Chapter 2: The Ceremony

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"Remember, pay your respects to Andrés during the celebration and dance with a few rank threes or above," Gabriela informed as Mía tugged slightly on the fabric around the girl's waist

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"Remember, pay your respects to Andrés during the celebration and dance with a few rank threes or above," Gabriela informed as Mía tugged slightly on the fabric around the girl's waist.

"Rank three? Or above?" What is that?" She asked, tilting her head to see the lady.

"Don't move señorita," the stylist instructed.

"Sorry Mía," (Y/N) apologised. The young girl smiled in response, taking a piece of the fabric that was forming her hood.

"Rank three Assassin, given your position in the service, Andrés insisted that you have to be with an assassin with a rank three to five," Gabriela stated.

"And if I don't like any of them?" The now 18-year-old asked.

"We wait until next year," She answered.

"Really? Andrés isn't going to force anyone down my throat so I can get married quickly?" She joked.

"No, when he rescued you 15 years ago and considered you as his own, he realised he didn't want to be like all the powerful men of the country. So it's up to you if you want to be independent and wait another year for the right person, then so be it." She apprised. (Y/N) grinned in response, nodding enthusiastically.

They stood in silence, inspecting Mía's skills as her orders to the girl became the only sound that could be heard in the room.

Soon, Lucas strolled in, keeping the door open as three other men (Y/N) vaguely familiar with entered. Two of the men stood in front of each end of the doors, their hands behind their backs as Lucas and the remaining man held a similar stance at the foot of the single stair.

"Andrés wants to see you before the ceremony," Lucas announced. The girl nodded as Gabriela and Mía stood away from her to give her space. (Y/N) handed the delicate fabric back to her designer before walking over to the small table beside the three tall mirrors.

"What is the matter?" She asked, inserting her daggers back in her sleeves and picking up her pistol. She examined it quickly before placing it back in one of her belts.

"It's about your legacy and status," He nodded. Her eyebrows furrowed before turning around and following him out as she put her hood back up.

They walked through the long hallways, seeing many girls and a few boys tidying up and decorating the building. The girl sighed as Lucas and the other man opened the door for her, not daring to walk inside unless orders instructed them to do so.

"Thank you, Lucas and Thiago," Andrés smiled as he gestured to them to close the big doors.

"You wished to see me?" (Y/N) asked, crossing her arms behind her back.

"How are you my child," He asked.

"Prepared," She informed.

"Good," He nodded. His hands raised to the level of his chest before he gazed to her,

"Come, we have some matters to discuss," (Y/N) walked up to him, following him to the balcony before sitting down by his side on the stone bench.

"Do you have any questions about the celebration?" He turned to me.

"Not that I know of, but I have a statement to make," She answered, to which, the man responded with a groan.

"This celebration is too much! I want all the servants to be gone, no work today. Why are they working on something in the building whilst its' happening outside? This is too much for me," She explained. Andrés shook his head, a small grin appearing on his face.

"15 years in this place and you still have your 3-year-old habits." he chuckled.

"I'm serious, please?" She begged. He stared at her for a few moments,

"Fine," He breathed out.

"Thank you," She smiled gratefully at him.

"Now, this ceremony. You know how important this is yes?" He asked. She nodded hesitantly not entirely sure if she fully understood this day.

"This is the turning point for you, you are free of doing whatever you feel right." The girl's grin widened at his words, "but you still have to convince me," He finished, her grin immediately fading away. He chuckled at her expression before continuing.

"Lucas will be by your side at all times,"

"What about the other three?"

"They will be too. Their names are Thiago, Aaron and Adrián. Since you are independent now, I'm placing higher security on you," She groaned in response, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Now, don't be dramatic, there is still a lot to talk about."


"We are brought upon this beautiful day to celebrate the maturity of (Y/N) (L/N)," Andrés started from the edge of the stairs. Many people were clapping happily, most of the richest men in the country that were not The Order's enemies had attended, bringing along their wives that had origins of foreign descent or a lower social class than them.

They also summoned their best assassins with them to present to the girl after the ceremony, hoping that they would be able to form a solid relationship.

Many of Andrés' assassin were stationed around the property. Granted, nobody knew this was a secret inauguration to the newest highest-ranked assassin after the man in question: it seemed that this was just a friendly ceremony to celebrate the girl's birthday.

"This is long," (Y/N) whispered to Gabriela as Andrés continued his speech.

"Be nice," The woman chuckled under her breath.

Contrary to the 18-year-old girl's belief, the day unravelled rather quickly and before she knew it, she was down from the private room and chatting along with the men alongside Andrés, in their spacious terrace surrounded by a thin strip of water and then vegetation spread out for a mile or two.

"What a lovely celebration Mister Lopez," A man that she had heard of before smiled as he shook Andrés' hand.

"Thank you, it's nice to see you again." (Y/N)'s guardian chuckled.

"This is Ian, my best assassin," He presented to the girl.


After a few dances with assassins that (Y/N) had only vaguely heard of, she stood on the side, sipping a small glass of the country's best wine beside Mía.

"How are you enjoying the ceremony so far señorita?" The girl questioned.

"Average, I don't find any of these assassins the least bit interesting," She chuckled in response. A tap on (Y/N)'s shoulder averted her attention away from her longtime friend. She turned around slowly, her eyes locking with a pair of beautiful blue ones.

"The name is Richard, can I have a dance?" He asked, placing a soft kiss on her hand.

 "That would be lovely," (Y/N) grinned shyly before she followed him towards the centre terrace

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 "That would be lovely," (Y/N) grinned shyly before she followed him towards the centre terrace.  

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