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Davina's speed-walking through campus the next day, as she had accidentally slept in too long. Aiden and Josh had already left for class, which annoyed her, considering they didn't even try to wake her up.

She's holding a pencil with her teeth while rifling through her bag, trying to find her Occult notebook. Davina was usually organized and on time, but she was having a particularly off day.

All of a sudden, once Davina opens her eyes after blinking, she finds herself shoved against a brick wall. A hand was squeezing against her throat, constricting her airway.

"Ah, hello, love. Seems as though I found you after you so rudely ditched me last night," Kol smirks, holding her against the wall with one hand. "I assume you've learned that Kaleb isn't my true name. Shame, though. I kind of liked you and your spunk."

"Are you really going to kill me on school property where there are cameras," Davina coughs after spitting the pencil out of her mouth.

"Well, if anyone comes after me, then I'll just massacre them all," he shrugs. "By the way, in your rush to escape me, you left something behind." Kol holds up her phone, which was now cracked. "Hope it doesn't come by as impolite that I read all of your texts. Funny, you seemed to think that I didn't exist?"

"Unfortunately, you feel very, very real," Davina grinds out. She thrusts her hand out and casts a pain-infliction spell on him, causing Kol to drop her on the ground.

"Aha," Kol laughs maniacally, even though he was holding his head in pain. "I see my suspicions were correct about you. You're a witch."

"And you're an actual vampire," Davina retorts in a pissed-off tone. "Are we going to continue stating the obvious? I'm already late to class."

"Oh, so your bloody Occult class is more important than fretting about your soon-to-be death experience? Noted," he chuckles before speeding into the building. Davina frowns and rushes in after him, already feeling a sense of dread. When she enters her Occult classroom, Davina's eyes widen. Kol was currently keeping her professor in a chokehold while tapping his head with a long, wooden ruler. "Take heed of this, Davina. In fact, everyone, pay attention as I behead your precious professor." Kol suddenly takes his hand and smacks the head right off their professor's body. Screaming ensued and everyone started rushing towards the doors.

Bad thing was, Kol began snapping the necks of each student that tried to reach the exit. He shoots a bored look to those who were huddled in the back of the room.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! You just killed a dozen people," Davina exclaims as tears threaten to fall.

"In case it wasn't obvious by now, darling, I will kill anyone in order to prove a point," Kol states.

"Yeah?! Well, I think you proved it! You can leave now!"

"Oh, nonsense. I'm not done with you yet, Davina Claire. Let's see." Kol unlocks her cracked phone and begins reading her contacts. "Who should I pay a visit? Your best friend, Joshua? Maybe his boyfriend, Aiden? Mm, what about this Elena?"

"Stop this, brother." Davina turns her head and sees that Freya made herself visible to Kol. He glances over at her and smiles devilishly.

"Hello, sister. Come to join the party?"

"Kol, you need to leave," Freya tells him sternly.

"I certainly hope you're not trying to stop me from having fun, because we both know the consequences of that," Kol says, slowly stepping towards her.

Freya suddenly thrusts out her hand, which causes Kol's own neck to snap. He falls to the ground, unconscious, while the rest of the class, including Davina, gapes.

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