That Summer;Chapter 4

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Charlies POV:

The next morning I woke up with a text, it was from nathan it read, "goodmorning! just thought you should turn on your telly to good morning america ;) xx" I lazily tied my hair up in a bun and walked downstairs into the living room, my aunt sped by me,late to work, with a surprised good morning since I would never wake up before 10 but I did.  I plopped down on the leather coach and turned on the t.v. just in time to see the wanted boys finish singing Glad You Came. The audience screamed loudly and applauded for them as they went to greet their host Robin Roberts. She smiled, "Well good morning! i'm surprised you guys are up this early since you guys had a show last night!" I saw the boys all smile and agree "I don't think any of us really went to sleep last night anyways it was quite I a good show!" said tom as he pat nathan on the shoulder. Robin looked at her cards and responded, "Oh my I heard it was exciting! You found a girl nathan?" I watched nathan smirked and looked right at the camera, "I did, I believe she's watching right now" he winked, he wasn't even there and he made me blush. Robin  got giddy like a little girl obviously interested his "mystery girl" she looked a little hesitant before she spoke, "So can you tell us anything about her? are you guys an item? how'd you meet in the first place?" jay butted in "they met on a roof!" the audience laughed and he continued, "romantic don't ya think?" Robin laughed along with everyone and agreed with everyone. Nathan then picked up where jay left off "uh yeah we met on a roof other than that I can't quite tell you anything since I don't know much about her myself, but we exchanged phone numbers and you know..." he trailed off and started to blush a little. The guys teased and Robin changed the subject asking a couple more questions about the tour and how they're taking a break for the summer.  I took a deep breath looking at my phoneafter texting nathan back saying, "I saw the interview, you did great! we should hang out later if you're free :) xx", telling myself that I knew exactly what I was getting myself into if I answered him, if I hung out with him, if I became friends with him, or even if I fell for him, I told myself that I knew...but really, I didn't.  

Nathan's POV:After the interview was over the first thing I did was check my phone hoping for a responce to my text, I got one luckily. whew! I was free for the day so I went back to the hotel changed into a shirt with the british flag on it and some black skinny jeans with white high tops. I wanted to look good but not like I was trying, I just wanted to be normal with her. I eagerly texted charlie saying i'll pick her up and we'll have brunch. When I got to her house she was waiting outside in a very laid back outfit; black shorts with a white tank top tucked in with a piece sign on it and black vans yet she still looked so beautiful. I opened the car door and she didn't even notice I was there she busy texting away on her phone. "Wow this is the first time I walked infront of a girl and she didn't look up at me" I said walking up to her, I felt a laugh about to come out when I saw her flinch and freeze but I kept my poker face as she looked up at me, "oh hi! haha and would you rather I be like, OH MY GOD NATHAN SYKES INFRONT OF MY HOU-" I quickly put my hand over her mouth and dragged her to the car as she had a laughing fit "drive drive drive!" I laughed as I closed the door. I slid back into my seat "don't do that again!" She looked at me smirking like she had more up her sleave "I won't if you don't want me to" she grinned. I smiled back and thanked her, I realized we were just driving to nowhere, it took us a while to decide where we wanted to go to have our little brunch until we settled for a small pancake shop, it was deserted! It was perfect we sat at a booth right across from each other, it felt like a little date. After we ordered it got a little quiet and I started to get nervous not knowing what to say, I would glance at her and I would see her smiling without a care in the world. It was so hard to believe that a year ago she was about to jump off the edge of a building. 

Charlies' POV:

We ordered our food and it got very quite I saw that he kept on glancing at me and I could tell what he was thinking about, I finally broke the silence knowing that sooner or later I would have to tell him things about me, so might as well start with the bad, "I wasn't gonna do it" I said looking right at him, he seemed a little surprised "wh..what, you weren't gonna do what?" He stuttered out, knowing exactly what I was talking about. I knew because over the year I learned how to read body language my therapist said that body language can tell a lot about person, even if they say nothing at all. I shook my head, "I wasn't gonna jump off the roof that day" Nathan just kind of stared at me so I kept talking, "that mom died in a car accident" my eyes started to sting a little, I never talked about this with anyone. It was one of those don't ask don't tell things. I felt a warm hand reach over and hold mine, "it happened for a reason...I gauruntee it" he said with a hopeful smile. That was the first time I had really thought about that and it became tattooed into my mind. I smiled, he asked me  if that's why I wanted to be a nurse, to help people. I said no, well I mean yes, I want to help people but I didn't want to be a nurse. I wanted to dance, that's what I was truely passionate about. I also explained to him how my mother and I fought about it right before the accident and how I was going to be what she wanted, because if I hadn't she would still be here. He held my hand again, and told me not to blame myself. He was really interested in my dancing and said he would love to see it someday and I promised him I would. As our pancakes came he reluctantly let go of my hand, "mmm looks yummy!" he said picking up his knife and fork. I laughed and agreed, it felt liek a dream being there with him and telling him about my problems like we were old friends even though we officially met less than 24 hours ago. "Thank you" I blurted out as he was stuffing his face, he looked up and gulped "for what?" I whiped his face free of syrup "I don't know...just being here..I never told anybody the stuff I told you" He smiled looking rather accomplished, "Is it cause you possibly fancy me?" he winked as I slightly blushed;I hated being called out like that so I quickly  unlocked my phone and saw that it was 2p.m I had sat and talked to nathan sykes for 3 hours. Wow. how many people can say that? "watchya lookin at the time for love? You tryina ditch me for catching your little crush?" he smirked taking out his wallet and paying for our meal and leaving a nice tip. He stood up and stuck his arm out to escort me, I gladly took hold os his arm and asked, "where too then?" he smiled, "I hope you like themeparks" 


That Summer; Nathan sykesWhere stories live. Discover now