𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙁𝙤𝙪𝙧

176 31 28

"Who's gonna talk to me on the phone, 'til the sun comes up,

Who's gonna take your place,

There ain't nobody better,

Oh, baby, baby, we belong together."

- We Belong Together by Mariah Carey


          "Lila! How was your day sweetheart?". My Aunt Clara kissed my cheek as she walked into the kitchen placing her bags and coat onto the table, she popped the kettle on and sat down next to me by the table.

"My day went surprisingly very well actually, I went to lunch with Ciera, did some shopping and got the majority of my work done too". At that moment, I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face at the thought of talking to Harry earlier, however. Just the thought of our phone call made me so happy, I will finally be seeing my best friend again, it was so surreal to think about. I understand that he has such a busy life doing what he does and at some points, I will probably always have to be a priority that isn't high to him but at the same time I'm going to be making more memories with him again and I'm going to be able to tell him what he has missed whilst he was away for all those years, although, now that I'm thinking about it...oh how that's going to be a great conversation.

"I spoke to Harry on the phone today", my Aunt looked at me with her mouth slightly parted in a state of shock, I could see she didn't really know what to say or if I was even being serious until she broke out into a smile. She knows how much Harry means to me and she saw the drastic change in me once he left and we didn't speak. I know that she looks happy but I can see in her eyes that she's fearful, she obviously doesn't want me to get that way again, I was a shell of the person that I am today.

"Oh wow really? Where did that come from? So that's why you're so smiley all of a sudden", she teased as she touched her shoulder to mine.

A million and one questions fell from her mouth wanting to know every detail about our conversation and how he was doing, what he was like... and I didn't blame her honestly, I still feel kind of awestruck over the whole situation, I don't think I had even processed it yet.

"He messaged me on Instagram this morning wishing me a happy birthday and then we had a phone call, it literally ended before you walked through the door and he just said how he's back from the US in a few weeks, he's coming home Clara, like really coming back for a while". The smile never left my face and Aunt Clara's didn't either. This could be the start of something so fresh and new again for our friendship and to bond again.

"Lila that's amazing! This is what you need honestly, don't you agree? You've been so down lately, I know that it isn't easy to stay positive like you always want too, but I can tell when you're hurting...it will be nice to hang out with him again, right?".

"Yeah, I guess so...it might be different but we can make it work, I'm sure. It's Harry, you know?".

Why was everybody bringing up the fact that I had been acting differently? I didn't think I was. Yes now and again I've had slight dips in mood and things but it's not like I've been actively staying that way, I've been doing exactly the same things as I normally would, I'm a little quieter and reserved, you could say, but that's just because I choose to be, not because there's something wrong with me. My anxiety does get the better of me the majority of the time so I'd rather not expose myself to situations that will most likely trigger it even further, that's just in my nature at this point.

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