Chapter 5

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{Claude's p.o.v.}

I opened the door for Ms. Spears and she was taken back by the size of the room. So was I, come to think of it. I noticed that she was sitting on the loveseat like the proper princess she is. "I'll be back later, milady, its time to make tonight's dinner" I said as she nodded.

{Melody's p.o.v.}

Claude left and I decided that would be the perfect time to get a shower. Just as I was about to head to the washroom, Hannah knocked on the door and I quickly put a silk robe on and answered the door. "Yes, Hannah?" I asked. She told me that there was a man and a freaky looking man and I felt my heart skip a beat. "What does the non-freaky one look like?" I asked her.

She told me that he has a serious look on his face and he has a Death Scythe and glasses. My eyes lit up when she told me what the man looks like. "I'm sorry but I don't understand the look on your face, princess" Hannah said. I told her that the man is my dad and the other one is my favorite cousin, the Undertaker. "Should I let them in, Your Majesty?" she asked.

I told her to call me Melody and to let them in. She nods and let my Dad and cousin in. I took a quick shower and got dressed in a silky red dress and braided my wet hair. Just as I putting on my shoes, there was another knock at the door. I opened the door and hugged them both.

"Dad, I was scared that mom killed you and Takanada......wait how is he? Is he dead?" I asked, tears streaming down my face. Undertaker shook his head and I sighed softly in relief. "Thank God he's still alive" I said wiping my eyes.

We all sat down and talked like friends who have not seen each other in a long time. Just as I was about to say something, there was another knock on my door and I opened the door and the triplets were standing there with another guy who looks like my big brother and he was making faces behind the triplets and I was snickering to that. The guy was my big brother.

They stepped back and I hugged my brother and cried in his chest as he stroked my head, calming me down. "Melz, I be right sorry for not bein' right behind you when I told 'ee to run" Taka said.  "Its not your fault, big brother, its mom's" I said.

He nods in agreement. I dragged him to the couch and he sat down next to Dad and I sat down next to my favorite cousin, the Undertaker and gingerly held his arm. We all continued to talk until Dad got the same look he did at the circus. "Dad, you have the same look again" I said. He told me that he senses a demon in the vicinity.

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