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music this time^//one chapter left after this
About a week had passed since the incident. Davina painfully opened her eyes and saw that she was somewhere she didn't recognize. In fact, she didn't know where she was or what happened. All she knew was that there was a searing pain on her head, and when she touched it, her fingers felt the blood. There were no breaks to catch for her. The last thing Davina remembered was that she was walking outside, and then nothing. There was no memory from there.

She groans and swings her legs off the bed of whoever's room she was in. Davina cautiously treads out the door and down the stairs, which, unfortunately for her, creak. Voices could be heard but they suddenly stopped when they heard her.

"She's up," one voice said.

"You said that she wouldn't be awake for hours. I thought you hit her hard enough," another exclaims.

"I thought I did," a familiar voice states. Freya.

Davina frowns and makes her way down the rest of the stairs. She saw three figures sitting a table—two males and Freya. Davina narrows her eyes at them, as the guys looked vaguely familiar.

"So, you thought it was okay to knock me unconscious, huh? The hell, Freya," Davina angrily questions.

"I'm sorry, Davina. We needed to get you away from Kol as inconspicuous as possible," she explains, looking distressed.

"And why is that?"

"He's dangerous," one man answers simply. "There's no saving him, despite what you might think. It pains me just as much as it does you."

"I don't even know who you are," she yells, irritated.

"Forgive me. I'm Elijah, and this is my brother, Niklaus," the brown-haired man says.

"Guess I should've known," Davina deadpans. "You do look related to Kol. What do you want with me?"

"We needed to get you away from him so that he wouldn't be able hurt you," Freya tells her.

"He hasn't been hurting me. Freya, you were the one who literally pushed me to get to know him better."

"I know, but that was before I went to visit him. I didn't realize how far he'd fallen from his family."

"And whose fault is that? You told me that it was his siblings who practically butted him out of always and forever," Davina states.

"This is ridiculous," Klaus sighs. "She's asking too many questions. Why don't we just tie her up and lock her in a bedroom so she can't run away?"

"Because, Klaus, we're not barbaric, anymore," Elijah reminds him. "Davina, listen to us. Our parents, Esther and Mikael, they turned us into those creatures to teach us a lesson. Out of all my siblings, Kol seems to be the only one who hasn't learned it. Freya informed us the other day that Esther had set a time limit. After ten centuries, any sibling left a vampire needs to be terminated immediately."

"What? You would actually kill your brother?!"

"It seems you do care for him," Freya says sadly. "I'm afraid it's too late." She then pulls out the white oak stake, making Davina widen her eyes.

"You can't do that," she protests.

"You'd be free, Davina. You could go back to college and your friends."

"Did you seriously kidnap me so I couldn't interfere?"

"That's correct. We don't want any collateral damage. I had hoped that I could convince you to love him so that his curse would break and it wouldn't come to this. Unfortunately, it did not turn out that way."

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