Reader's past part.3

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(2 chapters in one day, whoo!)

I jolt out of bed once i herd my alarm clock go off, i quickly run into the bathroom and take a shower,i dry my hair and put it in H/S (hair style) i then look at my closet, thinking about what to wear. i wanted to look good but also to prove to my sensei that i am responsible

i put on the outfit and walk into the kitchen, i make myself some eggs and rice for breakfast

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i put on the outfit and walk into the kitchen, i make myself some eggs and rice for breakfast. i waited patiently for kakashi to knock on the door, it seemed like forever until *knock knock* i stand up from the couch and run over to the door, i open it "jeez Kashi, com'on where gonna be late!" i tell him and grab onto his hand, i start running down the street dragging kakashi with me.

Kakashi blushed a bright red as he looked at out hands, every time we'd hold hands he would blush, anytime we'd hug, heck even a high five he'd blush. he loved every moment we were together, even if we're not talking but just in the same room, he loved it.

we ran into the academy where we are supposed to meet our sensei, we ran to the classroom and opened the door "so-sorry where l-late" i huffed out, exhausted. me and kakashi where breathing heavily from all the running. the sensei looked to us, he looked to our intertwined hands before looking at our faces "it's perfectly fine, please just sit down with the rest of your team" he says smiling kindly. we nod and look to Rin and Obito, RIn gave me a death glare while Obito was trying his best to have Rin not look at kakashi and fangirl. me and kakashi sat at the desk behind Rin and Obito "alright, i'm Minato Namikaze, you may call me minato sensei" he says happily, he reminds me of the father figure type. "now one by one tell me your name, likes,dislikes, and goals" he tells us, he points to Rin "i'm Rin Nohara, my likes are practicing my healing chakra, and well..." she looks towards Kakashi and then back to sensei "my dislikes are annoying people" she says 'ouch, i can tell that was towards me' i thought "and my goal is to become a strong ninja" she tells him, Minato sensei nods and looks to Obito "i'm Obito Uchiha, my likes are kick-the-can and training, my dislikes are people who get in the way of things. and my goal is to unlock my Sharingan" he says, sensei then looks to kakashi "kakashi hatake, likes hm, i have many, dislikes well..i dislike a lot of things, and goals? didn't think about it" he says, a bead of sweat goes down our foreheads 'just like kakashi' i thought, minato then looked to me "(Y/N) (L/N), i like training and hanging out with kakashi, my dislikes are people who try to mess with my friends, and my goal is to surpass the level of strength my parents had when they were ninjas" i say, he smiles softly "alright team! now that i know you all more, how about we start our training. i'll teach you all how to walk upside down on tree and to walk on water!" he says, today i knew..this team was going to be amazing.

/time skip the day we all know is sad/

today is the day me and Kakashi become jounin, we were both walking hand in hand towards the konoha gate "so, how do you think this mission will go?" i ask Kakashi, he shrugs his shoulders "i dunno, but i know you'll be great" he says doing his closed eye smile, i smile back "nah, i think you'll be better" i say, he chuckles "if you say so" once we get there i could see Minato Sensei holding two objects wrapped in cloth while RIn had two boxes of some sort, and then Obito had nothing 'guessed it' i thought, it seemed as though kakashi guessed the same thing. we walk up to them "alright, before we start this mission and (Y/N) as well as kakashi become our team leaders, we must give them their presents" sensei tells us, he hands us the cloth, we unwrap them to see 3 pointed kunai "over time you'll learn how to use them" he says, Rin then hands up first aid kits "incase i'm not able to heal you" she says smiling softly to the both of us. over time Rin learned that me and kakashi are just friends, so she calmed down and we became close. we then look to Obito "i-i'll give you your present after the mission"he says making up an excuse. we shrug our shoulders and begin to lead the way out of the village and towards where the mission is. once it became nightfall we all brought out our sleeping bags, but during the night i couldn't help but hear the conversation between Obito and Minato Sensei, i didn't hear it all though, sleep quickly came over me.

what.the.hell. is happening!?

i just watched my friend get kidnapped, and then kakashi and obito started arguing whether to go save her or to continue with the mission, then they just parted ways. and i don't even know where Minato sensei is!? now i am just standing here on a tree branch, i was going to follow kakashi because he's my friend but i also wanted to go with obito because rin is my friend and i want to save her, but none of us are that strong to take on multiple skilled ninja, and now it's been to long of me walking in circles that i don't even know which way who went. i take a deep breath and sigh, i then make my way to where i think Rin was taken.

it took awhile but after fighting a few ninja, i finally found the cave...but it caved in, i could hear sobbing from inside. my body trembled as i quickly went to the top of the mountain and peered inside, my eyes widened at the sight i was seeing. Rin was sobbing on the floor and kakashi was crying as well, and the reason why is what i am looking at right now...half of obito's body was crushed by the caves ceiling. i quickly jumped down and kneeled beside him "w-we have to get him out!" i say in a panic " it's f-fine (Y/N), you won't be able to save me anyways, my body is already crushed between this rubble" he says, tears came falling down my cheeks. obito looked to Rin "Rin, i want you to take my sharingan and give it to kakashi. i then i want you to transfer my chakra to (Y/N) so she may have my fire jutsu" he says, Rin nods and begins the process. after it was done Obito passed away, the ground then began to shake "we need to leave now!" kakashi says, we nod and get out from the cave, it collapses, hiding obito's body forever into the ground. we looked to see we were surrounded by ninja, just as we were about to get attacked, our sensei killed them off, he stops in front of us "where's Obito?" he asks, we all look sadly to the ground. he sighs "i see.." we ended up canceling the mission and headed back to the village...

/time skip 2 years, age 14/

Rin Ended up being killed by kakashi's hands, it wasn't murder, it was freedom for her. she was forced to become a jinjuriki, the 3rd one to be exact. she was forced to kill kakashi and to take down the village, but kakashi got to her first before anything bad could have happened.once Minato Sensei and his wife died, kakashi agreed to become an anbu member. causing me and him to slowly separate because of his missions, i became a official jounin and do missions whenever they are given to me. i have became the babysitter for Little Naruto whenever i have freetime and the hokage is busy, i taught him how to speak and how to walk. i could feel the spirits of Minato sensei and his wife with me at all times, watching their son grow year by year..

(omg i know a lot of time skips, but i don't want to make a 4th one because some people might get annoyed about that the past is going on forever)

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