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A/N- just thought that this would be a really cute concept, but my writing isn't completely on point in this story since I finished it in two days...heh...it's only going to be ten chapters and I'm kind of in love with it. however, it's very, very cheesy so...you were warned


"an Original twist on beauty and the beast"

"Once upon a time, centuries ago, there was a family—the Mikaelsons. They lived in a small village filled with lots of townsfolk. However, not many people liked them because the siblings were all wretched people who didn't know what kindness was. Esther and Mikael, their parents, were so disgusted by how their children were acting that they made a drastic decision, which would change their family forever. They cursed their children into beasts-"

"Josh, this is the stupidest story I've ever heard," Davina laughs, interrupting him. "Beasts?"

"Vampires," he smirks. "They cursed their children into immortal vampires, only ravenous for blood. The only way to break the spell was finding true love. Or, there was an alternative. Esther forged the white oak stake that would kill any of them if they couldn't be saved from the darkness."

"That's so cheesy and cliche," she remarks with a raised eyebrow. "I think you've been told one too many fairy-tales."

"Well, this is a real legend, Davina. But that's not all. Over the centuries, most of the siblings did end up falling in love. Finn, the oldest, was the first. He found a woman named Sage and they had a nice, little family. His curse was broken and the rest of his life was normal. It took a while but eventually, Rebekah found love as well. She was one of the siblings that immediately felt remorse for her actions. Rebekah had always longed for a family and true love, which she got with Marcel. Now, Rebekah and Finn had found their loves centuries ago, so they would both be dead now. However, Niklaus and Elijah have fallen in love not too long ago. Camille and Hayley are their names. They all travel around the world as normal, nice humans."

"Wow," Davina exclaims sarcastically. "Great story, Josh. Look, I've got to go to class. You telling these stories makes me feel like I'm in elementary school instead of college."

"Wait, I'm not done. There's one more sibling, but he's got no interest in finding true love or breaking the curse. The legends say he's the wildest, and, quite frankly, the most dangerous and vindictive out of all his siblings when they were all vampires. Kol Mikaelson."

"Ooh," Davina chuckles, waving her hands dramatically. "I'm so scared. Josh, we're going to be late."

"Aw, come on, didn't you like my story?"

"It was a very nice tale, but it's not real, despite what you think," she tells him.

"And what makes you think that? You're a freaking witch, Davina," Josh reminds her, whispering the last part. "What makes you so sure that vampires aren't real, too?"

"I've never seen one before," she shrugs. "Yes, throughout my life, I've heard the legends as well, but they've never been proven true. And if this Kol Mikaelson is a real person, then he would be the last supposed vampire, anyways. His siblings all found love."

"But, Davina-"

"Come on, let's go, Josh." Without another word, Davina walks out of their dorm room and heads to class.


"Our best friend is such a skeptic," Josh tells Aiden, his boyfriend, with a sigh. Aiden just chuckles and shakes his head.

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