𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚

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"This what happen when I think about you,

I get in my feelings, yeah, I start reminiscing, yeah,

Next time around, fuck I want it to be different, yeah,

Waiting on a sign, guess it's time for a different prayer"

- Exchange by Bryson Tiller


         It was currently 4 pm, I had been out the majority of the morning doing some errands and picking up shopping after completing my University work. I picked myself up a Starbucks and met up with my friend Ciera for lunch. We spent the time, catching up chatting about her new boyfriend, she gave me my birthday presents (which she always goes overboard with), she loves to spoil me, I swear. We also spoke about my birthday plans which up to yet were nothing apart from staying in and probably having a takeaway. She knew I was the kind of girl to just have a small gathering, I wasn't one for making new friends or having parties, you could say I was kind of introverted but I didn't mind it. I know that with my job I have to be outgoing and be able to meet new people, I do that in a work setting but when it's just me and my normal life, I'm virtually the opposite. 

I had Harry and that's all that mattered to me until he left of course. I met Ciera online, we bonded over one of our favourite bands 5 Seconds of Summer, shocking that it wasn't One Direction right? It was easy for her to become one of my best friends, she is the light of my life and I couldn't be more thankful to have found her truly. She knew everything about me and has been such a saviour in these last few years without Harry, she knows how much he means to me although she did scold me this morning when I told her about his text. All she said to me was 

"don't give him the power to break you again, please be careful and think with your head not your heart, even though it is hard, but knowing you, you will ultimately think with your heart"

We both looked at each other and laughed, that's why I loved her. She tries to give me advice but she already knows the outcome although I did tell her I would be careful. I never knew who to trust growing up with so much tragedy thrown at me in such a short amount of time, it's unfortunately crept into my later life too so it can be difficult sometimes. 

I had just got home, putting down all my shopping bags in the living room when my phone started vibrating, I peered down to see who it was. My heart accelerated and my eyes widened. 


My heart skipped a beat, I didn't think he would ring so soon but then again it had been 7 or so hours since we last spoke. So many questions swarmed through my head at that moment. What's his voice going to sound like now? Like yeah, I've heard it in interviews over the years but will he even sound similar to when he left me? I picked up the phone, taking a deep breath, it's now or never Lila, just get it over with.

"Hi Harry", I looked down at the ground shyly, it wasn't as if he could see me but a sense of vulnerability washed over me quickly. It had been seven years, this could all be completely different now and I had to be prepared for that.

"Hello Lila, Happy Birthday! I'm sorry I took so long to call, I was still asleep until just now". I could hear him yawn after he spoke and I smiled, he was still cute. His voice was a lot raspier from what it was before, obviously, he had matured, I just didn't realise quite how much until now. A lot can change in that amount of time. 

"Harry it's completely fine. I knew you would be, you need to get a better sleeping pattern though! And thank you, today hasn't been the best so far honestly...", I heard him shuffle around, indicating he must be getting out of bed.

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