Chp14: The Nimbus Two thousand

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   "Your not going to talk to them anymore. Got me?" Asked Hermoine the following morning. We had just worn our uniforms.

   "Whatever..." I mumbled.

   "Cathy, how can you stick up for them after yesterday night? I don't care if they like breaking their necks and getting expelled. But I'm not going to let that happen to my sister!" She said loudly.

   "Anything wrong?" Asked Parvati Patel who was about to leave the dorm with her best friend Lavender Brown.

   "None if your concern." Said Hermoine rudely.

   "Hermoine!" I said, "No Parvati, nothing is wrong. We are just have a sisterly chat. You carry on.

    "Okay." She said and smiled at me and then frowned at Hermoine.

    "Why do people here always smile at you and keep throwing dirty looks at me?" She asked as she threw the night gown she had worn on her bed.

   "Try being nice for a change. Stop being bossy, arrogant and rude and you'll see the difference." I said.

   When we went down, we saw Harry and Ron waiting. Hermoine immidiately grabbed my hand and pulled me away with her.

    "Cathy!" I heard Ron shout as I was dragged. I looked back and saw both of them frowning. Harry looked extremely upset.

    She did not leave me until we were in the Great Hall. They were no where in sight.


   A week had past. I had hardly got a chance to speak to Ron and Harry bacause of Hermoine. She even thretened me to tell mom and dad that I was endangering myself and having bad friends.

   Well after that, I myself kept a distance from the boys. I dint want mom and dad to get any kind of tension because of me. They were already so afraid to send their only daughters to a magical school where they couldn't even watch over us.

   Meanwhile I wrote a long letter to them saying that I was selected into the Gryffindor Quiddich team. I also had to explain what Quiddich was all about and because of Hermoine, it became easier to describe the game.


   "I need to return these books to the library, you carry on." Said Hermoine one day.

  "Okay." I said and left. I sat away from Harry and Ron as usual and began to nibble on a toast piece.


   As the owls flooded, carrying mail into the Great Hall as usual, everyone's attention was caught at once by two long, thin packages carried by six large screech owls each.

    I was amazed to see that one of the long package was dropped in front of me, and the other, in front of Harry.

    The owls had hardly fluttered out of the way when another owl dropped a letter on top of my parcel as well as Harry's.

   We looked at eachother in amazement before I ripped open the letter first, which was lucky, because it said:


   It contains your new Nimbus Two Thousand, but I don't want everybody knowing you've got a broomstick or they'll all want one. Oliver Wood will meet you tonight on the Quidditch field at seven o'clock for your first training session. 

                          Professor McGonagall'

     "A Nimbus Two Thousand!" I heard Ron moaned enviously. "I've never even touched one."

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