Getting better now...

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It was McKay! ☺, I got out of the car and gave him a very warm hug 🤗, I had missed him ( wait a minute oh the resemblance from the guy was McKay, that was his elder brother ) " Hey what's up 😉? I missed you 😌" I couldn't tell him I had missed him too , I was that shy ☺, I requested we sat in the car and talked because we were still in my neighborhood and my mum or Dad or anyone else could spot  McKay and I , we then got into the car and we both had gone silent, he then broke the silence " errm ... so... you said you will be able to make it for prom ? .... yhh , where exactly is it being held at ?...Oak Plaza hotel ... the one at east airport. " ( mmm that was quite far but it's better than to stay in that house full of painful memories , it's not like I'm staying away forever though 😔) he put his hands on my thighs and reached for my hands slowly, I was blushing because every girl perfectly knows what follows next after a guy does this " ermm Phoebe I know we don't know each other quite well , but I have grown to..." just then Dela knocked on the car door ( lol we had not even seen them coming, Dela playfully held McKay by his dress to stay away from me and I chuckled over this) thinking that McKay was going back to the house , he rather joined us in the car ( ohh okay so Dela brought me here on purpose to see McKay ☺silly boy ) he smiled at me and started his engine " Dela where are we going to ? ....Let's say... out of Kasoa 😊" Delali did everything to put a smile on my face ,McKay took my hand and put it in his as Dela's focus was on the driving ( lol silly boy) . I didn't really know what McKay had told Dela but all I knew was Dela had no problem with me liking McKay and I know back in the car when we were alone he was about expressing his feelings to me ( but to me that was too early or what do you think? ) we had long drive from Kasoa to a very nice place in Accra , the place had one name like that ( lol I have forgotten) we got ourselves seats and Dela ordered food and drinks for a trio ☺( I knew he was doing this to get my mind off everything at that moment and I really did appreciate that ❤) .

McKay stood up to go to the washroom, Dela drew closer to me " Phee, please be nice okay 😉... ah but I ve not done anything err ... I'm just saying be nice hoh ... whatever 😴... hey see we have to find a way to .... " Dela quickly stopped talking when he saw McKay coming ( McKay was going to know about this anyway , won't be able to keep it away from him for long and I wouldn't like it either when he hears about this from another person apart from Dela and I ) " yh Dela charley I'm seeking your permission to make your sister as my prom date oo ... hey hey you for dey gee oo ..."  we kept on chatting and they managed to make me laugh with their silly jokes , it had been long since I spread a smile across my face but we needed to do something about this issue and it had to be quick ,the thought of my mum changed my mood totally " Phee are you alright?? " McKay questioned me " oh yhh I'm okay " but Dela and I perfectly knew all was not okay ,after spending ample time together we headed for the house . We dropped McKay at his house and he gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving and that made my stomach flutter 💓 Dela smiled when he saw that we also headed to our house It was late and quiet and we knew they were asleep, we entered and we both were startled when we saw mum still awake ( no matter what , we were her children and she always did this when any of us was out late at night ) but on seeing us she eyed us angrily and quickly got up , I attempted to greet and Dela quickly stopped me ( I guess that would have made her angry more ) . He walked me to my room ,wished me a goodnight 😴 and I entered my room , i sighed heavily and went ahead to take a cold bath 🛀 ( oh boy ! I had had a looooong day and even a massage 💆🏾 could do ) . I quickly changed into my nightie and jumped to bed , I said a prayer to God for enough strength for the days ahead in this house 😴😴.

*To be continued*

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