay kissed me slowly , softly and passionately that I didn't want us to stop , he pulled out smiled at me " hey I love you 😊... I love you too ♥... I love Phoebe McCarthy !!!!... hey 😂😂I'm no more McCarthy I'm Phoebe  Enyonam 😉.... okay , I love Enyonam !!! 😩♥... ahh stop shouting 😂😂😂.... "

True love finds us through so many ways , the one to love you regardless of anything is out there ☺♥ giving your self the chance is the magic 😉. I Phoebe Enyonam, once a rape victim who has gone through trauma , fear of loving and to be loved by someone had gripped me , despite my emotional crisis, I tried hard to give myself another chance to be happy once again 😊♥, I just hope you out there who is and has encountered such a painful experience will give yourself the chance to be happy once again 😊♥♥ all is not lost b ♥ be strong , don't let that wicked man who did that you petrify you 👌, be determined to expose him ✊🏽,I have found love ☺♥♥ you can too 💪💪✊🏽.


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I'm very much grateful guys 😘thanks for reading 😩♥.

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