Chapter ten

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India's pov
He hummed as he traced shapes on my belly. "I don't want you guys to think that I hate you. Daddy loves you and your mommy. I'd put you guys before anything. I've been through shi- shitaki mushrooms. And it doesn't define me. I want you guys to grow strong. Your mommy is strong. She is the love of my life. You guys are the love of my life".

I ran my hands through his dreads. He looked at me. "Jah baby I love you" I said kissing his cheek. He smiled softly. "Where we going today?" He asked. I looked at the time 12:45. "Actually I have to go collect my check. I'm not working but my boss is being nice enough to give me my money". I said slowly getting up.

"You ain't gotta work, you got me. Look my music career is up and bumping and I can provide more than enough for-

"Jahseh Onfroy I am capable of having a job. I don't need your money. Jah I love you and everything but I'm not taking it". I said collecting a loose dress to wear. "But what if you get hurt on the job?" He asked concerned.

I leaned down and kissed his lips. "Jah I appreciate your concern okay daddy but I'm more than capable." I said looking into his eyes. It was now that I realized how in love I was with this man. "What?" He said breaking away from my stare as he got up and looked himself in the mirror. He squinted his eyes. I knew he was insecure about himself.  "Why do you love me?" He said as he furrowed his eyebrows in the mirror.

"Jah why would yo-

"I have anger issues. I'm not average hieght. When I smile I look like my eyes are gonna disappear. I'm not strong mentally, sometimes I think that I'm dead. I'm hiding behind my youth. I kidnapped you. I held you against your will. I left you. I dropped out of highschool because I'm nothing but a pussy nigga who can't even handle shit when it gets hard". He said gripping the dresser as tears came out his eyes.

I wiped a tear that fell from my own.

His breathing was uneven as I got closer to him. "Jah, Your my bestfriend. I tell you everything. You've been my light in the dark. You know me better than I know myself. You know what I like, what I love, what I hate. You applaud my passions and tolerate my faults. You're there for me, always." I said hugging his torso as he let his sobs free. I clutched his back.

"And it's not always about what we say, or what we do – because you, by yourself, is enough. You, with your smile, your laugh, your friendship, your love – it's more than I deserve. We've laughed, we've cried, and we're stronger than ever. Because there's no me without you. You're part of me – part of me, my life, my family, my entire world.
Certain things happen in a certain way at a certain time and place for a certain reason. And sometimes, God brings certain people into our lives for a purpose, but whatever reasons He had in mind for making our path cross and bringing us together, I don't really care, because I'm honored and grateful that He did." I finished as he cried on my shoulder. It broke me that he was feeling this way and I never knew.

"I love you, you might think that your not worthy but Jah every time I'm around you my heart flutters. When you sleep I just stare at you because you're so beautiful. I'm so in love with you even when you left I was. You would kill anyone for me you protect me and I love you for that. I love your body,
Mind and soul. Your so positive even in the worst situations that I can't help but smile. I don't want anyone else touch me either. Only you can satisfy me" I whispered in his ear. I heard his breathing even.

"I'm coming with you" he said. I nodded a I went into the bathroom and sat in the tub. I saw Jah sit on the sink as he watched me. "May I help you young man" I said laughing. He didn't say anything for a few minutes. Only tilted his head. I love you" He finally said. His voice raspy from crying.

"What were you thinking about" I said finishing my bath as he passed me the towel I wrapped it around myself. "You. Sometimes naked, sometimes not" he said eyeing me. I rolled my eyes playfully. " we have to go" I said patting his chest and going to lotion myself and slip on the dress I picked out.

I breathed in and out. This pregnancy is taking all my energy. "Jah can you do me a favor and slip my slides on for me" I said put of breath. He chuckled. "Alright so I'm thinking the pink slides would match with your dress. But the white ones look extravagant too" he said acting feminine.

I laughed. This boy is really my bestfriend. "Welll I'm think the white" I said. He nodded. "Of course princess" he said slipping on my shoes.  But then he stopped and kissed my foot and trailed his tongue from there to my thigh. "Jahhhh" I whined. Then he kissed my stomach and brought his lips to my neck and the my jaw. "I love you" He said.

I laughed. Those words I can never get tired of. "I love you too! But we gotta go!" I said. He groaned. "When I come back in slurp slurping that pussy" he joked. I thumped his head. He laughed. I saw my mom sipping her afternoon tea as we came downstairs. I didn't even know she was here.

"Afternoon"she  said. "Hi ma" Jah said kissing her cheek. She smiled at him.

"Now y'all have fun" she said pointing at us. Jah nodded. "If India lets me" He said childish like.

I hit him with my keys and he smacked my forehead. "I remember you guys when you were 12. So playful y'all still are" she said as she switched the tv to family feud.

Jah and I looked at each other. I guess we both remembered.


"Ha!" I said as I threw his sweater out the window. "Noooooo" he yelled. Jah has threw out the number of this boy I had been crushing on for so long. I don't know why but I was angry but happy because I think he liked me.

He charged at me as I was being chased around the house. I slid down the stairs as I ran circles around the couch. "Come on dia" he yelled as he threw me over his shoulder.

I bit his shoulder and he laughed. I ran out into the rain. He followed me his hair becoming curled as he water drenched it. We both felll on the wet grass laughing. "Stop" I yelled as he tickled me. Then he did something unexpected.

He kissed me. My first kiss was my rapping, short tempered but sweet bestfriend.

"Every time I kiss you, it feels new and beautiful just like that day" he whispered kissing my temple. I blushed as we got in the car.

I wouldn't trade a guy like Jah for the world.

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