Part 4

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Natasha P.O.V.
    The mission was an undercover one, at my least favorite place on the planet. A strip club, but not just any, a club ran and dominated by mob bosses, an unofficial meeting place. I was to go in and get a date with one, get a flash drive, and get the hell out. This flash drive had the plan for the soon to be attack on Shield.
    I put on a rather revealing dress, it was off shoulder with a low neckline stretching to the tight waste, ending just under my ass. A few straps around my legs, neck, and arms. To complete the look I put on rather dark and sexy makeup, and then walked out of the bathroom to see Steve. He was staring at his phone, still in casual clothes. He was only on the mission as my extraction plan if things headed south. He looked up at me, and his jaw hit the floor, and I blushed. He was the only man I ever knew who could get me to blush like that.
    "You look stunning, I'm pretty jealous," he remarked. I smiled and walked up next to him, but just out of reach.
    "You should be jealous, super-" he cut me off by pushing his lips to mine, I instantly complied and kissed him back. His tough exploring my mouth, he was tense and obviously holding back a much more passionate kiss, that would lead to something else.
    "Steve," I moaned, breaking the kiss but leaning my forehead on his, "I need to go."
    "I really don't want you to, is it even appropriate for you to leave in this outfit?" He asked, still trying to get me to stay with him.
    "I'll see you out there, you're going to watch my back... I doubt that you'll be able to watch anything else," I teased. I gave him one last kiss, as he leaned in I pulled back which caused him to stumble. I smiled as I closed the door in his smiling face.

     The man with the flash drive was named Ivan, a man from deep in Russia, and had a hand in just about every Black Market deal, dealer, item,and customer. This flash drive was sent to him by a S.H.I.E.L.D. trader, who I had taken care of a while ago, but now I was finally getting the flash drive he sold back. It was to be used on an attack on a major S.H.I.E.L.D. base.
     I walked up to him, allowing my dress to fall a bit more, I swayed my hips and raised my chest. I caught his eyes, and watched as he lowered his glasses at me and purred. I smiled at him, walked over, and promptly sat right on his lap. Security guards tried to apprehend me, but he quickly waved them off without taking his greedy eyes off my chest.    
    "Well, hello gorgeous," he smiled, letting his hand fall to my ass and squeezing.
    "Hello to you too, sugar" I replied, letting my American accent raise an octave, intriguing him more.
     "You've got quite the ass, and..." he maneuvered his hand up my dress and began playing around in a painful manner. One of the security guards laughed as he saw this.
     "Yes, and I have an eye for a man who knows how to have fun, and my eye hasn't failed me tonight," I flirted and I kissed his cheek.
     "Sweetheart. I know you love me, but you're a little girl, and I'm quite big," he gestured to his insanely obese body shape. "I go rough, darling, go find yourself someone who won't crush your every bone."
    "I'm here for the ruffest guy here, and your reputation precedes you. I know who everyone here is, and I know exactly who I want to fuck tonight. I like it ruff, it's you who should be worried about not being able to handle me," I replied. His eyes widened as he took my hand and placed it on his cock.
    "Prove it," he said. I began to massage it, watching semen pour out. I made it ruff, he was already hard, and it began to ease as I worked. He moaned and uncovered my breast, sucking on it and biting.
    "Well, why not you take me out of here, and we can stop playing around and get down to business," I whispered into ear and bit.
    He took my hand and walked me out of the building. I could see Steve on my six, he was doing a horrible job of blending in, if he blew this mission because of jealousy, I would... damn, I can never stay mad at him.
    Ivan struggled into the car, and I followed, we toyed and played with each other the whole ride, kissing each other and biting lips. I hated every moment of it, praying this would all end soon and I could kiss Steve, not this man.
    Finally, we arrived at his house, he led me up to the door, and as he opened it, I kissed him hard, pushing him inside and slamming the door behind me. He rolled on top of me, I swear that I felt something break, and he must have felt it too. "Was that you? Did something your bone just snap?" He laughed, breath reeking of whiskey.
    "No, just kiss me harder, show me what you got," I moaned, purley from the pain. I could barely breathe under his weight. His file said 349 lbs, which was now obviously outdated. He was much closer to 550 lbs. He began to pull of his clothes, I followed suit, grabbing the poison dart from my hair, I aimed to inject it into his femoral artery, but he moved and the tube got injected into his stomach, so it would take much longer to activate. Damn.
    Suddenly, I felt the dart break from the pressure of his mass (damn the S.H.I.E.L.D. scientist who made this and told me that it could handle his weight!!), a piece of shrapnel pierced my skin, and I realized that I had been injected with the poison as well. Now it was a race to stay awake longer than this guy, get the drive, and get to Steve before this poison knocked me out. To make matters worse, I was sick and a smaller women, the poison would take effect in me much faster than it would him.
    New plan, I kissed Ivan, not letting our lips part, he tried to pull back and laugh, but I stuck with him. I was beginning to see spots and I began to black out, but he needed to blackout, now, I could already feel the poison working in me, and he showed no signs of slowing down anytime soon. I pressed my lips onto his, pulling him into my with my hands on the back of his neck. Finally, I felt his body relax, completely, causing his weight to nearly double on me. I wriggled out from under his weight, which was much more than most men. I looked at my stomach and noticed the major gash from the vile of poison. I grabbed all the shrapnel and washed it down the drain, than I made my way to his office. My vision was getting blurry, but I was still lucid.
     I inserted the a drive into his computer and began the download process, and looked for about five minutes till I found the flash drive that I had come here for. I grabbed my drive from his computer and wiped the machine. On my way out, I grabbed my dress and put it on so I was no longer naked. I went to the upper level of the house, hand on the wall to keep me upright. Damn, time was running out, I felt like I could drop any minuet. I walked into a room with a sky roof, and jumped out of the window, closing it behind me.
     I slipped down the side of the house, pausing to make sure that no guards were near. I stopped and hid in the bushes, and started an EMP. This would stop all electronics around me, I really used it just to deactivate the cameras. I ran out and over the fence, I was extremely groggy by this time and cut myself of the barb wire, as I leapt off the fence. I only made it a few steps before my legs finally gave out. I rolled over and threw up, not sure if it was because I was sick or because I just poisoned myself.
   I heard footsteps, fuck, if that was a guard I was screwed. "Natasha!!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

Steve P.O.V.
    I was walking around the perimeter, looking for a good way in or a way Natasha might use to get out, when I saw her. She was throwing up and on the ground. Her rib cage looked crushed on the left side, as I ran up, I noticed that there was a large gash with some shrapnel in it from the dart in her abdomen, and some nasty barb wire cuts on her leg. With the shrapnel I quickly realized that the dart had broken and injected her instead. I ran faster, "Natasha!!" I shouted.
    When I reached her, I saw just how bad this looked, and I quickly picked her up. "Natasha? Oh my gosh, are you okay? Just stay awake for me, ok? I knew I should have come in, and you threw up again, Nat..." I was kicking myself for letting her on this mission. I should have put my foot down.
    "Steve, the dart... it was not up to deal with his weight, and..." she sluggishly droned on, there was no way to measure how much of the poison got into her system and not his, but the dosage was for a much larger man, to potent for her body. I started to run her to the car I had been driving, I noticed how much weight she had really lost since she got sick. I knew that she had been struggling to keep weight on even before she got sick, but this was really bad.
   "You still with me?" I asked as I buckled her into the passenger seat.
   "Oh ya," she slurred out.
   "Alright, just keep talking to me, I don't want you to go under," I coaxed. I was so worried if she went under she wouldn't come back again.
      "Steve, please, oh gosh..."
     "What? What hurts?" I questioned, taking my eyes off the road to look at her, she was shaking, her lips blue, she was bloody and looked horrible. Beautiful, but very hurt.
     "No hospital, Steve, we'll be exposed..... Ste..." she groaned.
    "Tash, no, you're in a bad way, and I-" I was talking as I looked over and noticed that she had passed out. I put my hand on her shoulder and shook her a bit, "Tash? Come on!" I encouraged. I was so focused on her that I nearly swerved into the other lane of oncoming traffic. I knew she was right about being exposed at a hospital. I knew she hated them, but damn, she needed help, help that I couldn't give. I was worried for her, being hurt on the mission and being so sick before hand. I vowed to watch over her and not leave her side to keep her safe.
     Eventually, we arrived at the hospital, and I carried her into the emergency wing. There was a long line, but a nurse took one look at her and quickly admitted her to the front of the line.

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