That Summer;Chapter 11

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Nathan's POV:

The next morning we had to wake up a little earlier, though we weren't holding any shows or traveling much for summer we still had a radio interview this morning and a photoshoot after. I got dressed and walked in as quietly as I could into charlie's room to leave her I note.  I sat on the floor biting the pen for a bit trying to decide what to say until i thought of something sweet and brilliant I quickly jotted it down on a sticky note and stuck it to her forhead as I rushed out of the room not wanting to be late. 

Charlies POV: I woke up around 9 and i felt something stuck on my forhead, I groaned as I opened my tired eyes and read it: Morning beauitful! the mates and I went to a radio interview and a photoshoot! we'll be back in the late afternoon have a wonderful day and text me if anything! -nathan xx I read the note a couple more times, the smile on my face growing bigger each time. I suddenly wanted to dance, I saw that the room across the hallway had nothing in it, completely empty, I quickly grabbed my ihome and turned the radio and to no surprise chasing the sun had just begun to play I started to dance as I heard nathan's voice, the song was so uplifting and happy; as it faded out the show host started speaking, "and that was the one and only the wanted! great to have you guys here this morning! " I heard all the boys cheer and say how glad they were to be there. I sat down leaning against the wall listening to the interview, the man asked about how their break was going and each boy shared a story and then when it came to nathan I listened even more intently "so nathan, how's your summer going? hanging out with any american girls?" the boys all giggled including nathan, "yes actually," he responded "she is actually living with us at the moment" the host got very curious "oooh? living together already!?" I heard as nathan started to protest "hahah no, no it's just for the summer I want her to come on tour with us after summer is over so she can be one of our dancers, she's truly very talented and i;m just trying to change her mind" the host seamed very interested in me now, "does she have a reason?" he questioned eagerly. I held my breath wondering what he would say "I believe they are personal reasons but eventually I hope to change her mind" and with that the subject was dropped and the host talked about being back home, ect. I took out my phone thinking I should text him and thank him, he replied: for what? I smiled at how oblivious he was I texted back: For being the bestest friend anyone could ask for :) xx he qucikly responded to that: aww you're the sweetest babes, we'll be home in a couple hours! we're taking you out so be ready for a fun night out ;) X I smiled at his text, I loved it when he said thing's like that to me, any surprise with nathan was a good surprise. I quickly got up to take a well deseved shower. When I got out I was suddenly really tired I put on panties and a bra and thought i'd take a quick nap it was only 1. I closed my eyes for what only felt like a second before I felt my bed shaking, I opened my eyes to see nathan laying on top of the covers next to me propped up on his elbow while tom,max, and jay had been jumping on my bed, "i'm up i'm up!" I shouted as i sat up but still held on to the covers not wanting to reveal that I was almost naked. Tom and I made eye contact. I quickly tried to break it, but it was already way passed too late. He started laughing and I held on extra tight to the covers as he tried to rip them off "TOMMMMMM!" I cried "Pleaseeeeeee" I cried again but that just made him laugh even harder and he kept pulling, this made me laugh and lose strength and hold of the covers. I let go and watched as he flew back and fell to the ground as max grabbed my zebra covers and ran downstairs with it with a histarical tom right behind him. I awkwardly turned to look at nathans reaction as I laughed, I saw a very red flustered nathan looking at the ground. "You ok?" I said grabbing a pair of shorts and lightly touching his forhead. "y..yeah" he stuttered out. I smiled "good! so you better help me get him back later!" I ran down the stairs and jumped onto toms back and wrestled a bit before he put me in a choke hold and I surrendered. I looked at the clock "wow it's almost 7 I can't believe I spent my day sleeping!" I whined. Nathan finally came down the stairs, "it's okay, you're about to party with us and a night with us is worth 10 days" he winked. I smiled up at him, I think that only applies to you I winked back, I watched as his face changed obviously not expecting me to throw something so cheeky at him but I felt like we were at that level now. The boys and I quickly agreed that we would all be ready in an hour, surprisingly we all made it even nathan! 

Nathan's POV:

I quickly skipped down the stairs with 10 minutes to spare, everyone was ready as well and started to walk out of the house and into the car. Right before Charlie walked out I took a good look at her, she wore a skin tight cheatah print skirt that went up to her waist and black tank top with a black blazer and studded belt and black studded heals. She looked magnificent with her hair curled and overall I was just starstruck. I saw her smile at me "problem?" I smiled back and held the door open for her "nope, you look perfect" I saw her blush a little as she walked down the steps and into the car, I sat next to her. Tom instantly started complaining "it's soooo cramped back here! Charlie sit on nathan's lap or something" I shot him a glare, because the last thing I wanted was for charlie to feel awkward around me "will it make you shut up until we get there?" he enthusiastically nodded and I felt charlie move over on to my lap, I put my arms around her waist as I looked through my tweets and she looked with me as we started talking and laughing at one of the pictures a fan sent us, in the corner of my eye though I saw tom smile, feeling accomplished. I had to hand it to him what he did wasn't that bad. 

That Summer; Nathan sykesWhere stories live. Discover now