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"Davina, could you come here for a moment? I need to give you something," she hears Kol yell from the living room.

Davina smiles to herself, as she and him had been getting closer in the past week. Her viewpoint on him had changed drastically since the first she was brought here. Now, she could actually call Kol a very good friend, just as Freya wanted. Davina makes her way to the living room and raises an eyebrow at him.

"What is it?"

"Probably something you've been needing ever since I broke your other one," he tells her and hands Davina something, which makes her eyes light up.

"You got me a new phone? Thank you," she smiles.

"Yeah, and I added all of your contacts from your old phone. Uh, well, except for that Elena Gilbert, who you kept, for some reason," Kol shrugs.

"Oh, yeah. I don't know why I kept her in my contacts," Davina sighs. "Maybe I was hoping she would apologize or something. Heh, I shouldn't have expected anything but the utmost betrayal from her."

Kol gives her an empathetic look and squeezes her shoulder in a comforting manner. "Let me know if you ever want me to kill her for you."

Davina lets out a laugh and tilts her head. "Ah, now I know you'll always have my back."

"You know me, Davina Claire," he replies with a smirk before walking away.


Davina was lazily sprawled out on the couch while flipping through her grimoire. She wasn't looking for anything particular, but really just felt bored. Suddenly, the doorbell rings, causing her to sigh. Davina gets off the couch, as Kol had gone out to run an errand.

"Who is-" Davina stops talking mid-sentence when she sees who was at the door and shoots the person a harsh glare. "How the hell did you find me?"

"Well, when you get a bill in mail that says the car your daughter stole has been towed, it gives a pretty good idea of the where," the woman says with a devious smirk. "Hello, my dear, Davina. I think it's about time you come home, don't you think?"

"I can't believe you have the audacity to show your face anywhere near me," she exclaims, her emotions being a mixture of fury and dejection.

"I am your mother, Davina. You will not speak to me in that manner," Edith Claire snaps at her daughter. She then pushes her way past Davina and strolls into the cabin. "From what I remember, you fled from New Orleans with those friends of yours, Josh and Aiden, while I was away on a trip? Is this where you're currently holed up? And here I thought you would at least take the initiative to enroll yourself into college."

"Please, Mother," Davina scoffs and backs away from her. "You never gave a shit on whether I'd go to college or not. All you worried about was if I stopped practicing magic. When you weren't yelling at me, you were ignoring me—which lasted, what, a whole nine years?"

"I fed you, gave you a home, and loved you, ungrateful child," Edith yells, raising her voice.

"You don't even know what love is! And thanks to you, neither do I," Davina states angrily. "Josh and Aiden saved me from you, and they're the only ones I consider family. You're nothing to me." A hand suddenly comes down and whips her across the face, leaving a red print on Davina's face.

"You're lucky to even be alive right now! I wanted to terminate you," her mother screams. "But, no, your father begged me to carry you to term, and then he left me to do all the dirty work—raising you. Then, you, as selfish as you are, ran off without so much as a goodbye! So, we are going to make up for lost time. You're coming with me, and you'll be punished for all you've done." Edith grabs Davina's arm tightly.

"In case you haven't noticed, Mother, I'm over eighteen," she hisses and violently rips Edith's hand away. "You don't own me, you don't control me, you have no right to even touch me!"

"You are my blood, my legacy! You are a Claire, so you will act like one, and you will stop this bitchy attitude immediately, or so help me-"

"What the bloody hell is going on in here?" Davina and Edith both turn their heads to see Kol at the doorway.

"Now, who's this? Have you gone and found yourself someone else to mooch off of?! The lies just keep piling up," Edith barks.

"You are so antagonizing, it's pissing me off," Davina remarks with narrowed eyes. "First, you have the nerve to come here and call yourself my mother. Then, you slap me because I pointed out the truth! And now? You're making more assumptions that are so aggravating that I seriously want to kill you!"

"Davina, this woman is your mother...?"

"No, this woman is someone who shares my blood, but she's no way in hell my mother."

Before Edith can say anything, Kol steps in front of her, wearing an expression so emotionless that it's scary. "Do you think you could just come in here and verbally abuse Davina without having to deal with me? Because, if you did," he prompts with an empty chuckle. "Then you're sorely mistaken."

"Who do you think you are, challenging the authority of an adult?"

Kol takes a step closer, keeping the blank look plastered on his face. "You are in my house, Miss Claire. I suggest you know your place."

"I've only come to claim what's mine," she angrily retorts.

"From what I see, nothing here belongs to you. Now, would you like to challenge me on that, or leave here with your life?"

"Are you threatening me?"

"Depends," Kol shrugs before vamping out, causing her eyes to widen. "Do you need to be threatened?"

"Of course, my daughter would be one to live with a demon," Edith mutters, but still backs away, fearing for her life. Suddenly, Kol speeds forward and begins to viciously feed on her until she drops dead.

Davina, having watched the whole ordeal, is at a complete loss of words. Eventually, she just breaks down and collapses into tears. She could feel Kol wrap his arms around her, which only made her cry harder.

"I'm not going to apologize for killing her, love," he murmurs while gently rubbing her back.

"N-no, I don't want you to," she cries. "Thank you. I—I just—oh, my god."

"Shh, she's gone. You're okay, Davina," Kol says, continuing to soothe her. Her body continues to rack with sobs as she clutches the lapels of his jacket.


It's later at night and Davina seems to have recovered a bit from the earlier situation. She was sitting on the couch while wearing one of Kol's larger shirts, as she had run out of clothes. He comes over and hands her a mug of tea, which she takes gratefully.

"Thank you," Davina mumbles.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Numb," she admits. "I don't know. Edith...was an awful person, and I can't say I'm sad that she's dead. In fact, you killing her has got to be one of the nicest things anyone's ever done for me."

Kol smiles halfheartedly and sits next to her. "I'd do it again. On my way back, I heard a few of the choice words she had to say to you. You know that none of it's true, right?"

"I always consider anything that comes out of mouth is complete rubbish," Davina sighs. "But the fact that she almost aborted me was kind of scary. I mean, I might not even exist if it wasn't for my absentee father."

"But you do exist, and everyone in the world is happier because of it, darling. You didn't owe Edith anything, except a death sentence straight to hell."

Davina smiles and rests her head on his shoulder. "You're pretty damn amazing, Kol Mikaelson."

"I could say the same for you, Davina Claire." He turns and places a light kiss on her forehead, leading Davina to reach for his hand. They intertwine them and listen to the soft jazz playing in the background.

how was this chapter? :)

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