Kakashi x Reader ch.13

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(okay yes i get it, i skipped a chapter number, but let's just count the author note as one so i don't have to go change every single chapter title starting at 9                                                                Also i am sick at the moment, so sorry to my IRL friends and you guys who wonder where i am and what's happening. anyways, enjoy)

(Y/N)'s p.o.v*

i groan slightly to only have no sound come out of my mouth besides the air exiting my body, i quickly open my eyes and jolt up from where i was lying, i hold my hands to my head from the sudden shock of pain going threw my head 'shouldn't have gotten up so fast' i thought as i slowly open my eyes trying to adjust to my surroundings, it was bright so i had to blink a few times as my brows furrowed from the sun shining through. i look around the area i was in, it was a room with white walls and only a few windows but it was enough to light up the whole room, i look to my right to see a line of 2 others beds with freshly white sheets and fluffy light green pillows laying on top, ready for someone to lay down on, there where 2 lime colored chairs on each sides of the beds for visitors to say hi to the poor people. i look to my left to see medical supplies such as medicine and special machines to heal people, i was alone inside this room, it was nice and quiet. I then look at myself, my body covered in bandages from the cuts,burns, and gashes. My arm wasn't in a cast so that tells me i've been in here for quite a while for this to heal, same goes for my ankle, i open my mouth in attempt to call for a nurse to tell her i'm awake, but nothing comes out 'i guess i still have to wait for my voice to come back' i thought as i pull the covers off my body, i hang my legs on the edge of the bed 'please don't fall please don't fall' i hoped as i gently landed one foot after another on the cold marble flooring, it sent shivers down my spine 'why not carpet!?' i yelled mentally as i gripped onto the bed for support, after a minute or so i gather my strength back enough to at least walk, i let go of the bed as i put one foot in front of the other and repeating, slowly getting the hang of walking again. i carefully take out the needles in my arm and walk to the door, i slide it open and stick my head out to see if anyone is there in the hallway, nope. i slide the door closed and walk back to the bed, i look to the lime chair and see my fluffy clothes, i look out the window and see everything is covered in snow just like last time. i walk over to the bathroom which was on the other side of the room and change into them. i then walk out into the hall, as i walked further and further away from my room I could hear a conversation not to far away from where i am. they're not voices i recognise so i'm guessing they're nurses, i walk closer to them until i see them fully. one of them spots me "oh! ms.(L/N) you shouldn't be out of bed!" the woman says sprinting towards me with her clipboard in hand, i shrug my shoulders as i put my hand out, she looks at me confused "huh? oh! here" she says handing me a notebook and pencil, i nod in thanks and write 'i am fine, i just need to get my voice back and get used to walking again' i write down and show her, she reads and nods "alright, well how about we walk over to the front desk? there are 2 people waiting for you" she says kindly, i nod slightly confused on who it is. she leads me to the main area, i look around and see kakashi and sasuke sleeping in some chairs, i chuckle a little as i walk towards them. i kneel down and poke them on the forehead, they both twitch a little and slowly get up. sasuke yawns and opens his eyes, he looks at me surprised and blinks a few more times to make sure he's not dreaming, i wave sweetly to him. he jumps out of the chair and hugs me, kakashi then opens his eye and smiles gently at me seeing that i'm all better again "still can't speak?" he asks, i nod but show him that i have a notebook to write in, he nods understanding as sasuke hugs me tightly "o-once i heard you were injured and in the hospital, i didn't know how to react, i-i was scared" he says as tears slowly fall from his face, i kneel down to his level and wipe his tears away with my thumbs, smiling softly at him, i grab his hand and put it on my cheek to show him i am real, he smiles weakly and hugs me one more time. i pick him up carefully and look to kakashi, he stands up and walks towards me, he pulls down his mask and gives me a gentle loving kiss. i was so happy i was smiling like an idiot afterwards which kakashi chuckles at, i walk over to the desk and sign a few papers so i could leave the hospital, having sasuke in one arm while the pen in my other hand. after signing the papers the three of us walk out of the building, we all decided to go to ichiraku's ramen to eat something. as we walked to the ramen shop i closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of our feet crunching against the fresh layer of snow as i held my hand with kakashi's and sasuke's hand in my other, i felt like a family....no...we felt like a family together as one. we walk into the ramen shop and sit down on the stools, kakashi ordered for all three of us which i appreciate a lot. during our time eating sasuke would ask questions about what happened, i would answer by writing it down. one thing that surprised him was when i mentioned Itachi and how he cares for him a lot more than sasuke knows, i could see the relaxation and happiness in his eyes once i told him that. kakashi just silently watched the scene in front of him, happy that i'm okay and that we're both in love with each other, it was like his own 'happy ever after' as he would put it.

*time skip*

we walked through the streets of konoha, we bought a few things throughout the day, sasuke got new kunai and outfits for the winter, kakashi got himself a new scarf and another copy of icha icha paradise while i bought some food that only sells in the winter that came from the village hidden in the snow that i hope i can cook sometime.

sasuke held onto my hand, i could feel him slowly nodding off and jolting back awake over and over again. i smile gently and sigh as i kneels down for him to ride on my back, he gets on and i stand back up, he falls asleep instantly as kakashi chuckles quietly. we stop in front of my door "see you in the morning?" kakashi asks, i nod and smile. he leans in and gives me a peck on the lips, he then uses shunshin no jutsu to his house. i unlock my door and walk in, i close the door behind me as i set down the bags full of stuff from the stores by the door. i carry sasuke to his room and set him down on the bed, i cover him with the blankets and kiss his forehead 'goodnight' i thought as i quietly left the room, i went to my own and changed into my pj's. i lay down in bed "yip~" i hear nova as she jumps up onto the bed and snuggles against me, i smile and pet her soft arctic fur, slowly falling alseep

(hey sorry it's short, it's the middle of the night and i need to sleep so i can get better. but hopefully this concludes as a filler for my time gone)

{oh and tell me if you would like (Y/N)'s past!}

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