Almost there😎😋

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"Officer please wait !!" everyone turned to look at me in amazement ,my mum's look alone hm , I pressed the play button and gracious heavens it read " this file format is not supported " ( ah ! No no no this was not happening !! 😦) I kept on pressing the play button but still , my hands started to shake , my limbs were becoming weak , my mouth had dried up all of a sudden and my heart was beating at a fast rate ( Oh God please! please oo 😭😭not when I'm so close getting this evil man out of our lives ! ) " Miss McCarthy !! Why did you call me ?? ... umm...uhh I ..I .. wanted to say ... err thank you yh thank you for everything , I mean you took care of my brother these past days ... oh come on the pleasure is all mine " I stammered , but tears had welled up in my eyes and I could feel my sorrows in my throat ( like I'm sure you have experienced that thing where all of your pain gathers in your throat and you keep swallowing it down to your stomach but it doesn't work 😫😭😭) Ma ,Dela and my stepdad's face showed signs of relief after I had told that lie. I ran to my room when they turned to see them off, I was soooo angry with God ! and everyone !! I mean not this time ! Not when everything was about to pull through 😭😭, hadn't God seen me suffer ?? Why had he allowed this to happen to me ?? Like why ?? ( I kept on asking myself these questions ) I threw my phone on my bed , pulled my shoe rack down , pulled my bedspread started throwing them anyhow in the room in full anger 😡😡nothing was working out for me why ?!! I was shaking with tears ohh 😭😭 nothing worked out for me , absolutely nothing 😫😫😭😭😭💔💔💔💔now what else was next ??? I cried and cried , later my mum came knocking on my door and I told her I was experiencing a headache so I needed to rest ,this was all my mum's fault !! Only if she had not even brought this man into our lives ! She married him too and she didn't perform her duties as expected and now I'm suffering for all her dumb carelessness 😡😡😤, how i wanted to go down there and talk ,talk my mind errhnn only God knew 😓. I laid down on the cold bare floor soaked in my own tears starring at my ceiling .

Hours had passed and I was still lying down on the floor , earlier I was so happy about exposing that evil man and within some minutes everything had messed up just like 💔💔💔my phone began to rang but I was so angry at everything even the caller , so I intentionally waited for it to be a missed call but I don't know something pushed me to go for my phone , it was behind my bed , I guess it fell over when I pulled my bedspread and threw it somewhere else in anger ,I went for my phone and it was McKay , seriously speaking I wasn't in the mood,I unlocked my phone password and went to my recorded files , I couldn't control my tears as I starred at this particular audio, I angrily started pressing the audio hard and repeatedly , suddenly something made me stop the " file format not supported " thing didn't come whiles I was pressing on the audio , I sat quickly , took in some air and brought it out again , I slowly tried pressing the audio but the fear of being dissapointed and getting more angry made me wait , but I was putting my faith to work , this thing had to play , " Enyo ? Are you okay now ??" my mum's knock startled me " yhh but I just want to lie down ... okay baby " this thing had to play , it had to 😩😩 oh God please listen to this prayer of mine , i pressed it" where are you coming from at this time of the night ??" jeeez!!!😦😦 it was playing !!!! That was the first thing my dad said when I entered !! It was playing !! I jumped up !! And started screaming and jumping with happiness herh !! I was shaking 😩😩I stormed out " Dela !! Dela !! It is playing !! " I knocked on his door " herh Enyo what is playing ??!!" My mum asked from downstairs , Dela opened the door and I quickly entered ignoring my mum " Dela it's playing !! 😃 what is playing ?? The audio ! The...the... the audio that I did , I... I ... recorded Da's voice yesterday like as a proof that he did it , do you get me ??😃...wait wait so that's what you wanted to play this morning ?? Yes ! Yes! 😫😫 and it read " file format not supported " !! ...Let's go and play it to Ma ... no no no wait ...ah why ?? ....or should we tell her ?? ....Yes ! Call her to come and look at something " Dela went ahead and called out to our mum in Ewe to come and look at something . I went down on my knees and started thanking God herh see God does things in mysterious ways oo 😩😩♥♥♥, my mum entered and saw both of us sitting on Dela's bed starring at her " why what is it ? Why did both of you call me ? ....Ma come and sit everything alright ? ...oh yh just come and sit down ,there is something we have to show you ...erhnn ?? Okay " Dela then told her to take heart and try so hard to keep calm after we show her what there is to show her,she started to get impatient when Dela said that ,we both took her hand and she turned to look at me " Enyo is everything alright ? " Dela gave me a sign to play it to her ,I took out my phone went to my voice recorded files but I waited and looked at my mum and started to imagine how she was going to be hurt and devastated 💔💔☹☹" Enyo I'm waiting oo 🙄" I played the audio, put the phone in her hands, I stood up and walked towards Dela's  window , I just couldn't look at my mum ,the place was quiet and the audio was loud enough , I could feel the tension in the room " Jesus !!! 😨😨 herh !! Victor !! God !! 😱😱 Enyo !!! 😰😰😨😨 awo Victor has killed me !! He has killed me oo !! Hey !! " my mum was lamenting ,she couldn't take it anymore ,Dela and I helped her from the floor, " my heart oo 😭😭💔💔ah ! ah ! Enyo?! Dela !? My heart ! 💔😭😭.... Ma take it easy , it's okay .... see I will kill Victor !! ... awo Enyo forgive me okay !?? 😭😭Enyo forgive me for not believing you oo !! Awo Dela you and your sister should forgive me oo 😭😭😭💔💔I will make sure Victor pays !! I swear on my mother's grave that Victor will pay 😭😭💔💔" my mum kept on cursing my stepdad and lamenting, we were also trying our best to calm her down so our stepdad doesn't hear us . After a whole hour of convincing our mum to calm down , we told her to act like she has heard nothing and go down there lest he will suspect something , so that Dela and I call the police she agreed and stood up to leave , she turned again to hug me tight in tears apologizing again for not being there for me , she made me cry too 😭😭😭💔💔 . Dela had collected the number of that same officer and called him , lucky enough for us he was on duty that evening so he promised us to be expecting them in an hour's time . I hugged Dela sooo tight ,shedding tears of joy 😭😩😩 oh God finally ! I was so happy ! " Dela we did it 😩😩 ... I know right 😁 okay so how come you got this perfect idea?? ...It was McKay oo😩♥♥♥" ( oh see I had forgotten all about him 🤦‍♀🤦‍♀) just then my mummy called us to come down , when we got there ,she was on the phone with my stepdad calling him to come for dinner, he was in the neigbourhood at his friend's place, after the call, my mum kept on mentioning his name and tapping her feet on the ground , we also kept calming her down.

An hour later my stepdad entered , he stopped at the door suddenly when he saw the three of us " please we are waiting for you, the food would get cold ...I'm sorry for keeping you waiting " my mum was so angry and it was obvious " Gloria is everything alright ? ....why, do I look sick here ? 🙄" my mum was beginnning to burst , my stepdad took his seat at the dinning table "Dela please stand up and lock the door " my mum instructed Dela ,the police was keeping long too 😕😕, Dela then had a call and he went outside , my eyes and my mum's met 🙂 the time had come 💪, just then Dela entered " officer please come inside "

*To be continued*

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