Part 6

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Steve P.O.V.
        I was pacing the room half out of fear and half out of excitement, he was going to be a father. Questions were bubbling up, and no answers. None would come until Natasha would wake up. I kept looking over to her, but she hadn't woken up yet.
       A while later, her eyes started to flutter open. "Natasha?" I quietly whispered, anticipation was clear.
       "Steve?" she said, her voice dry. She opened her eyes fully and sat up to look at me, confusion on her face. "What happened?"
        "How much do you remember?" I asked, not wanting to stress her out with too much information.
        "I got injected with the poison, I got out, the flash drive?" Her eyes opened wide and she tried to get up off the bed.
        I kept her down, and reached over for the bag a nurse had given me with her clothes and such. I hadn't yet checked for the flash drive, and I knew she would lose it if the drive wasn't in here. I reached around it the bag, she was watching my hand. I felt something small, pulled it out, and to both our reliefs, it was there. I knew Natasha would not leave till she had the drive, and with the close call and how sick she was, I worried.
       "Natasha, the doctor told me some news, and I don't know if you know or not, or if you wanted me to know, or..." I went on, she raised an eyebrow and began to look concerned.
       "Steve, what's wrong with me?" She asked, worry in her emerald eyes.
       "Natasha, nothing is wrong with you... you're... oh my gosh," I had no idea how to phrase this. I started to laugh about how horribly I was handling the situation.
      "Steve, your scaring me," Natasha stated, fear and anticipation on her face.
      "Tash, you're pregnant," I just spit it out. Her face lost all emotion, and I feared that she didn't want the baby. "Tash? You okay?"
      "I'm pregnant? Oh my gosh," her face lit up to the biggest smile I had ever seen. I pulled her up into a hug, and she hugged me back. "We're going to have a baby!" She pulled back, and kissed me, it was full of excitement and passion. I pulled her closer to me, one hand on her cheek and another on her back.
       After a minute, we pulled back and let our forehead lean on each others. "That explains why you were sick, did you know?"
       "Steve, I had no idea, and I want you to know that I would have told you the second I knew or even had a feeling and I-" she was talking a million miles a minute, I looked up and saw her heart rate was rising.
       "Nat, I'm not mad. I know you wouldn't lie to me," I put my hands on her shoulder.
       "Good, ok," she nodded in relife, "Steve, let's go home."
       "Ya, that sounds good. I'll go get the doctor, and we can get out of here," I smiled, and walked out of the room. As I closed the door behind me, I saw her ease into her bed and smile as she closed her eyes. She was beautiful, and she was carrying our child.
       I found a nurse and walked up to her. "Hi, I'm here for Natalie's discharge papers," I asked. She nodded her head and punched a few things into her computer. The printer roared and she grabbed the papers from it.
       "Sir, I hope you don't mind waiting here, I'll just be a minuet. I need to grab her doctor's signature, and then you'll be good to go," she explained. She gestured to a chair by the desk and I sat down, I couldn't help but smile, Nat was pregnant!

Nat P.O.V.
       I'm pregnant, I never thought that this was possible. I was going to have a baby with the man that I loved, and suddenly my life was looking up. The door opened and sat up to see Steve, but it wasn't Steve. It was one of the guards from Ivans, with a pistol trained on me.
      "Mrs. Romanoff, sorry to hear that you survived... just for me to undo the doctor's work and kill you,"  he smiled.
       I walked over to him, and suddenly watched his gun quiver slightly. I walked forward until my forehead was pressed right against the end of his gun. I raised my eyebrow at him, and watched as his stupid face curl into a smile, "let's stop fooling around, Mrs. Romanoff... where is the file?"
      "Oh, and here I was thinking you were here to see me?" I laughed. Before I had time to react, I grabbed the gun, spun so my back was against his chest. Then I twisted the gun out of his hands and into mine. I stepped forward and turned around again, gun now pointed at him.
       "You are a talent," he whispered, "you would be so useful to my cause, but your organization lets you sit and rot. Keeping the beast on a leash," he smiled. He aimed a knee to my gut, but I dropped to the ground and dodged it. Then I swept my leg under his, causing his knee to buckle and him to drop to the ground. Before he could get back up I was standing with a gun trained on him. "Damn," he chuckled.
        "How much do you know about me?" I asked, worrying about the extent of his knowledge.
        "The Black Widow... you are a credit to the field, but you choose to be Fury's dog... bitch," he laughed at his own joke, his lip that was bleeding dripped onto the floor.

Steve P.O.V.
       The nurse came back with the paperwork all signed and ready to go. She gave me a wink, "hope you have a great time... dad," she smiled. She was right, I was going to be a father! I speedily walked over to Natasha's room and walked in to find a most unexpected sight.
       "Nat? What is going on? Are you okay?" I asked, questions flying out of my mouth before I realized it.
       "Steve, I'm fine. This duche came in here and tried to get the drive. You mind holding the gun on him while I change?" She questioned, way to nonchalantly for the situation. I gave her a stern look as I took the gun from her.
       "Do you want to explain any further?" I asked, carefully eyeing the man on the floor who had just attacked Natasha. "What the hell do you want with her?" I kneeled down and asked him.
         "Why, you love her?" He taunted. The smile on his face and his made my insides burn with anger. I slapped the side of his face with the gun in my hand. I knocked him out and turned around. Natasha was putting the dress on again.
        "Really? The dress?" I smiled.
        "What else is there to wear, Steve? The hospital gown?" She giggled. "Hey, my eyes are up here."
        "Oh, sorry. You're just... gorgeous," I smiled as I walked over to her and kissed her hard. She kissed back, but she was smiling and laughing the whole time. "What?"
       "I think they had me on some really strong drugs... and, we're going to have a baby!"' She smiled again.
       "We're going to have a baby!" I grinned.
       "Get a room," the guy on the floor moaned. Looking back, I could see Natasha had done a number on his leg.
       After we finished making we out, I picked the man up. I placed him on the bed, and grabbed a restraint from the drawer, strapping him to the bed. "Seriously man?" He asked, not even putting up a fight. I gave him a quick smile and nod, and then clonked him on the head. Nat smiled and I wrapped my hand around her waist as we walked out. She leaned into my shoulder, and I felt happier than I ever had before.

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