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Davina and Kol had finished up dinner, and it went pretty well, considering the circumstances.

"Thank god, I finally got a good meal," Davina remarks. "I was getting tired of eating hams."

"Well, I guess I'll have to go to the store, then," Kol replies with a raised eyebrow.

"Make sure to pick up some fruit while you're there," she requests. "Raspberries, especially." He rolls his eyes and the two of them begin to make their way to the exit. Davina's almost at the door when she hears struggling from behind her. She turns around and sees that Kol was on the ground with a stake in his back. "What the hell?"

"We're getting out of here, D," Josh tells her, though she can tell he's in pain. Davina glances at his arm and her eyes widen.

"You idiot, he broke your arm! He's not dead, you guys," she exclaims. "And the whole diner just witnessed you stake somebody."

"Who cares," Josh grunts and pulls her to the exit. Aiden trails after them, but he looks extremely concerned for Josh. His arm injury looked pretty severe.

"No, stop," Davina states and takes her arm back. "I want to come with you guys, you know that. But I can't."

"And why the hell not? This guy stole your life from you," Aiden reminds her in frustration.

"He's not as bad as he wants you to think," Davina sighs.

"The dude just broke my arm," Josh grinds out.

"Look, if I leave with you guys, then he's just going to hunt us down," she sighs. "And quite possibly kill us all. If I stay with him, that means you two are safe, and that's all that matters."


"Don't argue with me on this. Here." Davina takes a knife from her plate and slices Kol's wrist. "You need to drink this, Josh. It'll heal you."

"No way in hell am I drinking his blood," he denies.

"Come on, please."

"Josh, just do it," Aiden sighs, running a hand down his face.

"...fine." Josh takes Kol's wrist and grimaces before sucking a bit of blood out of it. Once he's done, he wipes his mouth in disgust. "That tasted awful. My arm feels better but now there's a metallic taste in my mouth."

"Complain on the way home," Davina tells him. "You guys need to go before he wakes up."



Aiden gives Davina one more look before reluctantly pulling Josh out the door with him. She sighs in relief once they leave the parking lot and glances back at Kol's body. It looked desiccated, so Davina kneels next to it and slowly removes the stake from him.

After a few moments, Kol's body returns to its normal color and he eventually lets out a groan before sitting up. Once he gathers his bearings, he immediately stands to his feet. "Oh, those loons are dead."

"Wait," Davina exclaims and stands up as well. She follows him out to the parking lot and quickly grabs his hand to stop him. "Stop, please."

"They killed me, Davina," he states. "Did you really think I'd just let them live?"

"Honestly, I didn't think you would, but I'm going to try to convince you not to go after them. They're my best friends, and they miss me. You can't blame them for trying to get me back," Davina says, giving him a significant look. "Plus, they're all the family I have. I can't lose them."

Kol stares at her for a minute before relenting. "Alright, fine. They're lucky you care about them so much, darling. Otherwise, I'd snap their necks without a second thought."

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