Kakashi x Reader ch.10 (chunin exam)

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(omg it's cute okay!?)

(yeah, so i am rewatching the young naruto series so i have everything in order, and so the chunin exams are after the Zabuza...buuuuuut hehehe i am not having sasuke go...you know, evil. i've already made him gay, so might as well not stop there...oh! also! who should sakura be with in the future? it can be any gender /no ino because there cousins >_< / i will leave it up to you!)

(Y/N)'s p.o.v*

"Alright team! guess what?! we signed you up for the chunin exams!~" i say happily, the team cheers...well except sasuke because he's an emo, but not at heart!

"the first part of the exams start next week, so take your time to study because it's a test of the brain" kakashi explains, i could see naruto sweat at the fact of studying. After we dismissed the team, me and kakashi just sat on a tree branch "so, if your going to train sasuke for the third part of the exam, who is going to teach Naruto?" i ask "Ebisu" kakashi says plainly, i cringe with disgust "that pervy tattletale? i swear, he was such a perv in Academy, he was like what you are now but on a different level of worse " i say, kakashi chuckles "well then are you going to train him?" he asks "of course i will! i won't let that perv near h-" "i didn't finish my sentence-- if you do, you have to train him with Ebisu. you already agreed so it's set" he says proudly, i pout and cross my arms "no kisses for a month" i tell him, i could hear him whine like a dog through his mask, i smirk knowing his weakness. "fine, whatever" he says pouting "aww don't go all sasuke on me kaka-baka" i say sweetly but teasingly at him, i jump down from the branch "well, i need to head home and make food for me and sasuke. see you around kashi!~" i say and teleport to my house

-time skip to chunin Exams because i don't have anything special to write-

"ugh pops whhhhy?" i whine, pops shakes his head sighing, knowing i would whine whenever he asks me to do something i don't want to "we need you to do this to make sure the kids won't cheat or get injured" he explains "fiiiine, at least i get to watch over sasuke" i say, i put my hands together and do a jutsu *poof* "better?" i ask in a higher pitch tone "aww you look so cute, i almost forgot what you looked like as a kid" pops says adoring my look. yes....i turned myself into a kid...i wasn't too fond of it either. i look down to see my outfit, pink wasn't totally my thing, but that doesn't mean i don't like it.

"well i'm going to head home to prepare myself, then i'll be at the chunin exams" i tell him, he nods

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"well i'm going to head home to prepare myself, then i'll be at the chunin exams" i tell him, he nods. i quickly teleport to my bedroom so sasuke doesn't see me, i walk over to the bathroom and look in the mirror. my hair was longer/shorter and brighter/darker than my adult self's, my eyes were more excited and full with color. i nod deciding that i didn't need to do anything else, i walk out of the bathroom 'hm, kakashi is probably going to question if i am really me, i should bring something to show him that i am' i say as i walk over to the drawers, i open the top one and pick up the special kunai our sensei gave us, i unwrap the cloth around it and put it in my kunai pouch 'perfect' i thought, i then go through the window and make my way to the meeting place team 7 should be. once i make it there i see kakashi " i'm surprised to see someone earlier than me here, especially you kaka-baka" i say as i walk up to him " (Y/N)?" he questions, i pull out the kunai and show him "the one and only" i then put it away "would you like to explain?" he asks, i sigh "well since i am an ANBU, we have to watch over the kids. i just so happen to have to blend in with them to watch over them" i explain, kakashi nods understanding "well just saying, you look super cute!~" kakashi is now fangirling "omg you're just like pops!" i whine, he chuckles. soon enough the team arrives "uh, sensei, who is she?" sakura and naruto ask "this is...kitty, she is from the snow village, yukigakure" he says 'nice name you gave me baka' i thought, i pull out my leaf headband and put a substitution jutsu to make it look like the snow village mark "that is quiet far away, why would you come all the way here for a chunin exam in the leaf?" sasuke asks "well i was visiting the sand village and i just so happen to have heard about such exam" i explain, sasuke nods buying my story. "alright team, so (Y/N) is out on a mission and the exams are in 5 minutes, so start heading over to the academy now" kakashi tells them, they nod and we all go over to the academy. as we are about to walk inside we hear a scream that sounds like a girls 'konohamaru' i thought as a bead of sweat goes down my forehead, i could see naruto thought the same thing. we all then run to where we heard the little boy's scream, we stopped once we see sand ninja bullying him "hey stop! what do you think you're doing!?" naruto yells "this brat is being annoying!" the puppet sand ninja says "well that doesn't mean you need to bully him, how about you just use your words and tell him to go away?" i suggest "shut it princess!" the ninja says "now now, that isn't the way to treat a allied village ninja, kankuro" i boy with red hair and sea green eyes says as he jumps out of a tree he was hiding in "y-yes Gaara" the boy who i'm guessing is Kankuro says pouting. after that whole ordeal i couldn't help but notice gaara staring at me as i walk towards the academy, i sigh and stop in my tracks, i turn around and walk towards gaara with a serious expression. his eyes widen knowing that i noticed him "so gaara of the sand, what's the big deal? why do you keep staring?" i ask him "well i don't recall having a snow ninja anywhere near both villages, if there where, both villages would be contacted of this" he says, i pout realizing that he's not as dumb as naruto "well if you really want to know.." i say and lift up my sleeve to show the leaf ANBU tattoo "Kitsune savior of life?" he questions, i nod and smile "the one and only!~" i say sticking my tongue out on a goofy way "i turned myself into a kid for the day so i can watch over all of you guys" i explain, he nods "sounds reasonable" we both then make our way to the academy to start the exams.

-time skip!!-

The quiz was WAY to easy , it just ask questions that you learned about in academy and basic chakras. Right now we are standing in front of 'the forest of death' (it's like the forbidden forest in harry potter) i basically ignored Anko's explanation of the forest because all i had to do was walk in and observe, first we took a 10 minute break because Konohamaru needed to do an interview for the class paper, sasuke already knew it was me so we just talked for those 10 minutes. once time was up we all made our way into the forest, i quickly jump into a tree and jump around so i can watch over everyone and make sure it doesn't get too dangerous. as i jump from branch to branch i hear giggling? i stop "tobi-senpai?" i ask taking out the special kunai "hehe, you guessed right (Y/N)-chan~" he says appearing out of the dark shade from the tree "what is it you want now?" i ask, i didn't sound angry because i didn't want him to get hostile and attack me "well it's not really what i want, but the boss told me to get you for him" just then i suddenly get knocked out from the back of my head "god dammit.." i mumble out before i fully pass out.

third person p.o.v*

 "tsk tsk, please don't blame me for this (Y/N)-chan, i will try my best to get you out of danger, but i must not decline what my boss says" toby says gently picking up your small child body, he looks to see the Kunai in your hand 'maybe kakashi can save her if i leave this here for him to find' he thought as he takes it out of your hand and sets it on the ground, he makes sure to fill it with chakra so it's easily traceable. he then teleports away with you in his arms...

(tobi is one of my favorites, well not when he Evil, but when he's kawaii 😋 )

(so i might publish on the same day today or i will publish the next chapter tomorrow, depends on how i feel )

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