🌹Kakashi x reader ch.1🌹

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(Y/N) = name

(L/N) = last name

(H/C) = hair color

(E/C) = eye color

(S/C) = skin color

(H/L) = hair length

You are very determined and usually gets what she wants when she needs it but using all sorts of methods. You are part of the anbu but also a Sensei, so that means you are always busy and almost never have time for fun

Chapter 1.


(Y/N) p.o.v*

"WHAT!!??" I yell from hearing the new info

"That is what I have decided, you shall also be joined by Kakashi so the both of you may learn to be Sensei's" lord third says to me, Kakashi was leaning against a wall reading his pervy book, once he herd that he looks up from the book in a surprised way "huh?" Kakashi says. I pout "pops why do i have to teach some 12 year olds?" I ask " will you stop pouting if I tell you it's the uchiha boy and uzimaki?" he says. This caught my attention.

"I'm in" I say with a smirk and determined look on my face. I could here Kakashi sigh as he closes his book " I guess I am willing to teach some kids," he says with his bored expression.

"Arigato, you are dismissed" lord third says.

"Hai!" we say and walk out of the room, me and Kakashi are walking down the stairs, saying nothing, it's not completely awkward because the guy rarely talks to me.

"So, why did you change your mind so fast when you heard we are gonna teach those two boys?" Kakashi asks. This caught me off guard as I let out a soft sigh.

"People say things about the both of them, rude things. People say rude things about Sasuke because of what his brother did, and people say rude things and even throw rocks at Naruto because of a thing that was trapped in him that he didn't even want. They're both alone in there own ways and I want to help them feel like they have people that care for them," I say with a gentle smile plastered on my face. I look over to Kakashi and see him with wide surprised eyes. I laugh a little and give him a closed eye smile, once we make it outside of the hokage's place we hear very loud footsteps and...yelling? Oh no...it's Gai.

I look to Kakashi and see the same distressed face I am making, a bead of sweat goes down our faces as gai makes his way towards us

"Good Morning you two!" gai looks over to me "(Y/N) you look as youthful as ever!" He says while winking at me. I give him a polite smile "why thank you, you look very youthful yourself," I say as sweetly as possible. A light shade of pink dusts his cheeks as he rubs the back of his head chuckling slightly.

"What are you doing here Gai?" Kakashi says bluntly "oh right! I was wondering if you both would like to race me to the other side of the village in celebration to becoming Sensei's!" Gai says proudly as his hand are at his sides in a heroic pose. I laugh a little at his funny behaviour.

"Sure. Your on" I say with a evil smirk. I then look over to Kakashi "how about it? Wanna race the mighty Gai" I ask. Kakashi shrugs his shoulders and ruffles my hair "sure (Y/N), but just know that I will win. I always do" I laugh at his confidence "confident I see! Alright! 3.." I get into running position "2.." I see Kakashi and gai do the same "1!" gai yells, before they knew it i was half a mile ahead "aha suckers!" I yell in victory and continue running "I'm not sure that is a nice thing to call your friends (Y/N)" I look to my left to see Kakashi "WA-how!?" I yell in disbelief "your not the only one who is fast" Kakashi says, I could see the outline of a smirk on his mask "well don't get cocky" I say and push my legs farther to go farther, I could feel the adrenaline run through me as I go faster. In less than a second I am at the village gate. The adrenaline rushes out of my body and I fall to my knees from the pounding pain in my legs. I let out a deep breath and get off of the ground. I am soon greeted by Kakashi "well I guess you win (Y/N)" he says with a closed eyed smile and ruffles my (H/C) hair. I pout and fix my hair from him messing it up, soon enough Gai arrives, once he sees us his jaw drops. He wipes off the sweat on his forehead and gives his big grin.

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