Part 16

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Sorry it took so long for me to get this section out, I was so worried that it wasn't going to be good, and I procrastinated publishing it, I really didn't want to let you guys down and I so hope you like it! As always, love you and thank you so much for reading!! <3 <3 <3

Steve P.O.V.

"Okay, what can we do? A c section? An epidural?" I began to list options, anything that might alleviate Natasha's pain. I was standing next to her, she was in loads of pain, she tired to cover it up, but her eyes betrayed her mask.

Shuri shook her head, "no, I would love to help her as much as you, but her labs are showing that her platelet levels are abnormal, we can't do much. This labor is going to have to be natural," she explained. Natasha shoved her head farther into her pillow in frustration, and probably pain. She grunted, and then let out a long exhale, appearing to be the end of another contraction.

"Great," she huffed, sinking back.

"It's going to be a long process, so I'll be in and out, and use the button when you need anything or the contractions become five minutes apart," Shuri explained. With that, she took her leave.

Natasha and I were quiet for a minute after Shuri left us, and I watched her face, we were both waiting for the next contraction to hit. "Steve, I don't know how I'm getting through to many more contractions, and another baby after this one," she spoke, her voice a hushed whisper.

"You'll make it through just fine, you're the strongest woman I know... and if it helps, I'm here for you," I smiled, trying to help, "we'll take this one contraction at a time." She smiled, and as we looked at each other, he eyes filled with tears, and she began to sob. Her shoulders hunched over and her hands covered her face. "Nat, what is it?" I asked, instantly coming to her side.

"Steve, it's me," she said harshly, pointing at herself with anger, "my body is pushing them out before they're ready, I haven't given birth, and I'm already letting them down," she sobbed.

"Oh, Natasha, you're not letting them down. You're going to be a wonderful mother, I see it in you everyday... when you care for Clint's kids, and hell, when you care for a drunk Tony... you're going to be a mom any kid would love you have," I assured her.

"Steve... I love you," she smiled now, and leaned back into me. She looked more at peace right now, and I enjoyed seeing like this. I memorized her face like that because I knew the next few hours were going to be painful for her. I felt my stomach drop as well, knowing how high risk this was, that I might lose her or one of the Little Zygotes near made me cry, but I tried to put on a brave face for her.

A brave face she saw right through, "Steve, what is it?"

I broke, and I started to cry, full on cry, right then and there. I held her hand tightly, scared that if I let go, she would die. She didn't press, but began to silently rub my hair. It took about ten minutes, but I finally got myself under control enough to talk. I still had tears falling from my eyes when I looked up at her, "you can't die," I commanded.

She gave me the most gentle smile, "I won't, you can't get rid of me that easily," she grinned and raised an eyebrow. She knew exactly what to say to make me feel okay again.

"I love you, Natasha," I laughed as my stream of tears ended. She smiled back at me, and opened her mouth as if to say something, but before she could say anything, pain overtook her expression as she scrunched her face. I quickly moved up and began to rub circles on her back, feeling her muscles tense. She bent forward and hunched over, and I leaned down to calmly whisper into her ear, "you got this, just breathe through it," I coached.

She simply hummed and nodded her head. We stayed like this for a few minutes until I l felt her relax under my hand. She took a large inhale, and I could tell that it was much different and far more relaxed than any of the other breaths she had taken during the contraction. "Okay, I'm good," she reassured me.

"Alright," I smiled to reassure her, "you're doing wonderfully."

"Steve, I appreciate the optimism, but we've got a long way to go," Nat reminded me, and there was nothing I could say knowing she was true, so I just smiled and kissed her face.

Natasha P.O.V.

We were six hours into labor, and it hurt like hell. I was tired of the pain that came and went, always more intense than the last contraction. My whole body was shaking from pure pain, my teeth couldn't stop chattering, and my face was covered in sweat. My muscles ached from all the strain, and I was only seven centimeters dilated. For as much pain as I was in, Steve seemed to be just as nervous.

I had been walking around for the last three contractions, having to squat against the wall every time a contraction hit. Steve tried to help me walk around, but I gently slapped him off, I didn't mean to be rude, but I was hot, tired, and in a lot of pain. I didn't want anyone to touch me, not even Steve right now. He was patiently sitting on the bed watching me, still helping me through my breathing from afar, but everytime I winced in pain, he jumped up, and I had to tell him to sit back down.

I was still walking when another contraction hit, but this one was far worse, "AHH," I let the scream out for an instant and then stopped myself, not liking to be so vulnerable. I tried to use the wall to help me get back into the squat position, but in my pain I fumbled and near fell, but Steve was quickly by my side and stopped me from colliding with the ground.

"I know you don't want my help, but I can't sit passively anymore," he stated. He took my arm over his shoulder, and hoisted me up. "It's getting out of hand, I don't like to see you in this much pain."

I was in so much pain I didn't respond apart from a hum and I let him take me up and over to the bed. "AH, Steve, this hurts like hell, make it stop," I moaned as the pain somehow got worse.

"Just breathe, what can I do?" He asked, concern clear on his face as his fear for me was becoming hard for him to manage.

"Steve," was all I could muster out. As he laid my on the bed, I curled around my abdomen which was killing me, I let out a whimper. Steve began to rub circles on my back, and he began to reach over and grab the page button.

"Just hold on," was all he said, over and over. I could barely hear him over the pain now, and so I bit my lip and accepted the amount of pain I was going to have to go through for the next few hours, and all I could do is which it over soon.  

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