Part 17

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Natasha P.O.V.

After a minute or two, Shuri came into the room. Steve was still holding me holding me and stroking my hair. "Shuri, it's getting worse," Steve explained.

Shuri quickly assessed the situation and began to order her nurses around, she then donned a pair of gloves and came over to the bed. "My princess, her vitals are not were we wanted them," a nurse answered an unspoken question, "blood pressure is 190/120, pulse oxygen is at 70..."

"Damn it," Shuri cursed, but quickly put on a relaxed face to talk to us, but Steve was still tense and holding onto me tightly. "Natasha, I want you to lay down on your back, can you do that for me?"

"I'm going to throw up," I groaned out through my chattering teeth and clenched jaw.

"Okay, all the more reason to get you up, Steve, help her out?" Shuri directed.

Steve quickly and gently he moved me up, I let him do all the work because I had no energy or will to do much more. A nurse came over with a barf bucket, and I quickly snatched it and vomited a few times. Steve was holding back my hair and Shuri was rubbing circled on my calf trying to calm me down.

When I was done, someone came and helped me clean up, and in the middle of that, I had a contraction, "oh, oh gosh! Shuri! I need to push!" I yelled, the strain in my voice causing Steve to cringe at my side. I gripped the sides of the bed till my knuckles were as pale as the sheets.

"Natasha, I'm just going to put my hand up and check your cervix again, remember, no moving," Shuri commanded. I did as I was told, and I felt her hand enter my body, it felt wrong and and I wanted so badly to move away from it, but Steve kept me still. I could feel her every little movement while she ran her fingers along my insides. "You're at nine centimeters, you're almost there, just hold on for a minute."

"Please, just let me," I begged as a tear began to run down my face, this was all too much.

"Just breath, look into my eyes... look into Steve's eyes and breath together," Shuri instructed. Steve moved so I was looking right at him, he took my hands and wrapped them around his.

"In," he said as he took a large inhale, "out," he said as he took a large exhale. It was cheesy, but it worked. Looking into his eyes made some of the pain go away, and I felt myself relax just a little, until another contraction hit. I squeezed his hands with everything I had and let myself grunt in response to such agony. "That's it, you got this," he encouraged (even though I knew his hands were in a death grip, he was willing to do anything to help).

"Good, Natasha," Shuri commented as she was prepping a table, but keeping tabs on me.

Three more contractions passed, and Shuri checked after each one, still at nine. Steve was doing his best to keep me calm and under control, but that was a hard job with me being in so much pain. I snapped at him a few times, which he didn't deserve at all, but he knew that I didn't mean it and just let the comments roll of his back.

I had just had one more, and Shuri was checking me, "please, please, please," I was whispering out loud, begging for it to be at ten centimeters.

"You're at nine and a half," Shuri cautiously answered, knowing I would be upset. She was right, I huffed back against the bed, and I groaned in frustration.

"I'm done with this," I shouted, and I sat myself up, Steve and Shuri both turned to watch what I was doing, but realized too late as I started to push before it was time.

"NO! Natasha, no! Not yet," Shuri came over and put her hands on my stomach and felt my pushing.

"Nat, you can't!" Steve shouted, he came over and grabbed my head and turned it towards him so I could only look into his eyes. "You can't, just a few more, just hold on, and you can push when it's safe," he pleaded.

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