That Summer; Chapter 21

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Charlies POV:

I payed the taxi driver and stepped out of the cab onto the dirt road. Even though it was mid summer, whenever I came to the cemetery it suddenly became much more colder to me. I walked on a trail heading to my family plot it was quite a long walk, not physically but it felt like forever to get there. When I finally did I stood there between my two parents graves I gently placed the flowers between them and sat down crisscrossing my legs. I first thought about the day my dad died, It was about 6, images of his sick face flashed into my mind, he had terminal cancer. Then I thought about my mom, how we had a tough time, we never agreed on anything, we always fought, sometimes it didn't even felt like we were mother and daughter, but we were. And I loved her, I still felt guilty about everything I had done in the past year but I realized that if I didn't do what made me happy then them bringing me into the world would have been pointless. I clasped my hands together, and closed my eyes, "hi mom and dad, i'm sure you've been watching everything i'v been doing and cursing at me to stop. Dad i'm sorry I didn't visit you enough and I wish I could say i'll change that but I can't, i'll be away for a really long time after today and mom i'm sorry for all the pain and suffering i'v caused you since dad passed away. I'm sorry for never following your wishes even now, i'm sorry. Tears started to go down my face and I quickly whiped them away remembering that I should be happy for myself and them. I sniffled as I stood up and I felt a warm breeze pass by. In my mind I felt like I had been forgiven and it was time to go. 

Nathan's POV:

Charlie still hasn't come back and it was our first concert, we were starting our tour canada. I missed her terribly but the guys advised me not to text or call because whatever she was dealing with she had to do it herself. It was killing me not hearing her voice or seeing her face, I checked twitter all the time to see if she had updated but nothing. My phone buzzed and it was a notification that charlie had tweeted, it was a picture of two grave stones with flowers between them, the caption wrote; saying good bye to the parents xoxx. I didn't know what to think I didn't have that much time since the concert was starting the concert when by nicely but all I could think of charlie, the last song we were going to sing was heart vacancy like usual we each got a girl to come up and dance with us but for some reason no one came for me, I looked around a bit confused, tom nudged me on the shoulder as the music started and max started singing, he pointed towards a girl walking out from backstage. My mouth droped in surprise as charlie shyly walked out, she looked as stunning as ever in jeans shorts and a white flowy crop top showing off her hips. She slowly wrapped her fingers into mine and we started slow dancing just as we had done many times before, I sang to her as I spun her around, my heart was about to burst open, I couldn't believe she was here. Jays solo finally came and I took the oportunity to just hug her and hold her. I didn't want to let go but I felt her push me away and continue swaying us back and forth, as the song finished I lifted her up wrapping her legs around my waist and kissing her. I heard the crowd burst into awws and whistles as we stopped kissing. We still hadn't said anything but I knew, I knew she was mine, she was going to be mine for a really long time. 

That Summer; Nathan sykesWhere stories live. Discover now