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"Wow, a cute cabin in a secluded location," Davina deadpans once they arrive. "How completely unexpected. Did you bring me here to kill me in private?"

"Actually, love, I didn't bring you here to kill you," Kol says as he gets out of the car.

"Okay, stop with the endearing pet names since we actually hate each other," she states while trailing after him. "And if you didn't bring me here to kill me, then why?"

"You'll see when it's time." And that's all she gets. Davina rolls her eyes and enters the cabin, which was surprisingly decorated very nice.

"If I didn't dislike you so much, I'd compliment your taste in furniture," she grumbles. "Are you going to force me into the fireplace or something?"

"There are two bedrooms here. You'll get the empty one," he informs her.

"So no dungeon? You continue to shock me, Kol Mikaelson."

"Well, I'm not a barbarian," he shrugs, making Davina snort.

"I beg to differ. Are you going to slowly starve me?"

"Nope." Kol then tosses her a pear, which Davina looks at in disgust.

"I hate pears. You couldn't have settled for a peach?" When she sees the look on Kol's face, Davina rolls her eyes once again. "I'll shut up and go to my room, I guess. If you don't hear from me in an hour, I've probably suffocated myself." She then stalks away.


Davina didn't know how long she was lying on the bed while staring at the ceiling. She was just lost in her sea of thoughts. Just a few days ago, she completely dissed the idea that vampires existed. Why was she, out of so many other people in the world, the one who got stuck with one? It seemed like torture and Davina didn't know if it would ever end.

She couldn't stop thinking about Josh and Aiden. What were they doing at that moment? Possibly trying to figure a way to break her out? Davina secretly hoped, but she was the one who said not to come for her.

The door to her room suddenly opens and Kol strolls in. "It's time."

Davina stares at him with a skeptic expression. "To what? Chop me up into little pieces and feed me to some pigs?"

"You watch too much TV. No, it's dinner time." He then smiles, revealing his sharp fangs, which made Davina's eyes go wide.

"What? No, that sounds like an awful idea. Besides, I mean, I've tasted my own blood before and it's awful," she stammers.

"No, darling, I'm sure you're absolutely divine." Without warning, Kol speeds over to her and sinks his fangs into her neck, making Davina squeak in pain.

"Ouch, ouch," Davina exclaims. The pain was so bad that her eyes began to water. "I think you're doing it too hard."

"Love, if you make me laugh even the slightest," Kol murmurs. "It'll hurt so much more." He continues to feed on Davina while keeping his hands on her shoulders. Once he's finished, Kol lifts his head and retracts his fangs. Davina notices his eyes, which were red before, go back to their usual brown. "I'm surprised you didn't faint. Most girls do."

"Yeah, well, I'm not going to fall for you," Davina retorts, feeling a bit lightheaded. He chuckles and places a bandage on her neck before walking out of the room. She stares after him, dumbfounded, before crawling back onto the bed. It was going to be a long week and an even longer life.


"Are you going to come out to eat something?"

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