That Summer;Chapter 2

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-One Year Later-

Charlies' POV:

It's been a whole year since that day, meeting nathan, my moms death, almost killing myself...The year was pretty rough and sucked since it was my senior year that's the one you want to remember, but for me it was the year I wanted to erase. After my mother died I moved in with her sister; aunt liz I kinda of feel bad for burdening her for a whole year. The first 3 months after my mom died I was completely mute, I wouldn't eat, I couldn't sleep either I would wake up in the middle of the night with cold sweats after horrific night mares. For the next 3 months I repitedly tried to commit suicide but everytime I tried I thought of nathan, I couldn't. So for the next 6 months I worked on eating, and communicating, and trying to be positive. The most amazing thing through out all of this is that my bestfriend cassy has stuck by me through all of this. She stood up for me when people would say things about me, she even got suspend for punching someone in the face. haha I love her.  So here I am today at the one year anniversery for all of this;at the wanted concert. Now you might say "charlie that's not fate letting you meet nathan that's the concert tickets!" then i'm going to have to agree with you but I didn't buy them cassy did! so HAH! They were front row and boy was I excited!

Nathan's POV:

It's been one year since the day I met that girl, I still had no idea who she was but I was back in the town where I met her, it wad the last concert for our U.S tour then we were taking a break for the summer so I had to find her, I had a plan and it was perfect.

-End of the concert- 

It was almost the end of the concert and I didn't forget about my little plan "Can I please have everyone's attention before this concert is over?" I heard the crowd agree with applauding and screaming "so...about a year ago or so-" I rudly got intterupted by jay ofcourse  "uh oh, not this again!" Tom as usual had to say something too "Baby Nath's in lurveeeee" I knew they were just teasing because I had told them the story of what happened and I also told them about my plan, I don't think they believed it was gonna work but it's a worth of try. "shut up! hahah let me finish!" I saw the smirk on toms face as he said, "Well go on then!" I instantly felt my face go red asI forgot what I've been practicing to say for so many weeks, " you threw me off track!.." I started pacing back and forth before I gathered up my thoughts and continued "so last year i met this girl, she had the longest hair almost down her her bum! and the most gorgeous eyes! kinda short though" I pointed out with my hand showing everyone how short she was compared to me "I met her here in New york city, at a hospital-" I got cut off again, I seriously need to get this out before I just give up all together "come on mate we haven't got all day tell her you're looking for her!" max shouted into his microfone and the crowed started to scream and clap a little I wasn't to sure if it was positive or negative but I didn't care I just wanted to find her..I pointed at max and  screamed back "You didn't let me finish! gosh" Siva being the helpful guy he is finally finsihed for me, :Poor kid couldn't even get her name, are you out there mystery girl?!" The crowd screamed yes, how badly I was hoping for it to be true  "I can't see you..." I said looking around as an image of her mascara stained face flashed in my mind" Tom then asked a question to the crowd "shall we sing a song for her then?" The crowd then screamed yes in reply and I knew exactly what song I wanted to sing; I wanted to go play the piano but I wanted to look for my girl.

-I'll be your strength starts to play- 

As jay finished his verse I started singing and looking for her, I didn't see her but I still believed. I closed my eyes and imagined her there. I felt someone looking me, well thousands of people were looking at me but my body just turned there and there she was. One year later. With the same surprised looked she had a year ago. Same long beautiful hair, no tears though, she looked happy. I jumped off the stage and ran to her just as the song was about to end and I sang to her 

i'll be your strengtht...I'll be strong for you, i'll be your strength and i'll keep strong for you.

We kind of just stood there smiling at each other, I had one of the security gaurds take her and her friend backstage until the concert was officially over, couldn't risk losing her again cuase she was there. The words she said quickly swept through my mind "Once is a cuincidence, twice is fate i'll tell you if I ever see you again" and there she was.



That Summer; Nathan sykesWhere stories live. Discover now